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FLINDER 5 months ago... It was her best friend's birthday. Rose had turned seventeen and they all went celebrating in the best bar in town, The Rissen Man. Rose, Jeff, Zachery, Mell an Flinder sat on a table with shots. Jeff took only one shot, he was driving the car that night. Drinking too many shots, Flinder found herself in the arms of Zachery. They were slow dancing and kissing each other. Rose was nowhere to be seen and even Mell wasn't there to stop her from making out with her ex-boyfriend. Where were her friends when you needed them the most? Flinder wasn't thinking straight anymore and Zachery was taking advantage of that. He pulled her away from the dancefloor and into the hallway, outside of the bar. Zachery pushed her against the wall and his hands were grabbing her on all the wrong places. ‘Stop Zach, just stop.’ She tried to push him away, but her head was spinning and she fell right into his arms. ‘Look, I knew you were falling for me again.’ he said with a big smile. ‘No, we broke up remember?’ ‘And now we can try again.’ ‘I also remember you making out with your personal trainer in your garden.’ ‘How many times can I say, that it was only one time. It won't happen again.’ ‘We won't happen again.’ Flinder walked away with her hands on the wall for support, trying to find her way back inside. ‘No, you're not getting away that easy.’ Zachery said, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her back in his arms. ‘Let me go Zach!’ She tried kicking him, but failed. ‘Floriana!’ Her brother Ronaldo pushed Zachery to the ground and started kicking him. ‘You stay away from my sister!’ He rushed over to her, before she almost fell to the ground. ‘Why did you drink so much Flor? Mom will be so pissed.’ ‘I'm sorry.’ she whispered. Ronaldo carried her inside. Placing her onto a sofa. ‘I will get you some water.’ ‘Oh my god, Flinder!’ yelled Rose. She sat next to her and hugged Flinder tightly. ‘Why weren't you with Flor?’ Ronaldo gave Flinder a big glass of water. ‘Zach was touching her all over, even when she asked him to stop.’ ‘What?’ Rose started to cry. ‘I'm so sorry. I was calling Dan again. I really mis him.’ Dan was Rose's boyfriend, who moved to England with his family a year ago. Rose was still sad about it. ‘It's okay. Ronaldo saved me.’ Jeff and Mell also came back and listened to what happened before. ‘I can take her home.’ Jeff said. ‘That will be great. Thanks Jeff.’ Ronaldo said. Both Jeff and Ronaldo helped her inside the car. ‘I will see you in the morning.’ Ronaldo kissed her forehead, before closing the door. Jeff turned on the radio while driving. He could sing really well and Flinder loved listening to his voice. She smiled when he was doing all kind of movement with his head, dancing on the beat of the music. ‘Watch out!’ Flinder screamed at Jeff. A car whit bright lights was coming straight at them. Jeff turned the wheel around, making the car spin and crashing into a tree. He opened his eyes and looked over to Flinder. Blood was spilling out of her mouth and ears. Her eyes were wide open.
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