Chapter 32 – Talking about the future

2075 Words

Anika, Wenammy, and Pearl noticed the sad look that Alex had, and Pearl asked, “You never talk about your parents. Are they dead?” “My mother died when I was three years old. My father... he retired to a faraway place after the events of the war with ‘The Galtian Khaganat’. He killed the Khaganat most powerful Mage Summoner and a bunch of her supporters, and he didn’t handle his regret very well. My father was always a man of faith, and having to kill so many took a huge toll on his soul. He abandoned his duties, his lands, and his title, and he did his best to teach me to take his place. I started to improve his lands and Earl Kayden’s lands five years ago, and little by little, I developed new methods to do things and I created all sorts of equipment and products. Over time, word spread

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