Am I going to die?

901 Words
Once did not understand, I have never done anything wrong in my life good, why betrayal and death find me at the same time? Much later, I realized that everything is a predestined reincarnation. --Kayla   Kayla POV. I'm Kayla, 20 years old. The man behind me was my boyfriend Henry, he was eight years older than me and was a mature man. We have been dating for 3 months, and I love him. I have never met anyone who treated me so well, he would surprise me on my birthday, hold my hand when I cross the street, cook me good food, and do everything a boyfriend should do. With him, I could always feel happy. To be with him all the time, I got a marriage certificate with him. Just a week ago, I became his wife, no wedding, no diamond ring; I was brave enough to be with him. He was not a particularly wealthy man. But that's okay, money, I have; he just needed to give me love. I am a cartoonist with a very best-selling manga. Although I am only twenty years old, I have already achieved financial freedom long ago. At the moment we were heading to a very famous forest park. The scenery is beautiful and I have wanted to come here for a long time, but never had the time. I didn't expect Henry would want to come here too; we really have a good tacit understanding. We held hands together and climbed to the top of the mountain, overlooking the beautiful scenery below. The heavy rain made the air moist. The breeze blew across my cheeks and it was comfortable. Henry hugged me from behind. He said, "Honey, do you have any regrets?" Regrets? I didn't understand why he suddenly asked that. I smiled and responded, "Every day with you was wonderful, and I don't have time to regret anything at all." "Really?" "Of course, it's true!" I replied with absolute certainty, and all I could think of in my mind was about my future life with Henry. On working days, I would paint and he would cook in the kitchen. On weekends or vacations, we'd lie on the couch together watching movies, traveling together, working out together. Or we could even get a dog; I love small animals. When I'm a little older, we'd have a child or two. A boy, a girl ...... These bright futures made me laugh out loud. At that moment, Henry suddenly whispered in my ear, "Since you don't have any regrets, you can go to hell!" While he was talking, one of his hands was already against the position of my shoulder blades. The next second, I was pushed off the cliff by him! Not unlike the movie in slow motion, I quickly plummeted to a slope at the bottom of the cliff. Feet facing up, head down. I looked at myself covered in blood, no part of my body could move except my eyes. Fear spread throughout my body instantly in this moment. The original beautiful picture in the brain, at this moment all became shattered. I instinctively cried out for help: "Help! Help! Who will help me!" No one answered me. But I didn't give up asking for help. Until the blood poured down my throat, making it impossible for me to speak; until it reached my eyes, and my eyes began to have trouble seeing. It was a primitive forest, and wild animals were not ruled out here. At this point, I was covered in blood. To the beasts, I was undoubtedly a huge attraction. But at this moment, I was not dead yet. My consciousness was still clear. If a beast appeared at this moment, was I going to feel my body being torn apart while I was conscious? No, this is too cruel! In my short twenty years of life, I was optimistic and kind and never did anything bad. Why did I have to go through such pain! What I couldn't understand was that the person who made me go through the pain was the one I loved and trusted the most. I thought back to the moment he pushed me off the cliff and said, "...... you go to hell!" How cruel! Why on earth did he do that? I should be angry; I should be sad! But at this moment, I didn't even have the strength to do that. My life seemed to be disappearing little by little. At this moment, I just wanted to live. I didn't know how long it took, but there was the sound of a footstep in my ear. Was someone coming? I felt hope, so I tried to call for help immediately, but I couldn't say a word. The man stopped beside me, knelt, and took me in his arms. The man's movements were gentle, and immediately afterward, I smelled a fresh scent of rosebuds. A low, magnetic voice came: "Gina!'' The man's voice trembled a little. Immediately afterward, the man bit his hand and asked me to drink his blood. I didn't know who he was or what he wanted to do. At this moment, I no longer had the strength to call for help, nor do I have the strength to swallow his blood. I just felt my soul was drifting away little by little... Was I going to die?  
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