Chapter 3 -The Run In

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Claudette’s POV This is just great, Kamila. Why could you not let me train today? Do I really ask that much of you? “Are you serious right now, Claudette? It was my day to train.” Hell yes, I’m serious Kamila! You hate to train; all you ever do is complain about it or ask me to switch with you. The only reason you wanted to train is because the alphas and betas from the other packs are here.  “So, what if it is,” said Kamila. I really want to know what you think would happen. You would just jump around, and one of them would fall in love with you. “Claudette! UGHH… When you put it like that, you make it sound dumb. I don’t know what it would look like, maybe like they walk in to see me sparing and be like she’s the one.  I was hoping for maybe something like out of the movies.” Hahahaha, Oh my gosh, I love you. I swear my life would be so dull without you, Kamila. I’m sorry I ruined your romantic moment with your future hubby, I joked. Whatever Claudette, let's go before we’re in even more trouble than we already are.  The best thing about having a sister is that we may fight, but we forgive each other once we are done and can still be best friends. “Claudette, to make up for ruining my moment earlier, let's race to the packhouse,” says Kamila. Okay, go, we take off pushing, shoving, and next thing I know, I run straight into Alpha Blake. I was running so fast I couldn’t stop in time.  I felt like I ran into a brick wall, as I look up, I stutter out I. I. I’m sorry. He is towering over me; he had to be at least 6’2' or taller. He had nice tan skin, sandy brown hair, a sharp jawline, massive arms. He looked like he was dropped down on earth by the gods. I couldn’t help but stare, as I was, he apparently was talking to me, and I did not hear a thing he said. I wasn’t brought out of my stare until I hear Kamila’s yapping, “I won! I won! I won!  Earth to Claudette, you can let go of Blake now.” Oh, s**t, I have been holding on to him this entire time. While staring at him like I am some stalker or a crazed fan. My face now is beat red from blushing, and I can feel my psalm sweating as I let go of him. I give him a quick smile and walk away as quickly as possible without trying to look like I’m trying to run away from him.  As I look at Kamila, her face is beaming like she just found out the juiciest new gossip ever to happen on earth. Not a word Kamila; not a word. She just laughs out loud, which makes me blush even more. I do not even turn around and walk right into the house and go to our father’s office. Upon arriving, our father let's out a growl and says late. All I can think is, yeah, because of that stupid Alpha getting in my way.  We both bow our heads and take a seat. Once we are seated, the door shuts behind us. I turn around to find our mother and Luna of the pack behind us. This just got worse is all I can think of if our mother is present during a talk. I feel Kamila reach for my hand and squeeze it. I squeeze it back.  We had always done this when we need support or when we were in trouble with our parents. Our mother starts Claudette do you remember the conversation we had this morning. I just stare at her like, what does something we talked about this morning have to do with this. Thankfully before I start to speak, it dawns on me that I completely forgot I was supposed to be helping my mother this afternoon.  Mom, I’m sorry I completely forgot I was supposed to be helping you welcome the alphas and betas when they arrived. She says, “clearly, and you were supposed to help me set up their rooms and help me with other accommodations for them. Claudette, if you would just do as you are told, we would not have been embarrassed today. I hope you did not ruin any chance you both might have had with one of them by that disgraceful show today.”  Mom, what are you talking about, our chance? “Your father and I have brought the alphas and betas here to see if you or sister are any of their mates. If so, this will work perfectly. If not, we will pick one of them to be your chosen mate.” My sister and I both gasp at my mother’s words.  How can they arrange for us to marry someone who is not our mate? When you are a werewolf, you grow up learning that mates are the best thing that can happen to you. A mate will love you, cherish you, protect you, make you stronger, etc.  However, this is not what Kamila and I were taught. We were taught that, yes, mates were a great thing to have, but they were not necessary to live because our parents loved each other and were not mates. Still growing up hearing all the stories, we both always hoped and dreamed that we would be the lucky ones that found our mates. I guess the little girl in me still dreamed of a prince charming or knight in shining armor. I was brought back from my thoughts at the sound of a book being slammed down on the desk. “Claudette, if you do not get your head out of the clouds and pay attention. Now your father and I have discussed it, because of the incident early today, neither one of you will walk at graduation. ” Mom! I shout! All I hear is a warning growl from my father and a gasp from my sister. She is now squeezing my hand even tighter. I just shut up and keep listening to her dish out our punishment. “Now, where was I? No graduation, no graduation trip, no graduation party, and no training for a week. I shake my head and roll my eyes, but that just lands me an extra week of no training.  Our father finally decides to speak only to give us more punishment “you girls will spend the next week alternating getting to know each of the alphas. At the end of the week is the day we have been waiting for! We will allow you both to a combined birthday party, but we will be in charge of the guest list.  No unmated males will be allowed to attend unless approved ahead of time by your mother or me. There is no getting out of this. If you disobey, you will be married off before the end of the week. So do not even think of going against us. Do you both understand? We both nod and say yes, sir. My father tells us we can go now.
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