Tabernas Theme Park – Almeria

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Tabernas Theme Park – AlmeriaGuy was alarmed by Roase's outburst. “What is it Rose?” he said, full of concern. “Over there, staring at me,” she pointed, her face twisted with surprise and fear. “What? Where?” “Above the tavern building, its him, I swear it, The Teacher.” “I can’t see anything. Are you sure?” Guy tried to see through the upstairs window but couldn't see anything. He began to feel an eerie sensation at the back of his neck and shivered. It was the sensation that always troubled him when his nemesis was in the vicinity. “I have a bad feeling about this place Rose," he told her. "We need to get out of here, now, something’s very wrong.” To emphasise his concern he turned to pull her with him, his words were drowned out by gunshots. Six Spanish cowboys rode energetically into

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