Chapter 3: Fate

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Reanna had sneaked out of the castle yet again with expert ease, it really was laughable how her Brother's soldiers claimed to be amongst the fiercest and best trained in the world and yet she - a Princess had sneaked in and out without alerting them and, of course, bested them several times in battle under the disguise of the hood.  Following the same cautious protocols, Reanna eventually arrived at her designation, the secret meeting place of her loyal men and knights and knocked on the door awaiting entry, " Who goes there?" A deep voice demanded from the other side of the door as was customary. " A traveler, in need of sanctuary and who came from the green forest to seek it," Reanna replied with the correct phase and there was, as usual, a small pause before Reanna heard a heavy lock beginning lifted and the door creaked open. " Good evening, your Highness. I am afraid not all members have gathered yet- due to the short notice of the meeting, my deepest apologies. May I offer you a drink whilst you wait?" One of the Knights asked. " No need to apologize, the next meeting I know is not scheduled for another week and your right this meeting is very last minute. I apologize to you as I will the rest of the men when they arrive, for the lack of notice, and thank you for attending- I know what risk you and they all take every time we meet, so thank you for coming...I wouldn't have summoned you all if it wasn't important." Reanna replied looking at him with an apologetic look. " Your Highness, you are shaking! " The knight said as he took Reanna's wet cloak and gently took her arm,  " come, let me escort you to the fire where you can warm yourself and enjoy some refreshment whilst you wait on the other's arrivals." The Knight said smiling kindly at her, making Reanna nod. Reanna in a rare moment of weakness leaned into the Knight and allowed him to guide her to the fire. She was shaking but she knew it wasn't from the cold or because she was soaked through due to the weather. She knew in her heart that it was out of fear- her Brothers news was finally sinking in and if she and her loyal men could not come up with a plan...she would be married to the cruelest man in the Seven Kingdom's... and be at his mercy. Reanna had finally warmed herself and had her shaking under control- just when the rest of her men arrived. " Your Highness," they bowed respectfully and Reanna managed to smile before she arose from the chair and replied, " Gentleman, I apologize for the short notice of this meeting and I thank you for coming, I know what a risk you take in doing so and I am grateful you managed to attend. I called a meeting because I have important news that can't wait...let's sit so we can discuss the matter," Reanna said as she straightened her spine and gracefully led her men towards the meeting table. Once they were all seated her men turned their concerned and curious gazes to her, " Once again I thank you for coming, the reason I called this meeting was because this morning I had a meeting with my Brother and he informed me that the reason so many Meccador soldiers have been spotted in the city is that my Brother seeks an alliance with King Sebastian of Meccador to further his own wealth, power and influence and he means to ensure this alliance by offering King Sebastian... my hand in marriage." Reanna said getting straight to the point. There was a stunned silence before the men gather shouted their outrage. " Gentleman! " Reanna shouted getting their attention and they quietened with respect to listen to her. " Whilst I appreciate your outrage on my behalf and I am grateful to have such loyal men concerned over my welfare.., there is more at stake than just my welfare, my Brother threatened to raise taxes to the point that the people will not be able to feed or clothe their families and expand the people's working hours to grueling seventeen days if I resist if King Sebastian agrees to the union. "  " Your Highness, you can not go through with this! King Sebastian has a reputation for his cruelty and his unnatural can not allow yourself to be put in such a situation! " Maurice said desperately trying to reason with her. " I am aware of his reputation Maurice, but I will do whatever I must to protect my people...if that means marrying such a man so be it. I will endure whatever he throws at me until Avlington's army has arisen and managed to win the people's freedom, and after that, I will free myself from my union with the way or another." Reanna vowed as her men's expressions changed from one of pity and concern to one of pride in their Princess. " We vow if the worst shall come, and King Sebastian agrees to a union and he marries you before our army is ready that we will come after you and rescue you as soon as we are able, on this you have our word !" A knight vowed as he stood from his chair and kneeled in front of Reanna and one by one the rest of the Knights followed suit. Reanna stood from her own seat and quickly wiped away her tears as she looked at her loyal Knights with pride and gratitude, " I thank you..all, for your loyalty and friendship," Reanna said as the Knights lifted their heads and looked at her with gazes of support. " You must promise us however that if King Sebastian tries to harm you once he his reputation suggests he might, that you must come to us immediately and we will keep you safe..." Maurice demanded. " I ... " Reanna didn't know what to say, she couldn't put her own safety above that of her people's. " We have given our vow now you must vow to us in return that you will do as Maurice ask's. I understand you wish to protect the citizens of Avlington but if he harms you I fear our cause will go as you are our symbol of hope and the peoples see you harmed will break their spirits and crush our rebellion." A knight said making Reanna pause and think about his words. " I shall compromise, I vow that if he seeks to do me harm and I can not defend myself and, have no other choice... then I shall find a way to come to you. But not before then, I will not endanger my people's safety by incurring his and my Brother's wrath if there is an alternative." " That will do ...I suppose," Maurice begrudgingly accepted knowing Reanna was as stubborn as she was beautiful and kind.  Reanna and her men said their goodbyes quickly, as they were keen to disburse as quickly as possible to minimize the risk. After saying her goodbyes and being squeezed to near death by Maurice Reanna put on her cloak and made sure to tuck all her hair out of sight before she made her way carefully back to the palace trying to blend in with the busy crowd at the market as she did. " You know what the plan is, spread out, and gather as much intelligence as you can. Do not draw attention to yourself's by pickpocketing or getting into trouble...there will be plenty of time for both later," Captain Morgan winked as he smirked at his band of loyal me that he had chosen to join him on ashore on this mission. " We will meet back at the cave on the south side of the beach at nightfall and re-board the ship as soon as possible and share our intelligence there. Once again, stay out of trouble and NO WENCHING! Focus on your mission." Morgan ordered seeing his men's gazes already following the plump backsides of the women who passed by. " Aye Captain! " His men replied sighing slightly and trying to ignore the pretty women who passed them by. " Be gone with you! " Morgan ordered hiding his amusement as he and his most loyal friend Charlie, who always stayed by his side as a guard turned and looked over the market place deciding on which way to go.  It had taken a lot longer than usual for Reanna to navigate the streets as they were so packed, she quickened her pace and rounded the corner not looking where she was going, and as she did she collided with a man's well-toned chest with a painful whack. " WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOING! " Morgan growled as he grabbed the woman harshly by the arm making her gasp in pain and look up at him with the most captivating green eyes he had ever seen, leaving him momentarily speechless. Reanna gasped in pain as she stared at her assailant but her intended harsh stare turned to one of awe as she looked at the most handsome man she had ever seen. The stranger had thick, jet black curled hair that for some unexplainable reason Reanna suddenly longed to run her fingers threw, he had intense brown eyes, a very masculine jawline and lashes so thick and long that any woman would be envious...he looked like an angel.  The stranger seemed to be assessing her appearance with just as much interest as she was his and they stared at each other in awe until his companion coughed to get their attention and Reanna snapped out of her daze and remembered his rude words. " Watch where I am going? That's not a very gentlemanly apology! " Reanna said angrily as she snatched her arm back from his hold. Morgan smirked at the bold and beautiful woman one ever dared to speak to him in such a way, not if they valued their lives anyway. " I never claimed to be a gentleman..." Morgan replied in a deep masculine voice that made Reanna weak at the knees. " And nor could you pass for one with such appalling manners!" Reanna remarked glaring at him which made him do something he hadn't done in years - laugh. " I see you're a feisty wench," Morgan replied, and before Reanna could make a witty reply a strong gust of wind blew past causing an errant strand of her hair to escape the confines of its hood and blow in the wind. Morgan looked at the strand of hair mesmerized, never had he seen such a glorious color- it was such a vivid shade of red, " and I see your hair color matches your fiery temper..." Morgan said in a seductive tone as he reached out and wrapped the silky strand around his finger, making Reanna gasp. The two of them looked into each other's eyes trying to suss each other out when a patrol of Meccador guards rushed past them to a commotion in the square and Charlie nudged Morgan on the shoulder. "     We best be going...we have important work to do and time is running out," Charlie said nodding to the guard pointedly. Morgan sighed, he knew  Charlie was right he had to go. Suddenly with pout warning, Morgan uncoiled the strand of silky hair from his finger then took out his dagger and cut the strand off, " a little keepsake, don't worry one day I will come back for you ...I promise." Reanna was furious and she opened her mouth to tell him so when Morgan seized the opportunity and grabbed her by the neck and kissed her passionately. " Until next time..." Morgan said as he smirked at Reanna's speechless expression before he and Charlie disappeared just as quickly as they appeared. Reanna stood in the cobbled lane completely shocked, she had just had her first kiss with a complete stranger- a very handsome stranger. Her lips tingled and her stomach felt like it had butterfly's in it trying to escape, did all kisses make a woman feel this way? Somehow she doubted it.  As outraged as she was by the stranger's boldness she couldn't help but smile as she thought about the kiss- it was wonderful, it's a shame the stranger would never be able to keep his promise to return for her, as she wished to slap him for his forwardness before she kissed him again, but she knew that was never to be. Reanna, therefore, took a few calming breaths before she deiced she would follow the direction that the soldiers went to see what all the commotion was about- a decision that would seal her fate as King Sebastian's future bride.
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