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Second period bell rang and everyone walked away from the hallways into their classes. “Today we shall be learning about, the Salem witch trials,” an elegant lady in-front of a classroom said to her students. “Anyone have any ideas or knowledge about this?” She asked. A boy in the back put up his hand and when the teacher pointed at him and said ,”Yes Mr. Colson!” He answered,”All I know is that Victor’s grandma escaped the witch trials,” and the whole class laughed and someone else in the back yelled ,”WITCH!” “Enough boys,” the teacher said, looking at Victor who sat their unbothered and unmoved by their attempts to rile him up. He was nonchalant in that way. Victor put his hand up and answered when it happened and where it happened, and the teacher was impressed. She carried on with the lesson and the lunch time bell was rang. Victor pushed his books into his bag and walked out. He put his AirPods on and walked to the bleachers where he watched a football game. He sat there in thoughts listening to his music till extra classes were done and it was time to head home. “Good evening grandma.” “Welcome back from school honey,” a fairly young lady for the title grandmother sat in the couch watching something on TV, responded to victor as he immediately walked up the stairs to his bedroom. He fell in his bed and rested for about thirty minutes when he heard his phone ding, and he reached for it across his bed to look at what was on it. The notification said,’want to meet up.’ He opened the app and replied ,’yeah sure why not.’ He showered and dressed up to go meet his bestfriend Jeremy. They met up at the movies. Jeremy had already bought them tickets and was waiting in line with two popcorn bags in his hands and a couple of drinks. “What took you so long!” the tired boy said. “Sorry got caught up in traffic,” Victor said smiling. “What traffic is their on the pavement,” Jeremy replied obviously annoyed by Victor’s coming late. “Anyways whatever let’s walk in.” They walked in to watch Avatar Way of Water that had just come out. Two girls signaled for Jeremy to go to them. “You didn’t tell me their would be other people,” Victor said in clear discomfort of their presence. “Don’t worry they are nice, and they are from our school,” was Jeremy’s reply. “Hi there,” the two girls said in unison to victor. “Hey,” he replied subtly. They both took their seats besides each girl, and sank in ready for the move to start. About half an hour into the movie, the girl next to Victor asks him what’s going on because she hadn’t been understanding anything from the start. It looked like she was trying to build conversation so he went along with it. He answered her questions about the movie and when it was done and they walked out he realized that this was Kara, the most popular girl at his school. She was light brown eyed girl with really dark long hair, fair skin and pretty freckles. The simplicity of her beauty was moving. The other girl was her friend, Nina, who seemed to be very close to Jeremy leaving Kara alone to her thoughts while the four walked. Victor had had a crush on Kara for as long as he could remember his life at ADT academy. She caught his eye from the moment he entered the school as a new kid about three years ago. He was shocked he couldn’t tell it was her in the movies, cause he was practically obsessed with her even though he kept his feelings to himself. They walked down the stairs of the mall they were in, and went to food court on the lower floor. It was one of those nights where the sky was free from clouds and the stars were clearly visible and so was the crescent moon that night. While they were settling in their booth seats, with the girls on one side and the two boys on the other, Chad Donovan and his friends walked in. They usually came here for drinks and this immediately startled Victor. They wouldn’t leave without giving him a hard time and all he could think about was the embarrassed he would receive in front of Kara. “If it isn’t the witch’s son,” Chad said tapping on victor’s back. “Leave him alone,” Jeremy said knowing how silent victor was in such situations in most cases. “And wait! Is that his loser friend,” Chad said looking back at his boys who immediately laughed. Chad had dated Kara a month ago and it was no secret to the school how the two ended with Chad’s unfaithfulness to her. “I see you’re moving on Kara, im glad, but honestly your taste is going bad. From me to them,” he said pointing at the boys. He was about to take a step closer to Jeremy when victor clenched his fist and Chad tripped. It’s like he had telekinetically dropped him. Chad was embarrassed since the girls and his boys were now laughing. “Let’s go boys,” he said while standing up from his embarrassing fall. Victor was a little taken aback by how he did that even though he knew it was him who did. He’s powers didn’t work before even though he knew he was part witch. He’s grandmother said his powers would come one day and so will his dad when they do to collect what was his. But the old lady was usually saying things that didn’t make sense so he brushed the cold chill he felt away. “I’m sorry about that,” Kara apologized looking into Victor’s eyes, “it’s because of me he bothered you.” Victor contemplated explaining that it wasn’t her fault and that Chad already hated him even before but it seemed pointless so he answered , “it’s fine.” They had there dinner and walked out of the place after they were done. They returned to their homes and while victor was doing his homework on his table in the bedroom he saw a text from an unknown number. ‘Hi it’s Kara from earlier,’ it said. This was a little too exciting for him to contain so he immediately opened her chat to text but then reconsidered texting immediately not to seem desperate. He still found himself replying there and then and so did she. ‘I’m still sorry about the Chad incident, I’ll find a way to make it up to you,’ she said. ‘Don’t sweat it. I’m honestly good,’ he replied. ‘Okay then, how about you do me a favour, can you come with me to the shady grill tomorrow for our Nina’s party,’ she answered. ‘Yeah, sure. I’ll pick you up. Send location,’ and with that she immediately sent her house address and he went to sleep. In a large living room, a man sat in a chair talking to a boy. “You know what to do when you meet him?” The man said with his chair facing the fire place. “Yes, I do. I’m supposed to get his trust and use him.” The boy replied. “That’s right, that’s right,” the man repeated in a smaller tone.

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