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NO. 7.3.5 PROFILE NAME:                                             Ulysses Andres AGE  :                                              5 raise to the power of 3 divided 4 GENDER:                                        Male NATIONALITY:                             ½ Filipino and ½ unknown species BLOOD TYPE:                               A+ HEIGHT:                                          6’1 WEIGHT:                                         156 pounds STATUS:                                          Single and always available CODE NUMBER:                           U.L.Y 7.3.5 OCCUPATION:                              Secret EXPERTISE:                                   Jack of all trades AFFILIATION:                               Generation Syndicate (G.S) MOTHER’S NAME:                       Unknown FATHER’S NAME:                        Unknown HOBBIES:                                        Sleeping FAVE PLACES:                              Bed FAVE DRINK:                                Brandy FAVE FOOD:                                  No specific choices                 EDUCATION ATTAINMENT:     I’m genius DEFINE LOVE:                              Bobo! CONTACT IN-CASE OF EMERGENCY:     NO NEED            “To be my woman is both an honor and responsibility, Miss. If you were to be my woman, you will use your body to please me and you would always make sure that I am satisfied because I am very hard to please. I want you to show me your body, your everything rather.”  A/N: This story was uploaded in my WP account years ago and I am transferring it here in case marami pa ang hindi nakakabasa dahil natabunan na sila ng iba ko pang mga stories. This is the second installment of the numbered child series. Enjoy reading babies and have fun, namimissed ko na si Sahara and Ulysses :-( Date: 12/11/2021
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