Chapter 1 Marrying A Lesbian

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The day I graduated from college, my best friend Johnny came to me and told me that his girlfriend had just cheated on him. Lyla, his girlfriend, was a simple and lovely girl. They had been together for a little over two years, but I remained single the entire time. I was always on the sidelines as they flirted with each other. Each time, I was both envious and dejected. Lyla had always struck me as naïve and shy. Every time she saw me, she would smile bashfully. How could someone like her cheat on Johnny? Although I could not believe it, I knew that Johnny was not one to joke about stuff like this. He told me that he had noticed traces of other people in his house when he came home one day. When he probed, she stammered and skirted his questions. Something did not feel quite right. However, that was not the only time. Once, Johnny happened to see her get out of a BMW outside their rented apartment. She had denied it vehemently when he confronted her. She said there was no such thing and that he must have been mistaken. When I saw how worried Johnny was, I comforted him. I suggested that he investigate the matter thoroughly before doing anything else. After all, it would be unjust to accuse Lyla if he were truly mistaken. Simply put, I didn't think a girl as sweet and shy as Lyla could possibly cheat on Johnny. I advised Johnny to install a surveillance camera at home in order to conduct a thorough investigation. After which, he should find an excuse and make himself scarce for a few days. Johnny readily agreed and got to it immediately. He secretly installed the cameras and lied to Lyla saying he would be visiting his parents for the next five days. Then, he made a beeline to my rented apartment. The next few days saw the two of us glued to the screen, keeping an eye on all that was going on at his apartment. On the first two days, things were normal, and nothing happened. The only interesting part was when Lyla changed her clothes in the room. Johnny quickly forced me to turn my head away so that I would not see her naked. I was still a virgin and frankly, I had fantasized about making love to a shy and lovely girl like Lyla on countless occasions. Of course, it was only in my head, I would never do anything to her in reality because I knew it was wrong. On the third day, we finally got something on camera! Around ten in the night, the door to Johnny’s house swung open, and in walked Lyla with a companion in tow. Johnny and I had been anxiously staring at the computer screen all this while. However, we relaxed immediately when the person behind her came into clear view. It was a woman. She was a gorgeous woman with an exquisite heart-shaped face, luscious scarlet lips, and a tall figure. She had paired a white blouse with a purple pencil skirt and high heels. She had meat in the right places, what with her blouse struggling to confine her full breasts that were threatening to break free at any moment. She seemed to be about thirty, and judging from her ensemble, she was a career woman. I was instantly attracted to her. After all, she was a real looker, and exactly the type that I dreamed of marrying. I asked Johnny who she was, but he shook his head and said that he did not know either. Perhaps she was Lyla’s sister, I did think they looked somewhat alike. Perhaps she was here to visit Lyla. Just when we thought that the night would pass uneventfully, something unbelievable happened. After Lyla closed the door, the woman suddenly hugged her from behind! Her delicate hands were groping Lyla all over and reaching into her blouse… Soon, they kissed each other passionately. I had goosebumps watching them while Johnny was already quaking from anger. He stared daggers at the two women in the heat of passion, exuding an intense killing intent. I immediately turned off the video.  Before I knew it, Johnny had already rushed out of the apartment in a towering rage. I immediately dashed after and stopped him.  “Don’t do anything stupid. Just calm down for a minute,” I said. “I just… Why is this happening?” Johnny asked in anguish. He squatted down suddenly and grabbed his hair in frustration. He looked like he was about to burst into tears. I comforted him for a while, and he finally calmed down. After that, he dragged me to the pub with him. We drank way into the wee hours before we staggered back to my apartment drunkenly. Johnny fell asleep on my bed instantly mumbling Lyla’s name every now and then. Meanwhile, I was drunk as a skunk and fell asleep on the couch. The next day, Johnny said he wanted to leave. I did not stop him since he had regained his composure. Two days later, he came back and told me calmly that he had broken up with Lyla. After that day, I no longer saw Lyla and we lost all contact. When I was twenty-three years old, my father accidentally broke his leg. I went about borrowing money from everyone to raise the 60 thousand dollars for his medical treatment. However, I only managed to get a thousand dollars. I had asked almost everybody I knew, and in my desperation, called Lyla. She was silent for a long time after hearing my predicament. Then she told me that she did not have any extra money to lend me, but there was an opportunity. If I seized it, I might be able to resolve the immediate crisis. When I asked her for the details, she told me that she had a female friend who sought to marry a man in a sham marriage. The conditions were that he needed to be a college graduate, honest and nice. If they could reach a deal after meeting up, her friend would give the man a one-time payment of 60 thousand dollars for his inconveniences. Most importantly, she wished to get married as soon as possible. I spent the entire night in the hospital thinking about it. The next day, I kept it from my sick father and met up with Lyla’s friend under her arrangement. I was shocked the moment I saw her because she was the very woman who made out with Lyla last time. Lyla introduced her to me. Her name was Sylvia Jacobs, and she was the secretary of Theta Group’s chairman in Collier City. She was thirty years old this year. As I looked at Sylvia, who was dressed formally, lots of distracting thoughts flashed across my mind. I became reticent and quiet, my gaze fixed on her boobs.  Meanwhile, she was indifferent toward me. She did not talk much during the entire session and left soon after. I felt disappointed when I got back as I was certain I had lost my chance. To my surprise, Lyla told me the next day that Sylvia had agreed to it. However, Sylvia had a few conditions for me. The main point was that everything was only a sham marriage but I had to act lovey-dovey with her in public. I soon understood what was happening. Lyla and Sylvia were lovers. Sylvia wanted me to marry her so she could keep her lesbian identity hidden and continue her affairs with Lyla. The same went for Lyla and that was why she introduced me to Sylvia. To save my father, I had no choice but to marry Sylvia. The next day, I received 60 thousand dollars in my bank account, and I rushed to the hospital to pay the medical bill. My father asked me where I got the money, so I lied and told him that I borrowed it from my employer. The whole time, I did not dare to tell him that I was marrying a lesbian in a sham marriage. If he knew, he would have torn me limb from limb. After a few days, Sylvia and I registered our marriage and were officially husband and wife. The wedding date had also been set. It was a grand wedding with many guests. Most of them were Sylvia’s colleagues, friends, and relatives. I drank quite a lot on the wedding night. I could feel a burning desire when being in the same room with a beauty like Sylvia. Images of her hot and sexy figure filled my mind. When I reached out to touch her, she smacked my hand away fiercely. Then, she said with great disgust, “It’s only a fake marriage. If you don’t adhere to the rules, don’t blame me for flipping out!” After she pushed me away violently, I sobered up and did not dare to touch her again. She let me sleep in the guest room downstairs while she slept in the spacious bedroom upstairs. I tossed and turned in this luxurious yet unfamiliar room. I simply could not fall asleep. Around midnight, I heard footsteps outside the room, so I rushed out immediately and saw that Sylvia had changed into a formal outfit. It seemed that she was heading out. I was curious, so I asked her where she was going at this late hour. She said that something urgent had come up at the office, then turned around and left. I did not believe her when she said that she had to work overtime at the office. For some reason, I suddenly had a whim to follow her. I changed my clothes quietly, went out, and hailed a cab to follow her car. To my surprise, she drove to the headquarters of Theta Group. Could it be that I was wrong about her and that she really had something urgent to deal with at work? I followed her quietly into the building. She took the elevator all the way to the highest floor, the eighth floor. I followed soon after. The floor was empty, and it was quiet everywhere. I walked around the area and noticed that one of the offices had its lights on. I was about to take a closer look inside when I suddenly heard a sexy moan, it made my heart sink. I held my breath as I stood outside the half-opened door and peeped inside. What I saw stunned me. At this moment, Sylvia and a fat man were… In a split second, my mind went blank. My new bride was being screwed by a f*****g porker!
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