Chapter 2

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Untimely Visitor                   Elizabeth slumped down onto her sofa completely exhausted after cleaning the attic.  When she had begun her day, she was much more ambitious in theory then she had energy for.  Expecting to be able to clean the whole three-story house in one day proved to be unrealistic.  Especially after staying up most of the night before.  Her umph had run out about mid-day but not wanting to just quit Elizabeth had pushed on.  In hindsight perhaps stopping once she was too worn down would have been the better choice.  Now she had no idea how clean she had gotten the attic rooms and would have to revisit them to do touch up cleaning.  Hopefully, she didn’t make more of a mess for herself then she had started with either.  That was always disheartening when it would happen.  It usually became more of a problem for her if she got distracted by too many side projects at a time.  Since the attic was empty there wasn’t anything to draw her attention away from her task.  However, she couldn’t help feeling like her cleaning in the afternoon was half assed at best.  Sighing with exhaustion Elizabeth turned her head towards the kitchen staring longingly at the room.  She was beyond famished at this point but had no energy to get up and make herself anything to eat.  Glancing at the clock on the wall she wondered where Lauren had been all day.  She could text or call her, but didn’t want the headache of getting an earful from her if Elizabeth accidentally woke her up.                 Just as she was resigned to get up and forage for food someone knocked on her door.  Knowing if it had been one of her friends they would have walked right in after the knock.  Since the door remained closed though it was clear this was someone she didn’t know.  Curiosity peaked, Elizabeth hauled her tired rump off the sofa to investigate.  Opening the main door, she found herself face to face with a middle-aged petite woman whom she had never seen before.  Her green eyes sparkled in merriment as she took Elizabeth in from the other side of screen.                  “May I come in?”  The woman asked in a voice that was melodic and smooth.  Jolting out of her stupor Elizabeth reached to open the screen.  The woman had a tote slung over one shoulder and a dish that was large enough in size she needed both hands to hold it.                 “I’m so sorry.  Come in please.”  Elizabeth held the door for the woman as she walked across the threshold.  A heavenly smell drifted to her nose as the woman passed her causing her stomach to gurgle in complaint.  Elizabeth ducked her head in embarrassment as the older woman chuckled in amusement.                 “He said you tended to forget to eat when you got busy.”  The woman stated making Elizabeth leery as she closed the door.  While she had no idea who the woman was it was clear that the woman had heard of her.                 “Not to sound rude or anything but can I ask who you are?”  The woman gasped at Elizabeth’s question turning a light shade of pink at having forgotten to introduce herself.                 “I cannot believe I just did that.  I’m Ryan’s mother Pamela Harris but you can call me Pam.”  Elizabeth’s eyes widened in horror as she took a quick look at herself while Pam walked into her kitchen to deposit the dish she had been holding.  Elizabeth still had on her mud caked pants, dusty flannel shirt, over a once white t-shirt, and soggy, muddy deck shoes.  Why was it she couldn’t ever look at least decent when she needed to.  Elizabeth thought cringing at the times that Ryan caught her at her worst which was more often than she would have liked.  Now it seemed his mother would be carrying on the tradition.  Hands now free Pam came back into the living room where Elizabeth still stood in front of the door.  Offering her hand Elizabeth nearly took it in greeting before remembering just how filthy she was from head to toe.                 “I would but I don’t want to get this on you.  I’ve been up in the attic cleaning and as you can see it didn’t go quite like I planned.”  Elizabeth offered the excuse so as not to have Ryan’s mother think ill of her.  Pam waved away her concern heading over to the sofa with her tote.                 “It’s alright dear you’re simply fine.  Come, sit, see what I have brought for you.”  Pam beckoned a glint of mischief shining in her beautiful green eyes.  If Elizabeth had to compare them to a color, she would say they reminded her of spring.  The closer she came to Pam the more hues of green she could make out.  Her skin was ivory white much like Elizabeth’s own but less pasty in appearance.  Her white blonde hair the same shade as Ryan’s locks was pulled back into a fishtail braid that trailed down her back.  For an older woman she was stunning, and it made Elizabeth feel like a grungy street urchin in comparison.  Taking the seat next to Pam she waited to see what she would produce from the depths of the rather large canvas tote.  Pamela pulled three volumes of photo albums from inside sitting them on top of the coffee table before turning to meet Elizabeth’s gaze.                 “When Ryan called to tell me about this little project, I was extremely excited.  It honestly sounds like a lot of fun.  I can’t believe my son thought he could just drop this venture in my lap along with the tidbit of who was working on it and think I would just send him a picture.  It’s like he doesn’t know me at all.  I dug out all the pictures of his younger years, baked up a lasagna, and headed right over.  I have been dying to meet you in person, but Ryan wanted me to give you time before, bombarding her with attention, his words not mine.  Are you alright dear?”  Elizabeth had gone into a light daze as Pamela had been rambling on but jerked herself free with one thought.                 “Did you say homemade lasagna?”  Her mouth watered in anticipation as her stomach rumbled out its agreement.                 “Oh my, look at me.  You’re probably starved, aren’t you?  Why don’t you go get cleaned up while I dish us up some supper?  We’ll pour over embarrassing baby pictures and bond.  How does that sound?”  Elizabeth smiled gratefully at Pamela liking the woman already.                 “Like a dream come true.  I’ll be back out soon.”                 “Take your time dear.  I’m not going anywhere.”  Elizabeth paused in the doorway of her room as tears wet her eyes.  She hadn’t realized how much those words sounded like the best treasure in the world until someone said them.  Not just anyone either but a mother.  Nodding her head in response she shuffled off into her room determined to make the best impression she could in as little time as possible.  After all, good food shouldn’t have to wait for anyone.                 Half an hour later and squeaky-clean Elizabeth emerged from her room ready to fill her vastly empty stomach.  She couldn’t believe that she had completely spaced eating lunch earlier.  She had been so wrapped up with trying to get the attic done that stopping to eat had never occurred to her.  If she were being honest part of that probably had to do with the stranger in her house as well.  While she knew Clayton would never bring over anyone he didn’t trust, it still had felt a little awkward to be in the same vicinity as him.  Instead she had staid up in the attic while the two of them had worked in her art studio.  Before they left Clayton had popped his head up inside the attic to let her know they were heading out.  The pieces were drying, and they would be back the next day to pick them up and take them over to Addison’s and Elliot’s house.  She was going to have to take a peek at them later after Pamela left to see how they turned out.  Exiting her room her nose took over as the smell of the food filled the house.  She felt like she was drifting along being summoned along by the spicy aroma.  As she cleared the kitchen doorway, she was just in time to see Pamela dish up a couple of gooey pieces onto plates.                 “Ah there you are.  You’re just in time.  I hope you don’t mind but I popped it into the oven to crisp it up while you were showering.”  Pamela told her as she handed Elizabeth a plate with a heaping portion of the homemade goodness.                 “Not at all.”  She answered absentmindedly as she cut off a bite to taste.  Steam rose from her fork wafting the aroma into her nose while Elizabeth took a lung full of the scent.  Pamela chuckled at her as she covered the dish back up before she retrieved her own piece.  Waving Elizabeth to walk ahead of her the two of them walked to the sofa reclaiming their seats from earlier.  They sat in relative silence as they ate supper together.  Pamela watched in amusement as Elizabeth managed to finish off her piece, which was considerably bigger in size, long before Pamela herself did.  Once they were done Elizabeth gathered up the dishes taking them away as Pamela grabbed the first of the books.  Grabbing a couple of bottles of water from the fridge Elizabeth rejoined her.  She watched as Pamela touched the cover lovingly.  It was clear that she loved her child dearly.  Watching the woman next to her caused Elizabeth to wonder about her own.  It was probably the first time she gave her mother more than a passing thought and that alone made her sad.  It wasn’t that her father never talked about her, but a melancholy would always come over him making her more and more reluctant to ask about her over the years.  Eventually she just stopped asking at all.                 For the rest of the evening the two of them poured over the albums laughing together.  Elizabeth listened with rapt attention as Pamela would regale her with tales of Ryan’s youth.  It sounded like he was more like Mikey then she had known.  Could it be that he was holding himself back in more ways then one?  Or was he just on his best behavior whenever she was around?  Pamela laughed at her as she watched Elizabeth processes this new faucet of Ryan’s personality.                 “Don’t worry dear he’s not quite as bad as his cousin.  Although he can be very charming and flirtatious in his own way.  He watched Mikey for years studying what worked and what didn’t.  Ryan has always been a studious and intense child.  The bad thing about that is that sometimes you feel a little like a bug under his microscope.  Also, there’s no hiding anything from him.  Once he gets to know you, he can read you like a book.  It’s rather annoying if you ask me.  Anyway, he took what he picked up from Mikey and put his own spin on it.  The charm is a family trait you know and if he’s anything like his father then I wish you the best of luck.”  Elizabeth gasped in shock at her words while Pamela laughed riotously at the look on Elizabeth’s face.                 “I’ll have to tell him you said that.”  Elizabeth teased trying to get back at her.                 “Please do.  I can only imagine his face when he hears that.”  This time the both of them fell back onto the sofa in fits of laughter.  They spent another hour together as Pamela gave her advice on which photos she thought would work best for the project.  Elizabeth was surprised as she opened the film covering the precious pictures to retrieve the ones to be used.  Elizabeth would have been fine with snapping pics of them with her phone, but Pamela had insisted.  Just as she had been adamant that Elizabeth keep the lasagna until she had finished it all.  She said it was her way of ensuring a least one more visit with Elizabeth in the future.                 Later that night as Elizabeth found herself snuggled into her blankets, she thought over her earlier visit.  She had been more than a little shocked when Pamela showed up at her door, but she was glad Ryan’s mom had taken the initiative to come over.  She had enjoyed herself more than she thought possible.  Smiling tiredly to herself she shot off a text to Ryan before drifting off to sleep.                   Your mom is amazing, I absolutely adore her.  Cute pictures by the way.  Talk to you tomorrow. 
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