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The night enveloped the thick forest in a chilling fog, concealing everything within its grasp. The Mystic Rogues, a pack driven by their primal instincts, ventured through the mist, confident in their purpose. Their insatiable desire to kill, their relentless pursuit of prey, and their unwavering determination to leave nothing standing in their path fueled their actions. Known as the Mystic Rogues, survivors who had encountered them referred to them as such. They roamed from one pack to another, devouring and eliminating all in their wake. Unlike other packs, their intentions didn't involve domination or control; they were ruthless and saw no value in maintaining what was beneath them. Lacking a designated leader, the Mystic Rogues operated with ease. If one pack managed to defeat them, the rest would continue their assault as if nothing had happened. Their fierce yellow eyes glowed amidst the fog as they forged ahead. In a small border room, two guards sat on duty, their attention momentarily diverted from the imminent danger outside. One of the guards held a picture in his hand, capturing the curiosity of his companion. "What's that?" the other guard inquired, noticing his colleague's fixation on the photograph. "Oh, it's nothing. Just my sister. She's at the hospital, and I'm about to become an uncle," he replied, his gaze lingering on the image. "What? That's fantastic news!" the other guard exclaimed, genuinely happy for him. "Yeah, she's been waiting for this day for so long," he added, a smile spreading across his face. "I'm sure her mate must be overjoyed right now," the other guard remarked. "He would have been, but he died during an attack four months ago," he responded, a hint of sadness in his voice. "So, you mean to tell me that your sister will be going through labor alone?" the other guard asked, concern evident in his tone. "Unfortunately, yes." "What the hell are you doing here, then? Go to her now!" the other guard insisted, pushing his colleague out of his chair, urging him to rush to the hospital. "But I'm working; I can't just leave my post like that," he protested, torn between his duty and his family obligation. "I'm here, I'll take care of things. Now, go!" With a final push, he propelled his companion out of the room, and the guard hurriedly made his way to be by his sister's side during her childbirth. The remaining guard grabbed a can of Sprite from the fridge, attempting to cool his brain, when he noticed flashing lights emanating from the woods, drawing closer. Intrigued, he approached the window to catch a glimpse of the source. "What is that?" he pondered aloud, as the smell of rogues wafted into his nostrils—foul and repugnant. The yellow glow emanating from the woods confirmed his suspicions. The increasing sound of footsteps drew nearer, and he knew exactly what it meant. "Attack! The pack is under attack!" the guard yelled, sounding the alarm to alert the rest of the pack. He could see numerous rogue lycans approaching, prompting him to transform into his lycan form and let out a resounding howl. The pack, awakened by his call, quickly grasped the severity of the situation. Men and women rushed out of their homes, ready to defend their pack. The rogues numbered around a hundred as they forcefully breached their way into the pack's territory, but the warriors arrived just in time to prevent significant damage. Lycans clashed, tossed in different directions, as the battle unfolded. Amidst the chaos, the deep growl of a brown lycan caught the attention of the fighters. They recognized him immediately—the Beta of the pack. The rogues swarmed toward him, knowing that if they could eliminate the Beta, they would gain an advantage over the Alpha, their bond making them vulnerable. The brown wolf swiftly grabbed three lycans by their necks, slamming them against a tree before twisting their necks, snuffing out their lives. He then threw their lifeless bodies to the ground. Observing two rogues racing towards him, he anticipated their movements, deftly dodging their attack, causing them to collide with each other. Seizing one of them by the tail, he slammed it forcefully onto the ground, while his claws dug into the other's neck, swiftly ending its existence. Within seconds, a powerful roar reverberated through the air—the commanding presence of the Lycan Alpha. A black-furred figure burst into the midst of the fray, instantly surrounded by a dozen rogues. The rogues wasted no time and attempted to overpower him at every opportunity. Unyielding, the Alpha seized a nearby Lycan, effortlessly ripping out its heart from its chest before dropping the lifeless body to the ground. Two more Lycans became his targets as he plucked out their eyes with astonishing speed, allowing them to roam blindly until they met their demise at the hands of the pack's warriors. As the Alpha walked along the path, one after another, the bodies of the rogues were dropped. He showed no mercy to the rogues, killing them in whatever way pleased him. Suddenly, he spotted a heap of rogues pinning down two warriors. With a swift move, he threw two of the rogues into the air, watching them fall to the ground before burying their heads deep into the ground, breaking their necks. Within moments, the rogues were defeated, and a cry of victory echoed through the air. The Warriors couldn't help but sing praises about their Alpha, which the pack members quickly picked up on. "The Beta had slain many, but the Alpha had slain much," they sang as they made their way back to the pack house. Before the Alpha could climb up the stairs to his room, a middle-aged man, the Beta, approached him. "Alpha, are you okay?" he asked, concern evident in his voice. "I should be asking you that, Beta. You are bleeding," the Alpha pointed out, noticing an injury to the Beta's waist. "It's just a minor issue. I will heal in no time," Alex, the Beta, replied dismissively. "Get some rest, Beta," the Alpha advised before walking away. He entered his room to find his Luna, Lilian, standing by the open door. Her face brightened as she caught his strong scent, knowing he was victorious once again. "My love, were you underestimating me?" he asked, taking hold of her hand. "Never, my dearest mate. I have full trust in you. That's why I prepared a hot bath for you. I'll be waiting so you can take a quick shower and wash off all these unpleasant scents from your body," Lilian suggested. "Will do," he replied gratefully, making his way to the bathroom. When he finished, he found her lying on the bed, engrossed in a book. "How is my little pumpkin doing today?" he asked playfully, climbing onto the bed and pulling off the duvet, revealing her large stomach. "There was a kick today. I can't wait for our child to be born into this world," she shared with a smile. "I can't wait either. I have so many things I want to teach him, to show him the whole world," he expressed eagerly. Lilian rolled her eyes, understanding his intentions. "You just want to teach him how to fight and make him be like you. What 'whole world' are you talking about? You may rule the seven packs of this city, but I can see right through you, Mr. Alpha. I can tell that you would be so excited if it were a boy." "Okay, fine, you've caught me. I do want our first child to be a boy so that he can rule the pack after me," he confessed, his voice filled with anticipation. "You're being discriminatory towards a girl child," Lilian protested. "No, I would never do that. I'm just saying it wouldn't be the same if it were a boy. We would have a lot in common. Is this why you've refused to tell me the gender?" he questioned. "Yes, I want you to think day and night about our child's gender until he or she is born," she replied with a mischievous smile. "I know it's going to be a boy. I can feel it in my bones. My instincts are never wrong, and he will be the next Alpha of this pack, I just know it," he boasted confidently. "You do you, while I take a nap," Lilian playfully responded. "I'm right by your side," he reassured her, pulling her into his embrace, allowing her to rest her head on his arms. He gently caressed her face until she drifted off to sleep. "Sweet dreams, my love," he whispered, placing a tender kiss on her forehead. In another room within the pack house, the Gamma walked in on his mate, who immediately expressed her worry and concern. "You're finally back! Do you know how worried I was?" she exclaimed, her voice filled with both relief and frustration. "I told you to rest and not wait up for me," he replied defensively. "Rest? How am I supposed to rest when you were out there risking your life fighting those rogues? Was I supposed to rest while they brought your dead body back to me?" she demanded, her emotions pouring out. "What did you expect me to do? Stay back and let the Alpha fight alone? Rest with you, knowing fully well that the pack was under attack and they needed me there?" he snapped back, his frustration evident. "Oh really? Then what exactly did you do? It's thr beta’s name I hear being praised as many, while the Alpha is addressed as much. How do you explain that? How exactly did you help?" she pressed, her arms crossed as she challenged him. "You can't expect people to see us as equals. He is the Alpha, for damn's sake. Of course, he would be regarded in higher status," he answered defensively. "The Alpha, a title that should have been yours in the first place. Tell me, does it feel nice being addressed as the Gamma of the pack when you know fully well you could have been the Alpha?" she interrogated, her eyes fixed on him, waiting for his response while preparing herself for a heated exchange. "Not now, dear. I am injured, and I need rest. You shouldn't be stressing yourself in this condition. It's not good for you," he pointed at her small bump, trying to shift the focus. "Let me see your wounds before you take a shower," she softened her tone. "So you can actually act nice," he remarked, surprised by her change in demeanor. "You can't blame me for the way I act. I'm carrying our child in my womb, and I don't expect the father of the child to be reckless before I give birth. I'm doing all this for us to survive," she explained, her voice tinged with a mix of concern and frustration. "I understand, my dear, but sometimes you do too much. Just let things take their course and don't push it. The right time will present itself, and I won't miss such an opportunity," he gently admonished her, hoping to ease the tension. "If you say so," she relented, pulling back from the argument. She tended to his wounds, and then he made his way to have a cold shower, washing away the stench of death that clung to him. *** The crisp morning air filled the bustling hospital as the first rays of sunlight peeked through the windows. In the labor and delivery ward, anticipation hung in the air, intermingling with nervous excitement. Today was a momentous day for Alpha and Luna, the esteemed leaders of the Black Moon Pack. They were about to welcome their firstborn into the world, a boy named Luke, destined to be a future leader in his own right. Within the walls of the delivery room, Luna Lilian lay on the hospital be. Her raven-black hair cascaded down her shoulders, framing her serene face. The Alpha, tall and strong with a commanding presence, stood beside her, holding her hand, offering unwavering support. The room was filled with a team of skilled doctors and nurses, their attentiveness heightened for the arrival of this extraordinary child. Dr. Emily Carter, a renowned obstetrician, oversaw the proceedings, her expertise and gentle demeanor putting Luna at ease. As the contractions intensified, Luna's grip tightened around the Alpha’s hand. Her eyes shut, and her breathing deepened, as she focused on the rhythm taught during countless prenatal classes. The Alpha leaned closer, whispering words of encouragement and love, assuring her that she was not alone in the moment. The room was filled with the sounds of heart monitors beeping and the hushed conversations among the medical staff. The anticipation grew, as if the universe itself held its breath, waiting for the arrival of the future leader. Finally, the moment arrived. With a final surge of strength, Luna's body responded to thefinal push. The room erupted into a flare-up of activity, as Dr. Carter directed the nurses to prepare for the imminent birth. The Alpha stood at the Luna's side, his eyes filled with awe and adoration for the woman who was about to bring their legacy into the world. Luna's face was a mix of determination and exhaustion as she pushed with all her might. Time seemed to stretch, each second feeling like an eternity until, suddenly, a cry pierced the air, announcing the arrival of new life. The room fell into silence as the cries subsided, and the nurses meticulously cleaned the newborn boy, wrapping him in a soft, warm blanket. Luna's eyes were filled with tears of joy as she reached out to cradle her son for the first time. The Alpha leaned over, planting a tender kiss on his wife's forehead, his voice filled with pride as he whispered, "Welcome, little Luke. You are a gift from the moon goddess herself." Luke, a vision of perfection, possessed an strange charm. His tufts of dark hair resembled his mother's, and his tiny fingers instinctively curled around her hand, as if knowing she would forever be his guiding light. In that room, the time seemed to wait as the couple marveled at the miracle they had created. They knew that their lives were forever changed, that they had been blessed with the responsibility of raising a future Alpha, one who would carry the torch of their pack into the next generation. As the Alpha and Luna gazed upon their son, a sense of purpose filled their hearts. They were ready to embark on a new chapter of their lives, one filled with love, protection, and the unwavering commitment to nurture Luke's potential and prepare him for the destiny that awaited him as a leader of the Black Moon Pack. Years passed and Luke had grown into a fine young man, he possessed the qualities of his father the Alpha in an excellent manner after all he was taught everything he knew by him. Luke sat in his room while his father told him tales of his victory from various attacks and wars they had when the door swung open and Lilian stood by the door. “Dont you think it is a bit too early to be telling him such terrifying stories” she asked. “No, he enjoys such stories” The Alpha replied. “He is only nine, of course he would enjoy any story you give him” she answered. “Let me bond with my son” the Alpha whined pulling his little boy into his arms. “Well I came to say that food is ready, the beta and his son are already waiting for us” she said crossing her arms to look at him. The thought of food filled Luke’s mind that he escaped from his father’s embrace and raced towards the door. “Food is ready” he screamed as he ran down the hallway to the dinning room where it had been served. “Look what you have caused” The Alpha blamed her feeling abandoned by his son over food. “It is not my fault that you were telling him stories on an empty stomach, the little boy must have endured a lot” she teased him adding more pain to his injury. “Let's go my dear” he smiled and held her hand as they walked down the stairs to the dining room to join the others.

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