15. Let's have some coffee...

2431 Words

Elena's Point of View Tutoring Kyle and Jaden were not hard for me at all. I have already learnt about those concepts deeply. Also, I believe I am pretty good at teaching too. I have many students, even in high school. On the other hand, Kyle and Jaden are good students too. They actively engage in tutoring. Asking questions and answering what I asked them. We spent nearly 4 hours studying together. Saint was studying alone; it was just the rest of us who studied together. "How about we take a break now? I am hungry!" Jaden began to complain with his super cute pouting face. "I think that's good. Can we continue studying after that?" Kyle asked. "We don't have anything else to do today, right? How about you, Elena?" Jaden asked. "I am free today…." Well, I am free every day because

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