#Chapter 6 I’m Homeless. Can You Take Me In?

1677 Words
Harper’s POV ‘Although he looks very handsome and is our savior, he doesn't seem quite right in the head…’ I internally say to Sara. When faced with the stranger’s unexpected and strange declaration of which is a “marriage proposal”, I stare at him with immense confusion and disbelief. I must shake myself out of my daze before finally responding to him. “I’m very grateful to you for saving my life, but…but I don’t believe it’s very appropriate to make such a request when we’ve just met.” I state. I try to simply and politely decline his request, however with the look that sprouts upon his face, you’d think I have chastised him to the highest degree. He scoffs, appearing astounded through a smug half grin, and raised brow. “Darling… do you know who I am?” he states pridefully. “I’m the Lycan King!” I stare at him blankly as he reiterates, thinking I don’t understand. “You know, the most powerful Lycan that ever lived? Come on girl, how can you refuse Lycan King Dean.” ‘Oh, he definitely looks like he’s lost the plot,’ Sara says in agreement. Everyone knows that the Lycan King is very ugly and scary looking. So how can this gorgeous man that stands before me, be the Lycan King? I try desperately to maintain my composure, but it proves too difficult, and soon enough girlish giggles begin to spill from me. His mouth drops slightly agape, “Are you laughing at me?” he’s dumbfounded by my reaction, as if he’s never seen laughter or experienced a joyous chuckle. I again try to suppress my snorts and chortles, not wanting to offend him further, but they override my control. “Proclaiming to be the Lycan King is quite absurd don’t you think? I mean, if you're the Lycan King, then well-” Now the laughter flows out of me in waves when considering the thought, “then well I must be the Queen of this Kingdom!” “I didn’t tell a lie. I am the Lycan King.” Puts emphasis on his title as the “Lycan King.” “Oh yes, sure you are…” I say in a sarcastic tease. “I really am!” “Whatever you say…” I retort with a playful smile, maybe this man is just trying to mess with me for fun, but I’m not about to fall for his silly joke! Although, he’s taking this a bit more seriously than I expect. He takes in a deep sigh in slight frustration, but when he slides his hand down his face, the intense look in his eyes dissipates, with his mind suddenly clearly elsewhere. He strokes his face in a daze, as if suddenly realizing something. With him clearly preoccupied, I take this as my chance and turn around, continuing with my previous intention of going home. But I fail to get very far, my hand is suddenly gripped by another, pulling me back to face the handsome stranger. However, something has changed in his disposition. Although it looks to be the same stranger, it’s as if I’m staring at an entirely different individual, once sharp arched brows sag solemnly, his forehead creases in worry, while eyes grow wide, like a child desperate for an adult's warmth and embrace. I’d feel exponentially guilty if I didn’t pity him! He even speaks with meekness in his tone: “Actually, we're homeless… please… please can you take us in?” ________________________________ Dean’s POV As my hand collides with the skin on my face, I suddenly realize I’m not wearing my mask. No wonder she doesn't recognize me. But as my mate, did she not recognize my scent? That’s when I recall the words “can’t distinguish one person’s scent from the next” on the information sheet. Uh, too weak… Whilst I could be annoyed that she isn’t treating me like the King I am. This actually might be an opportunity to get a sneak peek of who this virgin really is and why she’s so special to me. ‘Well, you’re not going to win her over by behaving like this! Seriously dude, you need to be more sincere, she’ll never come around with this bravado you put on!’ My wolf, Elliot says suddenly, and I can’t help but roll my eyes at his softer approach. I respond to him internally: ‘Huh, I, Dean, Lycan King and the ruler of this kingdom does not beg! Ha! I wouldn’t even know how to beg. If you think you’d be more resourceful, why don’t you try? I’d like to see if you can convince her.” It’s then that I give Elliot control over the body we share. It’s like being in the car and switching out of the driver’s seat. Now I’m on the passenger side, whilst watching Elliot take control as he desires. Although I remain skeptical as to whether he can do any better. Almost immediately, Elliot changes gear, shifting out posture that reflects a personality completely different from my own. He pathetically wipes away non-existent tears and lowers his stance into a more submissive posture that I can’t help but let out a mocking chuckle believing this will never work. “Hello there young lady, it’s very nice to meet you!” She obviously looks confused, “But we’ve already met? Have we not?” “Oh, not me and you! You met D…Dylan, I’m Dylan’s wolf.” ‘Interesting name choice Elliot,’ I say internally with a playful grin. ‘I always pictured you as a Dylan,’ He responds with a laugh, before continuing his conversation with Harper. “You see, Dylan is sometimes not quite right,” he says whilst pointing to our head. “So, I can sometimes come to the surface and control the body temporarily.” ‘Did you just call us stupid?’ ‘Shush, I got this.’ Harper nods quickly like a chick pecking at rice, seeming to agree as if she has assumed this all along and is very excited to find someone on her side. And hence my wolf continues running with this absurd story. “You see, he’s not normal up there because he was not well-liked by his parents from when he was little. Mother was very good, sweet, and kind to his younger brother, but to him…” Elliot smiles sadly, gazing upwards as if lost in thought, “She never cared for. She despised him. And it was only his elder brother who truly loved him…” Once again Elliot sniffles and wipes away tears that I’m surprised Harper hasn’t noticed aren’t real! “But his elder brother… he died in an accident several years ago. Being alone… forgotten… this has caused the problems up there, terrible terrible problems.” He adds, again pointing at our skull. “But it's okay! Sort of!” Elliot says suddenly, surprising both Harper and me. “Dylan’s mind is usually alright, it’s just that sometimes he imagines himself as a billionaire or a king!” Harper stands staring at us blankly. I think it’s because of her disbelief, and I don’t blame her. I chuckle, ‘Elliot this is ridiculous, she’s not going to believe a word you say.’ Now he completely ignores me, and it’s apparent he’s really engrossed in this role he’s playing, like an actor suddenly compelled by the limelight on a stage. He steps toward her with sweet childlike demeanor, wrapping his hands around her hand in a plead, “Oh, please please for our sake. For our pitiful circumstance and homelessness, please take us in. We’ve nowhere to live and no one who cares for us. We’re all alone! Will you please be our friend? Will you give us a place to stay?” I’m nearly unable to put up with the pathetic facial gestures I imagine Elliot must be making in a ploy to get her to believe us. It’s completely disintegrating my image of dominance. And if I did in fact have control over my own body, I’d roll my eyes just now! But instead, all I can do is sit in the passenger seat of my subconscious, and watch. “Of course, I will take you in.” ‘Ha! Nice try mate, but I told you this wouldn’t work- wait what?’ It takes me a minute to realize that this virgin has agreed to my wolf’s request. Isn’t it a trick that would only fool a three-year-old child? Maybe Elliot’s acting skill is better than I thought… damn… if only he used this skill for more useful things… ‘This is useful!’ ‘Yeah yeah, I know,’ I say with a chuckle. Harper, who had previously disagreed no matter what I had said when she confronted me just before, is now casting us a look full of sympathy and honesty. My confusion further dwells as she takes hold of our hands, squeezing them in a touching show of warmth and with full sincerity in her eyes, says, “You saved my life, and I wish to repay you for that. As long as I have a place to live one day, you will never be homeless!” she smiles. “I will be your family member!” Am I hearing her right? I’m astonished. Somewhat dumbfounded by what is occurring before my eyes. This young girl, a virgin still, is willing to take in a complete stranger? Something strange stirs in my heart, a type of warmth that I don’t yet understand spreads through me. In the end, the only thing I can comprehend from this interaction is that: ‘She’s an i***t, isn’t she?’ Whether my statement is true or not, Harper does in fact begin to lead us back to her home, till we suddenly hear a roar. “Harper!” Harper’s eyes immediately widen, I realize she recognizes the voice as she whispers, “Oh no…. it’s father…”
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