Being Watch

1084 Words

Luna’s PoV How many would that make now that I killed another enemy? Ten? Twelve? Gosh- I need to keep track of my kills. Wait, what am I saying? I shouldn’t be killing anyone if I want to atone for my sins. I let go of the ax I took from one of the barbarians and turned around to see the others staring at me. Ophelia, on the other hand, came forward and offered me a handkerchief. At first, I wondered what the reason for her to do so was, but then I realized that I was probably covered with the enemy's blood from head to toe. “You smash their skull hard, Luna. It seems your usual self is still there. I do hope you’ll control yourself from now on. Everyone seems to be afraid of you.” I sighed while wiping my face clean with the handkerchief. “Look, we were sent here to exterminate t

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