Chapter 12

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Chapter 12Colin held her seat. Seeing her earlier that night at her house in that bodycon had done things to him that weren't so easy to elicit. That dress accentuated her curves. He'd be damned if he said she didn't look...attraente tonight. He let his hands linger on the bare skin on her shoulders for just a second before walking over to his seat opposite her. Aria's breathe caught in her throat as his fingers slipped through her skin before he sat down. If she was going crazy at the start of this date, what would be happening to her by the end? "I have to admit. I'm impressed," she spoke. She was referring to his restaurant choice for the date. He had kept it a secret where they'd go and she hadn't been too sure he would know a good place. "Grazie," Colin replied in that deep masculine voice of his topped by that endearing accent of his. The restaurant had a cozy atmosphere. Not too dark. Not too bright. Perfect ambience for couples. Aria shook her head as she thought of that. Couple? Colin and her? No way. "What?" Colin asked as he watched her. "How'd you know about this place?" she asked. "It came highly recommended," he replied. Of course it did. It was a five star restaurant. One of the most expensive in New York. She would know. She had been there just a couple of times with Morgan, for business. "You've been here a lot?" "No," she replied. "Too expensive." Colin raised his brows. Was she serious? He'd looked her up. She was a praised designer and surely, her income was not so little. "Scusi. Prominent as you are, you mean to tell me you can't afford to dine here?" "I didn't say that. I just said the place was too expensive. Too expensive for my liking," she shook her head. "Whatever," she said. "Can we order now?" "Be my guest." He let her. "So..." Colin started to say after they'd been served. Needless to say, they had been served in the most hospitable manner possible and Aria had no doubt it was all thanks to the man sitting across from her. "Why don't you tell me about yourself," he continued. Aria blushed. "Well...what exactly do you want to know?" Despite the delectable dish in front of him, much of Colin's attention was on the woman in front of him. Did she realize just how bewitchingly beautiful she was? Even more alluring was when she blushed or flashed that billion dollar smile she owned. Any man could go crazy over that. "Riaz did mention you were born in New York, si?" "Yeah." "And I know you're a sought-after fashion designer. I mean, I have sought you," he smiled. Aria regretted even looking at him because when he smiled, she blushed. Plus he had those gorgeous globe eyes of his focused on her so much. How could she not blush?! "You look divine when you blush," he breathed. Aria couldn't believe her ears. There it was! A compliment. From high and mighty Colin Romano. Was he serious? "Uhm..." she breathed. "Thank you," she managed to say trying her damnedest to look at him but failing miserably. "Do you always blush this much or is it just me?" "I don't -" she started to say but gave that up. "Don't flatter yourself," she corrected. Nervously, she took a bite of the delicious piece of meat on her plate. "I love that dress on you," Colin breathed. Aria's eyes flattered severally. "What?!" she smiled as she asked. "I said I love that dress on you," Colin repeated. Boy, was he full of compliments this evening. He leaned forward in his seat. His eyes darkening as he looked at her. "Si ha un corpo molto sensuale." It took five seconds to elicit a response from Aria. "What?" Obviously, she hadn't understood a word. He smirked. "Tell me," she said. "In English." He still didn't speak. "Colin," she called as she gazed at him. Still nothing. *** He parked outside her home. "Here we are," he spoke as he turned to face her. He got out of the car and went round to open her door. "How come you didn't get a driver?" Aria stepped out of the car. Colin smiled at her subtle question. "This isn't my first time in New York," he told her. "Really?" she asked. "Quite possibly the last time I was here, I wasn't as affluent as I am now." "When was that?" "Six years ago." He walked her towards the door. And six years ago wasn't the first time he had been in the US. How did she think he got an English first name? They reached the door. "I should thank you for the pleasant night, even though you've refused to tell me what that string of Italian you said meant," Aria said. Colin chuckled. Tell her he would. Just not tonight. "I don't know what crazy plot Callie has going on behind this door so thank you. Really. It was...nice," she said as she placed her hand on the doorknob behind her ready to turn it. Colin stepped closer. Leaving barely a hair's breadth between them. His hand closed over hers on the door handle preventing her from turning it. She inhaled sharply at his closeness. Damn, his scent was intoxicating. She looked up to find him gazing down at her. Their eyes locked. His eyes dark and lust-filled. She found herself licking her lips as his head lowered. In the next second, the shrilling boyish scream that came from inside the house brought them back to the real world. Colin's brows furrowed. His eyes squinted. Aria, immediately, turned the knob and they both rushed inside to whatever sight. Both of them thinking the same thing: Riaz!
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