11. Pouty

1081 Words
  CHAPTER ELEVEN The entire evening Dominic was unusually quiet much to my happiness. Though for some reason it did nag me a bit. Whatever it was, I knew it had something to do with Lawrence Stewart. It was when the last guest left, did I let subsequent tired yawns that I had been stifling the entire night. The one thing I was grateful for was the fact there was no media of any kind otherwise I would have been a mess by now.   “Hey,” Julian stated pocketing.   “What do you want Julian?” I asked tiredly as Dominic walked away to give us space.   “I’m really sorry about everything. I really wanted to tell you but then you’d have used up all your savings. Mum and dad didn’t want that,” I was not going to fall for that apologetic pout on his face.   “Well, that would have been better than being stuck in a loveless marriage with some criminal,” I snapped, my voice dropping into a mere whisper.   “He is not a criminal,” he objected, making me cork my eyebrows in disbelief.   “Why are you even defending him?” I asked in frustration.   “So I spoke to the manager about the job you asked me to get you. Congratulations, you begin on Monday,” Dominic told Julian as he joined us.   “W-what!” I stuttered in disbelief.   Julian spared me a guilty expression. So that was he why he had been defending him all along and readily accepted Dominic into my life instead of being the protective brother he was supposed to be? I clicked my tongue walking away and I was a bit surprised he didn’t come after me. Right, of course he was celebrating his big news at the expense of my happiness and basically the rest of my life.   “Honey,” My mother caught my attention but I ignored her proceeding to head out of the ballroom.   She touched my bare arm making me look at her in my most annoyed expression. I was still hurting from their deeds.   “I’m so tired right now and the last thing I want is a fight with you mum. Though I hope you all now have the lives you’ve always wanted since I’m paying for it with the rest of my married life,” I began ascending the stairs avoiding her.   “Leaving without the bridegroom?” Dominic stated behind me when I reached the top of the stairs but just like my mother I snubbed him.   I had barely taken three steps into the empty hallway when he yanked my arm, jerking me to a sudden stop. Grimacing at the intensity of his hold on my arm, I tried to pull free but he was much stronger than me. Why do I have to be so weak? It’s like I had no will of my own and everybody else could push me around. That made me hate myself and everyone around me.   “When I talk to you, you listen to me. Never ever put your back on me,” he grunted, the ferocity of his words ringing in the back of my mind like a danger alarm on repeat.   “I didn’t ask to be in this marriage Dominic. It was everyone else’s decision but mine. Nobody, not even you asked me what I wanted.  You want to hit me for putting my back to you then go ahead, hit me. Nobody cares, so why should I?”  I could feel tears burn the edges of my eyes but I refused to cry.   His eyes softened for a bit before he turned the door handle, dragging me inside. My heartbeat was racing at the thought of what he might do to me. I should have kept my lips shut. He locked the door then proceeded to remove his suit coat. My gaze never wondered anywhere else as I watched him proceed to unbutton the three top buttons of his shirt, revealing the top outline of his chest. He walked into the closet room as I searched for an escape. If my life was on the line then I had to get away as fast as possible. Gathering my gown, I tiptoed towards the door, keeping my gaze on the closet. I slowly opened unlocked the door, fearing that even a single wisp of air from my nose might alarm him.   “What do you think you are doing?” he snapped his footsteps inching closer to me as I whirled around to look at his face contorted into an angry glare.   “I needed some water to drink,” I thought fast refusing to get daunted under his nerving dark stare.   He thrust a notebook and a pen into my hands as I looked at him in pure confusion.   “When I come back I want all the terms of our marriage on that notebook. The last thing I need is you to be whining over people not caring about you,” he walked out of the room leaving me even more confused.   I thought he didn’t want any terms on this so called marriage? I had no idea of whatever made him change his mind but I was grateful. If I was going to be stuck in this marriage with him then, I might as well force him to give me a divorce, indirectly of course. When it came to men like Dominic, I knew I had to play the game smartly. Getting rid of the gown, I rummaged through his closet.  Even though the fear of stumbling into a gun or some dangerous forearms clung into the deep roots of my heart, I still kept looking for something to wear. All I could see were expensive suits, a couple of black T-shirts and three faded denims. I ended up wearing one of his light purple button down suit shirts, which happened to be at far end of the closet. To every professional business man his suits were the next important thing to his business so why not try that out on Dominic? Sitting cross legged on the fluffy mattress I began racking my brain for ideas. I was going to be out of this marriage without so much as a fuss.
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