Chapter 8 – Visits for the night

2527 Words

After Alex closed the door of the closet in Azurath, he opened the door in the middle of the light and appeared in his room on Earth. Sakamo quickly changed clothes and made his braid on the back of his head, going down the stairs in a hurry, straight to the outside. As he was walking to the restaurant, he couldn’t stop smiling. The day was better than he expected at School, and in Azurath, seeing the crazy Mermaid getting a scare by the jealous Shinatobe, put him in an excellent mood. Upon arriving at the restaurant door, Sakamo noticed through the glass that there were many people inside, and mumbled as he entered, “Grandma Takechi-san wasn’t joking, the food seems to be superb if there are so many people at this hour. So, I need to find an empty table for…” Sakamo immediately froze w

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