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~Adrain~ I couldn't stop myself from thinking about her. The way her tiny, plump lips pouted up at me, as if she was begging to be kissed. I wanted to pull her into my arms, molding our bodies together. The electricity that consumed me after only touching our hands together had my c**k twitching to life. It had been years since I felt a connection with anyone, and never this strong before. The way her hips sashayed back into the hospital, following the snarky nurse, was... memorizing. How did this perfect little woman just have a whelp? Her body was slim. Her soaking wet trench coat hugged her figure perfectly. Her waste tucked in, as her ass and hips were perfectly round. She couldn't be more than size two or three. She had perfect, perky breasts... Possibly size C or D. All I knew was they would look perfect cupped in my hands. Her honey-blonde hair seemed to be highlighted with a bit of red, in a natural way. Though, the first feature that truly captured my attention and held it, was her ocean blue eyes. They were as clear as day, I felt like I was in Fiji, staring into the crystal perfect water. She captured my full attention, not once losing it, even as she walked away. She was... Model-worthy. Bloody hell, get a grip of yourself. The woman just had a whelp. No way was she thinking about being with a wanker like myself. She probably already had a man just as model worthy by her side. I couldn't help myself thinking about what her whelp looked like. Did the little one have as intense eyes as its mother? I needed to find her. No, that was a terrible idea. No need to make an arse of myself while I was in Jordan representing my family. My body buzzed with unsettling nerves, as the need to see her again grew stronger, gnawing at my very soul. Pull yourself together, you are becoming a git. Who runs around, breaking up families just because they have an unnerving obsession? Shaking off the ridiculous thoughts, I took myself to finish the donation with the financial coordinator and CEO. I needed to get out of here before I wouldn't be able to hold myself back. I am sure they would be interested in hearing all about my altercation with their wanker of a nurse. It would be the highlight of my trip to have her bagged from this job. As I made my way down the corridor, my fist lingered an inch off the door. Before I could finish connecting to the steel contraption, the metal death trap flew open, just barely missing my face. "I am s... sorry." The middle-aged man, Brock I believe, known as the CEO of trinity hospital, stuttered out in embarrassment. "There seems to be a problem." He walked off down the hallway, as my feet seemed to follow him with a mind of their own.My heart ricocheted within my chest, as if it knew my lady was in trouble. Bloody hell, when did I start considering her my lady? I held my breath as Brock tried to calm down one of his nurses, a short blonde one that seemed shaken up. He was repeatedly telling Ariel to breathe. Ironic in the least. What was this woman so worked up about? Her breathy gasps and painful sobs made it hard to understand what she was trying to say, "Room two hundred and one... baby... woman... in... danger... Man attacked... me." She wasn't lying either, there was blood dripping down her face, making me assume her head was injured. Did she just say room... Bloody hell. I took off, forgetting about the CEO, forgetting about the bleeding nurse, as my heart searched for her room. I could hear the pounding of feet behind me, as I assumed security was right on my tail. They would have to beat me to the bastard if he was hurting my angel. My fists curled tight at my side, as I felt my circulation beginning to be deprived. My fingers tingled with the need to relax, allowing blood to flow freely once more, though I couldn't knowing she might be in danger. It was possible I heard the room number wrong, and I was only over reacting, though my gut told me the opposite. Who was this man? What was he capable of? Why did he injure a nurse? I didn't wait for the security to catch up. I didn't wait for the CEO even as he screamed for me to wait and be precarious. I didn't wait for my men, though I knew they were close by within the shadows, like always. As I got to the room, reading the number for a third time, a blood-curdling scream ripped through the corridor. The door was adjourned, all the permission I needed to enter. I wasn't sure I would have stood idly even if the door was locked. My body vibrated with unexplainable rage when I heard the wails of the tiny whelp. The door ricocheted off the wall, vibrating through the floor. I couldn't care less who noticed my presence first. The sight before me made my heart ache in ways I never thought possible. My angel's transparent blue eyes connected with mine. She almost looked... relieved. The rage inside of me was building with every inch of her I took in. There were yellowish-green bruises peaking out from behind her smearing make-up. Her lip was split open, with blood trickling down her jaw. Her eyebrow had an egg forming underneath from a recent impact. Her majestic hair was knotted up in his grip, one that seemed to be tightening as the seconds ticked by. The pink blanket inside the cot was flailing around. I could assume the little princess was swaddled contently before this bigot interrupted their calm atmosphere. "Get the f**k out dude. This doesn't concern you." The bigot spoke with an arrogant tone. "That's where you are wrong mate. Anything to do with this woman is my business." The words fell from my mouth before I could stop them, though I didn't once regret them. "Is this piece of s**t the one you cheated on me with? As if any man would ever want you the way I do. You will learn your place bitch." His murderous glare at the woman kneeling in front of him didn't waver. She would never cheat, my heart just knew it to be true. I couldn't explain it in any other way. He raised his hand, preparing his palm for the impact that wouldn't come. Before he could land his palm on her cheek, my hand tightened around his wrist. I can't tell you how I got across the room so fast, all I knew was I had to protect this woman and prevent her receiving any more pain. "What the f**k??? Release me you prick. You can have the bastard child, it isn't like I would let her keep it. Take the screaming banshee and leave before I kill the thing with my bare hands." "No... Please." I almost missed her words of plea. I could see the tears gathering in her eyes again, and it wasn't from the pain this time. "Shut the f**k up Saph or I will snap her neck right in front of you." The words falling out of this man's vile mouth were horrendous. How could a git possibly be this cruel? Her eyes left his face, connecting with mine. She was pleading with me, begging me to take the whelp out of the danger zone. How could I leave my angel here without any protection though? My heart and mind were conflicted. I knew the whelp was helpless, and this woman wouldn't fight back with her possibly being in danger. Though my heart ached to leave her with this delirious man, not knowing if I would see her alive again if I walked out of that room. I finally heard security reach the door, my men in the front of the batch. I released the man's wrist, sprinting over to the scared little whelp who calmed quickly within my arms. She was bundled back inside her pink cocoon, her green emerald eyes staring up at me as she sucked an imaginary dummy. The little princess was hungry for sure. I wondered for a minute if my angel was nursing her or giving her bottles. I tried to remove my train of thoughts while a commotion broke out behind me. I felt connected to the whelp in a way I would never understand. How could I claim a whelp that wasn't mine? I peeked over my shoulder, trying to see the progress of the situation behind me without letting the princess witness such a vile thing. I wanted to know this was over with, so I could get back to my tasks. That's a fib. I needed to know my angel was alright. I felt a protectiveness over her, one I wasn't allowed to claim if she was with this filth of a git. My angel was using one of my men as a human shield, as she clutched his black shirt with her tiny fists. She was engulfed by his massive structure. I could barely see her. The hospital's security were detaining the git with a zip tie, and make shift cuffs. The police arrived within seconds with metal cuffs clinking in their hands, and I watched as my angel peaked around Roberto. "I am not pressing charges." Her soft whispers had so many emotions swirling within her every word. Fear, Pain, Determination. "Ma'am, if that is the case, we will only bring him to the station to set out the hospital restraining order and then give him a court appearance. You have the right to press charges, are you sure about this?" The bloody officer grunted, pain and understanding fluttered across his features. He must have seen many domestic violence cases to know how victims fall back into the hands of their abusers. The results were... deathly at many times. "Yes, I am sure. I am sorry to have wasted your time with this... trivial matter when emergencies needing your priority are needing your attention." Her exhaustion pushed forward as she released her grip on Roberto. His shirt was wrinkled. Though he didn't seem to mind, as he continued to walk alongside of her, blocking the git's view of her. "Saph, look at me. Come on, baby. I'm sorry, I overreacted. You can keep that... thing, and we can move on from this. I love you baby, you know that." The git begged, straining against the police officers as he dropped to his knees. "Please baby. I need to know you forgive me before I leave here. I hate when you are upset with me." Was he serious? More importantly, was she falling for his words?
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