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FLINDER She felt never so embarrassed. Laying on the ground, Brad was pinning Flinder down. It was the first time he ever won from her with one-by-one combat training. ‘Well done, Brad.’ Angel Betty told him loud enough for everyone to hear. He got praises from almost all the other trainees, while Flinder was still on the ground. Clarity put her hand out for Flinder to take, helping her up her feet again. ‘Suck it up Flin.’ someone said to her. Zina the one Angel Flinder couldn't stand. It was high school all over again. Taking off to her room the same girl said to a boy: ‘I heard she is crazy. She said some weird things to Angel Georgina and lied to Angel Richard. I don't think she is good enough to become an Angel.’ Flinder couldn't take it anymore. She ran to her room, locking her inside and cried. She hadn't cried like this since watching her own funeral. Her mother was heartbroken. She kept screaming: ‘Why Floriana? Why?’ She could really use a hug right now. Flinder heard a knock on the door. ‘Who is it?’ she asked, but no one answered. She stared at a white paper that was pushed under the door. What is this? Walking towards the door and taking the paper off the ground, she was wondering who could send this note. You're not crazy. I believe you! Why place a note and not talk to me, she asked herself. The hallway was empty. Well almost empty. Angel Georgina walked suddenly into the hallway at her direction. ‘Shit.’ Flinder said. She closed her door and locked it. With her back against her wall, she was waiting for Angel Georgina to walk by. ‘Flinder I know you're in there. You know I can sense your emotions right now. I can feal your sadness. Can you open the door, so we can talk probably?’ Flinder didn't have much of a choice. She unlocked the door and opened it. ‘I'm sorry.’ she said. Sitting on her bed, crying her eyes out was not how she thought this day would go. Angel Georgina took her time and only comforted her by placing her hand on her lower arm. ‘Everyone is making fun of me.’ Flinder cried. ‘They just don't understand what you're going through.’ ‘And what am I going through exactly?’ ‘You're under a lot of stress. With all the training, the exams coming soon and your birthday coming up, I think you just wanted a way out, some kind of excitement. That is why you made up the story about Max and how you could talk with him. I don't your crazy, Flinder. I think you're amazing and sweet. You will become an amazing Angel. Your heart is on the right place.’ ‘I think you're right Angel Georgina. I'm so sorry I lied to you and Angel Richard. It must be the stress.’ Flinder lied. She didn't believe for even a second it was stress. And she knew for sure Max could see her. She just wondered over and over again, why the Angels didn't believe her. Were they trying to cover it up? Before leaving Flinder alone in her room, Angel Georgina spoke: ‘Your punishment will remain the same, Flinder. We don't want you to lie to us anymore. Hopefully you will learn from this, otherwise we will not let you continue the Angel training. Do you understand?’ ‘Yes, Angel Georgina.’ Flinder said.
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