chapter 2: Betrayal and secrets

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Chapter 2 Dark skull dungeon As if welcoming him inside, the dungeon door with a skull on it opens up without Trevor even touching it, "warm welcome I guess" Trevor walks inside only a little scared of what's beyond. Inside was even worse as the rocky floor covered in white bones which were most likely human bones (Don't look, Don't look) Trevor quickly lifted his head and looked forward only and not at the bones. The path led him to a enclosed rocky room with 5 wooden torches attached to the corners of the wall, however the one on the south side had 2 torches and one wasn't lit. "That doesn't look right" Trevor moves and picks up the unlit torch and lights it too, 'twiiiiiiikkkk!' the torch disappears and suddenly a light engulfs Trevor. Trevor is then teleported to another section of the dungeon "Wow!!!" Trevor opens his eyes and looks at the new surrounding the cave was lit up by luminous blue and green moss and what was even stranger was the ominous smoke coming from the east side of cave. "Might as well check out what that is, I hope it's not dangerous" Trevor takes out his pickaxe from his bag. As the youth moves to the smoke direction he sees a dark skinned man wearing a red cloak his hair was buzz cut with a star shaped mark on the left side of his head, he seemed to be burning a huge rock that was blocking with fire from his hands. "Magic?!" Trevor unknowingly shouted. "What the? Who goes there?! Show yourself!" The magic man stops shooting fire at the rock and turns around. "Hold your fire! Literally I'm just an explorer!" Trevor jumps out from behind one of the huge boulders Around the floor of the cave. "Explorer? With that gear? Hahaha Funny stuff!" The man laughed at the boy. "I'm just starting okay! But forget about that it seems ur having trouble with the boulder" Trevor tries to change the subject. "That's none of your business?! What are you even doing in Dark skull dungeon anyway?!" The man ignores Trevor. "Exploring geez!! Lete just take a closer look at the rock" Trevor slowly moved closer and the man gradually let down his guard after seeing Trevor was not a threat. The rock had 3 small holes on the surface, line up vertically (it must be some switch) Trevor thought to himself and inserted his sickle edge into one. "Huh?! What do you think you're doing?!" The man yelled. "Testing" Trevor said calmly and then he heard a click noise 'clickk!' (got it I'll try the other 2 next) Trevor then proceeded to click the other two holes resulting in 'brigaaaaaagagagagaa!'the entire boulder shattering. "What? Not even my fire magic could melt that rock?! Hey punk what's your name?" The man rudely looked at Trevor. "Sighhhhhhhhhh, it's Trevor and I'm a new explorer" the young boy said devoid of courtesy. "Well ain't that swell, name's Chris a magician from the Beckers kingdom in the west! What do you say we clear this dungeon together and share the treasure between us" the man grinned. "Hmmmm" Trevor looked at Chris, the magician looked untrustworthy and shady however, the fear of whatever creature left human bones on the path scared the young boy so he said "alright I'll go along with you". "Excellent now let's get a move on party member!" Chris moved forward and so did Trevor. The two found themselves in another room this time much worse than the others, this room smelled rotten due to the amount of garbage and rotting flesh of people on the ground, the only untouched place was the blue stoned floor path leading to an open blue stoned doorway. "This place is horrible, how did these people die?!" Trevor wondered looking as if he was going to vomit "That's not important now, we better stay on the path before another obstacle...." As Chris said this something rumbled underneath their feet 'gradadaadaa!' the sound was loud. 'burstttttttt!' from within the black sea of death surrounding the blue path emerged a beast of bones and rotten flesh the head of a snake and the green rotten body of a lion"crifaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!" The beast yelled it's snake like head shooting out a black mist as it roared "Wha....what is that thing?!" Trevor yelled almost peeing himself in fear. "A wraith beast here? I thought only high ranking wizards could summon these beast of hell?!" Chris said surprised "don't just stand there attack!" Chris charged. "You want to fight that?!" Trevor yelled he figured they'd run away from it not fight it head on. "Grant me the crimson glow of my ancestors! " Chris shoots a powerful fireball at the creature of death 'boooommmm!' the fire burns off the remaining flesh on the snake like head of the creature 'hisaaaaaaaaaa!' it cries in pain and charges. "Hell no!" Chris yells and jumps out of the way as the beast blindly charges forward it's next target Trevor. "Oh no!" Trevor panics and points his sickle at the beast only problem being that the wooden edge of the sickle was pointed at the beast instead of the blade, in other words Trevor held the wrong side "hahhhhh?!!!" He yelled but it was too late however. 'cricccckkk!' the wooden handle stuck itself right in one of the eye sockets of the beast "hriiiiiiiaaaaaaaaaa!" The beast cries again forcing it's head up and down lifting up Trevor as well and the boy falls on the beast's back. "Wowwwwww!" Trevor yells as he rides the beast the sickle handle still in it's eye socket. "Kid..." Chris looks on in shock as Trevor desperately stays on the beast. "Hey if you want to crash into something, crash into this!!!" Trevor moves the handle forward forcing the beast to move forward as well right into the exit door 'slammmmmmm!' "craaaaa!!!!!!" The beast cries one final time as is skull is shattered breaking the stone wall. "Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!"Trevor cries as his flung off the beast and lands hard on his back. "riiii......riii.....III.....I.........."the beast then stops struggling and dies off. "Ouch ouch ouch, that was crazy I must have been born under some lucky star to survive that" Trevor smiled and rubbed his back, his sickle was right next to him cracked a bit but still sharp. "Bravo boy bravo, now would you look at the chamber we've entered" Chris said as he walked into the chamber. "No way?!" Trevor's eye widened at the sight of the treasure chamber gold, gems, weapons name it it was there tons of it surrounding a podium with a strange black ring floating on top of of the Stone podium. "The treasure band ... What's that ring?" He asked curious as he moved towards it to get a better look until. "Flames of wrath bind my target, " Chris with flames in his eyes casts a spell on Trevor. "What.... Ahhhh! My eye!!!" Trevor is surrounded by a fire surrounding him in a circle however part of the strong embers strikes the right side of his cheek cause a burn. "Sorry kiddo nothing personal, I'd hoped you would have died to the wraith beast but your dumb luck saved you, a dungeon holds a secret artifact only one person can own" Chris walks up to the ring smiling not even paying attention to Trevor's who's bleeding from his face. "You can the artifact! Just share the treasure with me so I can go somewhere far away!" Trevor pleaded "Hey maybe I'll leave a few coins here for yah? But the rest is mine, that's the difference between a magician and a commoner, accept reality punk the strong will always be ahead of the weak" Chris said devoid of empathy. This crushed Trevor's spirit and ignited a rage within him, as Chris was about to grab the ring Trevor prayed for justice to finally take place in this unjust world... And it did. 'swoooooooooshhhhh!' "h...huh?" Chris could understand what had just happened, he reached for the ring but couldn't grab it, 'platttt!' something Hits the ground and Chris looks at it "a hand?" Chris retraces where the hand came from, turning out to be his own ,"what the?!!!!! How didn't I rela......ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!" The pain suddenly overtakes his body, causing him to fall to the ground in agony. Trevor saw what had happened, there were multiple blades surrounding the ring like a booby trap, as Chris reached for it his right hand was sliced clean off. Then suddenly 'bussshh' the flames surrounding Trevor vanished, it seems a magician can't maintain his spells when in pain. "You betrayed me..... Now let me show you how it feels to lose something!" Trevor takes out his sickle and runs towards the podium "here!!!" 'swoshswsohswshso!' he flings the farm tools at the ring hoping for a miracle. 'slashhhslashhhslashhh dinkkkkkkkk!' the sickle gets half of it's wooden handle cut of but the remaining metal blade gets hold of the ring and manages to remove it from the podium trap while getting dented. "Nooooooo! My ring!" Chris yells clenching his severed and bleeding stump of a hand, he tries to move quickly but the pain prevents him then... "I might not be strong or able to use magic! But my speed and brains haven't failed me yet!" Trevor overtakes Chris and rushes for the ring which it pinned to the room wall by the broken sickle. "Noooooo! Burn my enemies to cinder! Not even bone shall remain " Using his left hand Chris dons the last of his mana to cast a horrifying looking black and red fire ball. "Hah!" 'Boooooooommmmmmm!!!' as Trevor grabs hold of the broken sickle the fire ball targeting him exploded engulfing him in flames however... Eternal Halls Trevor opens his eyes to a godly environment, pure white and beautiful, clouds floating everywhere, and wing beings dancing about and smiling. the first words that come from his mouth are "am I dead?" He wondered. "On the contrary! You've never been more alive!" A strange voice comes from behind. "Haaaaaaa! Who are you?!" Trevor panics and backs away from the stranger. The being in front of him is a middle aged man with divine white hair and beard wearing a silver tunic, his face looked welcoming and his eyes showed power. "Well it's a little complicated but I'm sort of a god, weird right?" The man said scratching his head. "So it's either you're crazy or I'm actually dead" Trevor said still in a confused state. "Told yah it's complicated, anyway my name is Gard, I'm a minor god in charge of this world, I maintain balance and whatnot however I'm tired of the responsible, the immortality, the power, so I created a certain game" Gard continued. "What are you talking about?" Trevor asked wide eyed. "The dungeon dummy! The secret of the dungeon! That Any person that manages to clear a dungeon and get the Artifact becomes a candidate to become the new god! Cool huh?" Gard said looking satisfied with himself. "Wait a second, candidate? New god? Your saying that a human, wait someone like me could gain immortality and become strong?" Trevor looked on he was still suspecting something but his curiosity was overwhelming. "That's right and you just happened to be a candidate! For completing the Dark skull dungeon you obtain the dark skull ring..., However it's form was destroyed in the fire so I had to use the material around" Gard said pulling out something from his tunic pocket. "No way?" Trevor looked in awe at what Gard brought out. "Tada! Your farm sickle is now the artifact! Dark skull Scythe!" Gard brings out a huge black scythe, the handle is jet black and bony looking, the blade is made of dark steel and sharp as hell covering like a slime, and finally a skull pattern was right behind the blade, this looked like something the grim reaper would use. "Not only that if you get tired it can revert back into sickle form see" Gard grips it tightly and the scythe transforms into a small black sickle still have a skull pattern on it. "Thank you but... Are you sure about this? I'm just ba farmer boy... Am I really fit to be a candidate?" Trevor said unsure of himself. "Hey, you cleared a Dungeon designed to kill unworthy people, that's more than enough qualification in my book, have more confidence in yourself, you'll need it, the finals will be a tournament taking place one year from now, if you still feel worried you could clear some more dungeons to strengthen your scythe" Gard explained and passed the sickle to Trevor. "More dungeons huh? You know what? Yeah I'll do that, I will become the next god and I'll change this world for the better! The strong will never oppress the weak again!" Trevor shouted and took hold of his new weapon. "Haha can't wait to see you in action kid! Good luck" Gard said this and then a rush of white light took Trevor away. Back in the dungeon 'wossssshhhh!' the smoke clears revealing an uninjured Trevor, the scar on his right eye had stopped bleeding leaving behind a red scar that reached his cheek, his clothes were a bit burnt but still wearable. "Wh.....what are you?!" Chris fell on his ass in fear. Trevor looked at the cowering magician and smiled "A commoner" as soon as he said this the black sickle in his hand began to glow golden 'tritritrixxxxtrixxxxxx!' all the treasure in the room was drawn to the sickle like a magnet in a wave all of was swallowed up by the tool, almost like it was eating it all. "Nooooooo!" Chris cried as everything he wanted was being taken away, all the treasure along with the artifact he sought was gone. "You bastard! How dare you?!!" The angered man stood up again however 'swosssssshh!' the sickle transformed back into a scythe and Trevor pointed the black weapon at Chris, "Ha! How does it feel to be powerless, I'll make sure people like you don't get a chance to oppress anyone every again!" Trevor yelled and suddenly 'powwwwww!' he vanished from the dungeon. "TS............Trevooooorrrrrrrrrre!" Chris yells his heart out in rage, his voice echoes through the whole dungeon. Millet farm An honest boy Trevor returns to his father's farm and pays off the Major who wanted to take over. "Hahaha, good doing business with you all" the fat man left in his carriage grinning like a fool while playing with his sack of gold coins. Trevor's father John begs for his son's forgiveness "I'm truly sorry my son, I was desperate, too desperate!" he cried out. "I know it's not your fault Dad, it's the kingdom's, I'll make sure to change it" Trevor said as he replaced his burnt clothes with new ones, consisting of a black cloak, brown trousers, black gloves and a white shirt, his eye was fine but the scar itched occasionally. "First of all where did a weakling like you get all that money?! Who did you steal it from?!!" Damian yelled at his brother in jealousy. "A dungeon" Trevor said nonchalantly. "Don't screw with me!!!" Damian rushes at his brother with his fist raised however... 'swooshh', 'powwww!!' "gwuahhh!" Trevor dodges his brother's punch and delivers his own right in Damian's gut making him fall to the ground. "Sorry Dad, I'll be gone for a while, I dropped a lot of coins for you guys to live off on, thank you for everything" Trevor said solemnly and tries to walk away. "Wait! where are you going?" John asked his son looking worried. Trevor turned and smiled at his father "To find more secrets in dungeons". To be continued
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