Even Steven

1830 Words
Looking at the clock on the bedside table, Amanda grumbled to herself; Damn my body clock. She stretched out and listened for sounds of life within the house. Weren’t farmers supposed to be up at the crack of dawn? She was itching for a coffee but didn’t want to risk waking Kadence, so rummaged through her bag for her sneakers and got dressed for her run. She quietly snuck out the front of the house, ensuring the door didn’t bang shut behind her and started her routine stretches. She looked about the surrounding hills and realised, if she put on a bit more of a pace, she’d make the sunrise and after the ones she saw last time she was here, they were well worth the view. She put her earphones in and began a brisk pace to attack the carbs she drank and ate last night. It wouldn’t go down well if she turned up to her next gig with a newfound potbelly. Amanda was almost at the crest of a one of the few hills in the street when she felt her shoelace come undone. As she bent to tie it up and also help stretch her legs out, the sudden sound of an aggressive bark right behind her made her jump and stumble on the loose shoelace. As she landed on her bum she didn’t even register the pain of her ankle as the dog’s face twisted into a snarl and drew up an arms-length from her face. Amanda sat frozen, not sure if she moved, if it would provoke the dog. Her eyes took in every detail; no collar, rugged fur, gashes across its back as though recently in a fight. One eye was slightly p***y but he, and from this proximity she could definitely ascertain his gender, was under fed. He was probably scared, cold and hungry and her heart broke a little for him. He’d been abandoned by the people who were supposed to love him unconditionally, just like her. She never knew her biological parents and was tossed from home to home by carers who only really liked the thought of a government paid slave. She slowly lifted her hand up and tried to ensure her movements weren’t jerky to upset the dog further. The dog barred its teeth but didn’t make a move further towards her or away and Amanda felt a glimmer of hope. Keeping her eyes focused on the dog, her hand unmoving, she watched as the dog seemed to physically relax. Until the bang of a car door sound to her side and the dog started to snarl and bare it teeth again. As the crunch of boots on gavel neared, the dog started to bark and back away and by the time the booted foot reached her side, the dog was running towards the tree lines. Amanda watched the dogs retreat before turning blazing eyes on the person beside her, “What on earth do you think you’re doing scaring the poor dog like that! I-“ she stopped mid rant and drew a hand over her eyes to block out the sun, then realised it was the hot guy from the pub, decked out in full police uniform and couldn’t stop the frown from creasing her forehead. “Seriously? That’s a funny way of thanking the person who came to your rescue from a vicious creature. Unless you didn’t happen to notice the fangs right in front of your face.” Mick threw back at her. Drama Queen much, she thought as she rolled her eyes. “Incase YOU didn’t notice, he had started to settle down and you caused his panicked barks. So, in that case, thanks for almost causing the dog to bite my face off in fear.” She shifted her weight to try and stand. When Mick reached out his hand to help her to her feet, she swat it away and began to lift herself up, “I am perfectly capable of, argh,” she cried as she placed weight on her now swollen ankle. Mick reached his tanned arm out and caught her before she fell. With his arm still wrapped around her protectively, she felt the sheer strength of the bunched muscles under his uniformed shirt and couldn’t help wondering what else she was missing under that shirt. She mentally shook her head to clear that ridiculous thought and transferred her weight onto his shoulders. “Yes, I can see that.” He snorted sarcastically to hide the sudden awareness of her body pressed up close against his, “And I can also see you don’t even have a first aid kit handy, so just go slow and we’ll get you over to the car. Hey John, could you pull the first aid kit from the boot, mate?” They remained silent as she grudgingly hobbled over with Mick’s help to the police car where John was waiting. “Ma’am,” he nodded to Amanda, “Would’ve been a long and painful walk back where you came from.” He nodded to her now elevated ankle as Mick helped her sit in the driver’s seat. “I’ve walked on worse in shoes a lot higher than these,” she smiled but it didn’t quite reach her eyes. “Or maybe that vicious dog could have dragged me back,” she added sarcastically looking at the hot cop. Mick just shook his head and she saw a whisper of a smile touch his lips. He bent over to inspect her swollen foot and with slow and gentle movements, he released her foot from her shoe. His fingers slid around the back of her ankle and drew her sock away so he could get a better look for any discolouring of her foot. Mick started gently palpating across the swollen areas, glancing up every now and then to gage her reaction. Amanda kept her eyes closed and her breathing steady, his closeness slightly intoxicating as his cologne mixed with the fresh morning air. She almost forgot John’s presence as he casually leaned against the back door. Mick increased his pressure on one particular area at the outside back of her ankle and she yelped in pain. Her eyes threw open and it looked for a second like she was about to hit him, until her eyes rested on the emblem on his shoulder. He guessed that was one perk of the uniform, although not everyone withheld the same restraint. “Sorry,” Mick said with genuine concern, “I hope you weren’t planning on tight rope walking anytime soon, it looks like its sprained.” Concern flashed across her face as she mentally calculated how long she would have to be off her foot against how far away the next runway was scheduled, then figured if she rested it for the full day today, she could start her gentle exercises on it tomorrow and be back in the game well before the next show. Her shoulders relaxed as she started mentally planning out her exercise routine she was advised from the last injury when John’s voice broke into her reverie. “So, what is it you do there, Miss?” he asked, throwing Mick a bone. Amanda turned her body towards John and gave him her full watt open smile, watching as he dropped the hat he was holding and shuffled his feet as a blush rose upon his cheeks. Amanda smiled, he must be a fumble fingers. “It’s Amanda, and I’m a runway model.” “Ahh, that explains the attitude,” Mick supplied as he bent to pick up John’s hat, “She’s hungry!” Annoyance jolted through her like thunder as she twisted behind her to flick the siren switch causing him to jump and hit his head on the doorframe. “Ah, Ffffffaaaaar out,” Mick just caught himself and looked up to find Amanda and John stifling their giggles. John was the first to break loose with Amanda following closely behind. Just the sound of her laughter made his heart squeeze and he wanted to hit his head a million and one times just to hear it more. When their laughter died down, Mick decided to throw caution to the wind, “You know it’s an offense to assault an officer of the law?” he quirked an eyebrow and a cheeky smile lifted one corner of his mouth, “But I could let you off with a warning if you promise to kiss it better for me. Then we’ll take you home.” Amanda laughed and looked between Mick and John, “I think I’d rather take my chances with the dog!” she giggled and set John off again. Mick knew he was playing with fire but he couldn’t help the disappointment at her rejection. His head turned at the sound of a vehicle slowing as it approached and a wicked grin crossed his face. Ah Mrs Wilkins, the local gossip guru. “All strapped up, let’s get you home, then.” Mick said suddenly serious. Mick assisted Amanda to her good foot and supported her with the other, as she hobbled to the back door. As she leaned her weight against the side of the car, Mick opened the car door but blocked her from entering, instead he stepped closer to her so he was standing with his body almost pressed against hers and leaned in a little towards her face. He saw Amanda’s sudden intake of breath before licking her lips, he’d meant to tease her but suddenly standing this close to her and watching her tongue travel along her bottom lip and her chest rise and fall, he’d almost forgotten his revenge for the siren. He reached behind his belt and opened the hand cuffs; placing one onto her hand and guiding her into the back of the vehicle as Mrs Wilkins practically slowed to a stop to take in the scene, then took off at John’s nod. “What are you doing? Mrs Wilkins will have this through the town before we even drop her off at Matt and Kadie’s.” John shook his head frowning. Mick looked deep into Amanda’s eyes, “I know.” And his grin only grew as her jaw dropped open and he closed her door slightly before continuing, “Now we’re even.” Amanda 2 – Mick 2.
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