#Chapter 13 Fake Heat

1623 Words
Harper's POV I feel completely dysfunctional, like a woolen sheep battling heatstroke. Fire scorches through my body while sweat dampens my skin and makes my dress cling to my breasts. It’s as if I’ve fallen into heat! My heart rapidly pounds against my chest as I brace my back against the door. Despite being locked, the man that has been chasing me continues to bang against it with clear intent to get in. Bang, Bang, Bang. My body throttles with each terrifying knock, knowing that it won’t take long for him to break through the wooden barrier. “Moon Goddess. Please protect me from harm. Save me!” As if the room hears my plea, one of the large windows unlatches with a sudden jolt. Thrusting open to allow an intense gust of wind into the room, bringing with it a dashing figure that leaps inside with spectacular ease. It’s Dylan! And suddenly, he’s all I can think about. The male stares at me with a considerable look of indifference. Completely unaware that my mind is spiraling out of control. It’s just… I never properly appreciated how handsome he is. The world spins out of focus to allow me to do so. The sun that filters through provides a perfect backdrop for me to assess the stunning specimen that he is. With each hard glance my eyes take in, I get closer and closer. But approaching doesn't enhance my visual. Rather, the lens to which I view this man becomes more blurred. It’s like his face is morphing and changing every second. For a moment it’s Dylan, and then it’s the Lycan King with his fierce mask, and then the back and forth inevitably blurs, till I can barely make out his face at all. I don’t care… I just need him. Without question, I reach out to cup his face in my hands, and pull him against my lips. My overheating body is immediately soothed, as if the touch of his lips is a cooling wave of water rushing over me. Desperate to be chilled by the soothing iciness, my hands relish the crevices of his structurally sound body. Lifting his shirt and trailing my fingers down his abs before circling round his back. I now sense Sara coming to the forefront of my mind, for once, our opinions are harmonizing in agreement. ‘He’s intoxicating…’ She whispers. And I hum in response, knees nearly buckling from the intensity of his lips against mine. Despite the strange stiffness in the being, I can’t stop myself from daring to conquer his magnificent body with my hands and mouth. Nothing else matters. Nothing else matters… ________________________________ Dean’s POV Thump, thump, thump. My heartbeat thuds in my ears like a gong. Rattling my brain as she kisses me. Damn this mate bond! Why do I always end up kissing her? And what the f**k is this sensory overload blasting through my body? It’s as if someone has just tased me with a sense of ‘longing’, and now my body moves without me asking it to! The Moon Goddess has really done me dirty… Elliot on the other hand is delighted by the absurdity of the situation. Like a giddy child having just received a bunch of candy, he dances about in my mind with elated joy, clapping and cheering. ‘All what your feeling isn’t just from the mate bond! You're just a little shy.’ Shy? Me! Shy?! Blasphemy. But Elliot disregards my opposition to the notion. “Don’t worry, soon you will learn what it’s like to desire someone. Then you’ll fall in love and get to feel happiness!" His childish giggles only have me scoffing in disbelief. But I have very little time to think about what Elliot’s saying, and I barely have a moment to breathe as Harper presses her lips against me once more. In that time, I inhale her intoxicating scent, the smell of fresh daisies overwhelms me in a way I can't explain. It’s sweet, she’s sweet. Her lips look and feel so tempting that I find myself unable to pull away. I want more, I need more. No, her desirable scent must be another method of compulsion provoked by the mate bond. Yes, it must be the mate bond that makes me attracted to her, surely not because of anything else! Whatever I assume it to be, soon I’m completely blinded by it. Harper’s draw is too profound for me to ignore any longer. And I give in… The stiffness in my body dissipates as I begin to kiss her back. Mind drawing blank as my tongue explores the depths of her mouth with interest. But we’re interrupted by loud banging on the other side of the door. A growl barrels out of my chest in annoyance, making me slam a firm hand against the door behind us. The force is riveting, and I easily hear the sound of the individual behind it being propelled backwards by the force. I’m betting from the sound of his body colliding with the ground that I’ve knocked him out. Perfect. With my focus returning to Harper, my hand slips up her neck, before intertwining between the locks of her hair. My hand moves through her roots, stroking her gently as my other hand caresses her cheek, tilting her head back. Unable to ignore her exposed neck, my kisses trail down her chin, licking and suckling at the skin above her jugular. My other hand flits downwards, wrapping round her waist and nearly daring to dip lower in an urge to pull her closer. Just as I press her up against me, a feminine moan escapes her in a gasp. My eyes flutter open suddenly, realizing the trajectory of the past events. Furrowing my brow in confusion, I realize I have scum to the compulsion. Well, no more. Like a puppy caught by surprise, she lets out a yelp as I pick her up into my arms. And just like a puppy still yearning for attention, she kisses the spaces beneath my chin, pecking at my collarbone desperately. But after coming to my senses, I fight against the bond. I blankly open the door and trek out into the hallway, stepping over the unconscious fat man as I head straight for my desired destination. Ah, there it is… Without so much as a second thought, I approach the grand swimming pool. Outstretching my hands nonchalantly, before releasing Harper into the clear blue pool. I watch as she flails. Of course making sure she doesn't accidentally drown. But eventually, she coughs the water out her lungs, and blinks wildly, finally coming to her senses. ________________________________ Erin’s POV With the banquet moving onto the main event, the registration ceremony, I feel extremely accomplished in ensuring Harper’s demise. I gaze over at the four judges, each representing a very different type of man. Samuel is a purebred gentleman. Honest, tender, loyal and kind. Blonde hair and blue eyes only adding to his purity and nobleness. Rafael is the playboy. Rustic in appearance, dark overgrown hair and beard which has girls drooling. He’s the most outgoing of the four, well liked for his charm and wit, although ultimately very noncommittal when it comes to relationships. I’ve seen him choose a different girlfriend every week, yet none have qualms over the matter, so long as they get to sleep with him. Lewis is a scholar. His intelligence far surpasses many with his elite education. Therefore his discipline and elegance are of a standard that has him amongst the highest ranks in the pack. And finally, Ethan is the warrior. Tall and muscular like a highly trained knight, he’s admired for his strength. But he remains the quietest. I stare at the four handsome men on the stage with a gleam in my eyes, knowing each had understandably rejected Harper. With fair reason to, who would ever want her as a mate? My half-sister is a complete fool. And what's worse is being embarrassed by a fool. Which is exactly how I felt that day at the mall when she dared to wear the same dress as me. Ha! Harper is nothing in comparison to my beauty and talent. No, I’m the princess of the Mystic Grey Pack while she’s only a slave, she’s not even worthy to be compared to me! So I’m ready for everyone to see what I see, and make her pay. That’s why I bribed the waiter to slip the powder in her drink, which would cause her to experience a ‘fake’ heat. And now… whilst the ceremony proceeds, Harper will be sleeping with the fat man I conned into going after her. It’s a brilliant plan! She thinks she’ll get to stay and become the Lycan King’s personal maid? Ha! She won’t even have a chance to sign up. And when this finishes I’ll find a way to lure everyone into the room to witness Harper’s impurity! Despite my impatience, we near the end of the banquet, and I stand in amongst the other girls as we hand in our registration forms. Eventually, my father looks at his watch, and starts to count down, only accelerating my confidence that Harper will fail. “Five, Four, Three, two…-” “Wait!” My gaze shoots up with disbelief. But there she stands, strangely drenched in water from head to toe. With the only thing dry being a man’s suit jacket that's hung over her back and shoulders. And what makes my heart ultimately tighten is that despite her disheveled appearance, Harper does not appear panicked or embarrassed. Instead, she runs up onto the stage, and confidently hands father the registration form.
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