Chapter 6: The Witch

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Freya I was laying on the cold floor waiting for what will the pack warriors who captured me will gonna do next. The four of them were just standing outside this tight cage that stinks, though it's not new to me to be put in a horrible and stinky place. A minute had passed and I still haven't heard anyone of them talking but I noticed them looking at each other as if they're having a conversation through their mind link. I saw the leader of the pack warriors nodding and I can't help but gulp because I was thinking that maybe they're talking about ways on how to torture me. "Be nice rogue, you're lucky that you still have a day to cherish your dear life." The leader of the pack warriors said and then he grinned softly at me as if he was amused to see me inside this small cage with the other rogues they had caught. After a while, the pack warriors came out of the cellar, I slowly got up and leaned on the wall of this small cage as I was trying to think of anything that could help me escape this place. This time, no Kendrick is helping me escape and somehow it makes me doubt myself that I'll ever get a chance to get out of this place. "Hey what's up?" I turned around when I heard someone whispering. I saw a woman who looks a few years older than me, she was staring at me as if she was trying to memorize my features and somehow it makes me feel uncomfortable. "Um, hey!" I respond to the woman hesitantly. I don’t know if I should talk to the other rogues in here. Everyone knows that trusting a rogue is suicide, because the moment you let your guard off, they'll gonna dug their sharp claws down your throat. "I'm Elena, what's your name?" The woman said introducing herself to me. I can't help but feel very suspicious with this woman named Elena because she was smiling at me as if she wasn't aware that we're both a prisoner and we're inside this small cage that a baby can only fit. I can't find any single reason why I should be smiling right now, our situation right now is not f*****g funny. "F-Freya," I replied in a low voice. I couldn’t help but frown at the sight of a wide smile plastered on her lips. "Why are you smiling?" I asked her with raised brows. I just can't understand why she still managed to smile like this knowing that any moment from now, the pack warriors will gonna barge and take us somewhere where they're torturing the rogues. "Nah, I'm just surprised that you talk back. I've been here since last night and these rogues around us don't talk no matter how hard I tried to initiate a conversation. I guess they're just pretty exhausted with all the beatings and tortures." Elena replied and I couldn't help but swallow my saliva when I heard her say the word torture. I look around the cellar and true enough, the rogues around here looks so beaten, their eyes were swollen, and they got fresh bruises on their lips and cheeks. "H-How about you?" I ask her out of curiosity. I was looking at Elena and unlike the other rogues, she looks fine and it seems that the pack warriors haven't done anything to her. "What about me?" Elena asked instead of answering my question. "What have they done to you since they caught you?" I asked Elena again, I heard her take a deep breath and then she slowly lifted the white t-shirt she was wearing, she got a lot of muds in her white shirt that the color of her shirt became dirty white. "Oh my god," I covered my mouth and my eyes widened in disbelief when Elena showed me the back of her body, it was full of fresh wounds and I can feel the pain that Elena endured just by looking at her wounds. I couldn't help but feel sorry for what those f*****g pack warriors has done to Elena, but apart from pity, fear slowly creeps over my body, especially with the thought that any moment from now I would face the same fate with Elena or maybe I'll get worse than her. "You're healing so slowly, Elena," I commented when I noticed that her wounds weren't healing, one of the perks of being a werewolf is that we can easily heal our wounds. Elena just shrugged her shoulder as he took down her shirt and turned around to face me again. "That's because I wasn't born a werewolf," Elena answered me in a low voice that feels like she was just whispering. As if she didn't want the other rogues to hear what she just confess to me. "What do you mean you weren't born a werewolf?" I asked her with a confused face, I have no idea what she was talking about. "I was originally a witch, my mother is the leader of a pagan religion that practices witchcraft and she's been practicing this spell on how to turn our kinds into a werewolf. She first used that spell on me, we thought it was successful but it wasn't." Elena told me and I was just looking at her with a raised brow, I was contemplating on whether to believe her or not. I could hardly believe the story that she just told me because as far as I know, witches don't exist anymore. "You're kidding, right? Witches don't exist, I mean not for decades now." I replied to Elena and fake a laugh. Maybe she's just bored or maybe she just wants to think that she is a half-witch or maybe she just want to somehow escape the harsh reality that we're facing now. "That's a bit ironic to say, werewolves exist so what makes you think that witches don't anymore?" Elena asked me. I just shake my head, only the witches and the vampires we're exiled for reasons still unknown to everyone, that's why werewolves still exist. "Yeah, and maybe vampires still exist too," I told her and I can't help but raise my eyebrows when I saw her nod in response. "Stop fooling around, Elena. There's no such thing as witches and vampires, as far as I know, they're long gone." I said to her, there's no way I'm going to believe everything that she just shoved in my brain. My mom told me the story about the witches and the vampires, until now it is still a mystery if there's still anyone left of their kind. "Not totally gone, you'll be surprised how many witches are still in the coven," Elena said to me and I don't know if she is just a great actress because the way she delivered her story makes me want to believe her so bad. "If you're a witch, then why don't you heal yourself? Why don't you use your magic to escape this prison?" I asked Elena question after another and I was suddenly taken aback when suddenly there was a gleam of sadness in her eyes but it was only for a second before her expression went completely blank. "When my mother turned me into a werewolf, our ancestors got mad at me to the point where they forbid me into using my magic ever again. I'm now a cast-out witch and I can only turn into a werewolf during the full moon. I'm basically nothing right now." Elena replied sadly. I can see in the expression on Elena's face that she seems to be telling the truth but with all the bad things I've been through, I'm having a hard time trusting and believing anyone's story. "I don't know why you're telling me this, Elena. That information can't help us escape this prison." I complained and kicked the door of this small cage praying that the cage will magically unlock. I can't help but feel a little discouraged at this moment. I thought I already had it, my freedom. "I also don't know why I'm telling you this, maybe because I just want to talk to someone today. I don't want to die without telling someone my little secret." Elena replied to me and I heard her take a deep breath as she leaned on the wall of her cage. Elena didn't talk to me again. I didn't even bother to talk to her again because I'm just so f*****g exhausted with everything that happened to me.
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