#Chapter 16 Harper’s Christmas Wish

1730 Words
Harper’s POV This is insane! My hands press against my breast, as if trying to capture my heart in case it bursts out of my chest from how hard it’s pounding. Aware that I am now able to fully wield my magic because of the sudden power surge. I cautiously try again, slightly doubtful if this will really work. But I have to try… Taking in a deep breath first, I outstretch my hands again, aiming at the trees and branches that I am in dire need of. Releasing my breath, consistent beams of light leave my hands. They travel towards the needed pieces of wood, acting like saws, they cut down the branches with ease. Pieces of wood fall all around me, ready for use. I drop my hands in a gasp. Astounded by what I’ve just accomplished! But I don’t have time to waste. I hurry to grab all the pieces and rush back to my assigned room. Still not comprehending much of what I just did, my legs feel like jelly. So I jog back like a baby deer still learning how to use its legs, the pieces of wood loudly clanking against each other in my arms. Every now and then I have to stop to pick up one I've dropped. I do so a final time as I near my room, and as I bend down and then back upright, my gaze clocks with Erin’s. The surprise in her features is oddly satisfying. However, it doesn't last long as a smirk befalls on her lips. “Hmph, there's only 15 minutes left before the end of the round. I’d loooove to see you try and complete all your remaining tasks in time.'' Her malicious laugh is hard to hear. Embarrassed, I spin round and hurry to my room. After all, for normal werewolves to clean a room manually, they definitely won’t be able to finish all the tasks in 15 minutes. But what Erin doesn't know is that this will be a breeze for me now knowing I’ve fully recovered my magic. Plus, in the past few days, thanks to Dylan, the most proficient spell I’ve learned is the ‘cleaning spell’! I repeat the same procedure I used back at the grove, that helps activate my magic. In seconds, magenta sparkles flutter into the air. They pour into the space, moving between items and fabric. Soon, the room comes to life! Infiltrated by my sparks, the single broom in the corner becomes animated, suddenly sashaying across the floor. The duster picks itself up, and fluffs objects with eagerness. The bedsheets move on their own, perfectly uncreasing themselves, and gracefully latching onto the bed in perfect formation. In less than five minutes, the room I’m in looks pristine! With my violet sparkles twinkling finely in crevices. Giving the room a glowy touch. How magical! Just as my heart glimmers with joy, the horn blares, declaring that it’s the end of the competition! I hurry to gather with the rest of the participants in the main square. Waiting for the judges to announce the names of the contenders that will be moving forward to the next round. The first names as expected, are Erin and all her followers. Followed by other strong werewolves. As the judges go down the list, my heart sinks with it. Eventually I sense someone coming up beside me. “It’s taking so long for them to get to your name… hmm… I wonder why…” I should’ve known it’d be Erin. She mocks me with no shame. “You know, I just don’t understand your inability to see the truth of the matter. Why are you wasting so much time and effort trying to be something you're not?” she scoffs. “Even if you were able to gather the firewood. So, what? You're still an ugly duckling that stupidly daydreams about being a swan.” I’m left at a loss for words and confidence. Frazzled by Erin’s hurtful words that grow more real by the second. Soon the name of the final participant moving forward is about to be read out. I stand waiting nervously. ‘How exciting! Don’t listen to Erin! You really do have a chance Harper!’ Despite Sara’s enthusiasm, it’s very hard to believe. I take in a deep breath, ready for disappointment when the name is read: “Harper Gray.” Uh? What? Me? ‘It’s you Harper! You are moving on! Oh my god we’re moving on! WOOOOOO!’ Sara’s laughter is infectious, and I can’t help but giggle at my wolf’s excitement. Knowing she’s galloping around inside my mind. It’s then I realize everyone is looking at me! I must look insane laughing at myself. ‘Who cares! We passed! Get up there!’ Sara pushes my body to move, and I follow, gleefully jogging up to the judge handing out the awards. Samuel… I shyly adjust my clothes as I reach him, before accepting the certification medal. I then notice his eyes flit to my necklace, causing a strange glint in his eyes. Nevertheless, he quickly resumes his usual gentle look. “Congratulations Harper.” It takes me a moment to gather the words to speak. “Oh, thank you.” “Beautiful necklace by the way.” I thank him through a smile, before returning to stand with the rest of the girls. But I can’t help but notice that the other judges also look at me with a hint of appreciation in their gazes. Much different expressions to their previous looks of despise. Just then, an outburst erupts from the corner. “It’s impossible. How can Harper have passed!” I duck my head as Erin expresses her discontent. However, my father, for the first time in forever, is quick to intervene. “Shush child! Maintain your poise, and do not speak out of turn.” His cold voice chills the surroundings, and Erin immediately hushes. But glancing over at her is a mistake, for she is staring right at me with a vicious glare. ________________________________ Dean’s POV This time I know I’m dreaming. For the memory is an old one, and I remember it vividly. Darius, my little brother, was only 3 years old at the time. Growing up, Darius seemed to always have some strange interest in me. Even though Daniel was the more affectionate brother out of the two of us. So I never understood while Darius always asked for hugs. Despite lacking the natural emotions that children are drawn to, I can’t resist Darius’s eagerness. With his little arms reaching out to me, I give in, and pick him up. However, soon after, mother enters the room. Unable to accept my acts of sincere affection. She despises me because of my curse, and never trusts me around Darius, afraid that I’d hurt him. She silently takes him from me, and while she doesn't say a word, I can easily sense her detachment and defensiveness toward me. I remember this so strongly as it was Christmas day. Later we sit around the Christmas tree. Darius opens the gift mother prepared for him, excitedly unveiling a fluffy bright red scarf. Never once had my mother given me a gift for Christmas. And my gaze remains attached to that wooly scarf in my brother's hands. Burning it into my mind. Just then, I find my consciousness resurfacing out of my dream. My gaze flutters open to see Harper once again at my bedside. Before I can say anything however, she squeals in excitement. “Happy early Christmas!” She suddenly wraps a scarf around my neck, and I look at her with considerable confusion, making her laugh. “Christmas is coming soon! And well, I have no money, so I knitted a scarf for you as a gift instead!” My breathing hitches suddenly as my fingers go to touch the soft handmade scarf. Thoughts flitting back to the fact I was never given anything by my mother. And yet, here this girl with nothing has made me a bright red scarf. As a gift… I grunt, trying to roll off the upturn of my stomach. Instead, I look back at her, waving my hand with a nonchalant air. “Well then you deserve a gift too. And this year, I will generously fulfill any wish you desire for Christmas! “Anything?” “Yes of course. Anything, little girl. I can make it happen.” I’m honestly expecting her to ask for clothes, or new shoes. Maybe even makeup or jewelry. She lives barely as it is. I wouldn’t blame her for wanting to spruce up her wardrobe. I have enough money to afford anything. However, to my surprise, Harper says, “I don’t need any material things. What I really want. What I… what I always believe in is the fairy tale of Santa Claus since I was a little girl. I waited every year for him to deliver my gift. And everyone just laughs at me thinking I’m silly for believing that he even exists.” Wait… Maybe not everything can be afforded with money. Something feels very wrong… She takes in a deep breath and finalizes my fate, “I wish to witness Santa Claus driving his sleigh into the center of town for all to see. And to bless me with a song and dance!” I blink blankly at her. Decently stunned by her wish. And maybe a tad bit mortified by what this means… The more Harper talks, the more excited she gets. And she starts to raise her hands and fold them to pray for her wish to come true. Oh, that’s when I realize that Harper’s wish is never merely a wish to me. It’s a command! What did I hear? Did she just ask me, the esteemed Lycan King, to do something that would disgrace my glorious image?! I’m overcome with heat that's growing unbearable. And as I look to see the precious smile on her face, a bad premonition wells in my heart. But Harper unknowingly continues to voice her joy, adding details. And in time, I sense my face being drained of all its usual confident color. Eventually, I find myself leaning and wobbling, feeling completely unbalanced. And that's when Harper realizes, innocently asking, “Dylan? Dylan what's wrong?”
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