Chapter 20 – Night talk with Sarutahiko Okami

2197 Words

In the morning, Alex woke up feeling his chest heavy. He slowly opened up his eyes and saw Shinatobe smiling back at him, seated on his chest, completely n***d. Before he could even say a word, she kissed him. Her hands went down, caressing his belly and when she reached his thighs, she whispered, “You collapsed in the middle of our fourth. You owe me one last c****x before we go down for breakfast. What do you say? Are you up for it?” “I am not sure if I was the one to collapse or if it was you, I got a little lost in the middle. I suppose we need to try again, to see which of us owes the other. If we are not careful, we will stay in bed for the entire day, and unfortunately, we can’t do that.” Shinatobe pressed her legs against Alex’s ribs and moved a little back and forth, with a kink

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