14. Ignored

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CHAPTER FOURTEEN "Would you mind sparing me a dance darling?" Dominic interrupted before I could say a word. I had not seen him approaching either.   "Of course not," I linked my palm to his, avoiding Reed's gaze.   He led me to the dance floor on which a slow song was playing. With one hand placed on my lower back, it was hard to ignore the ripples flowing through me.   "How come Reed didn't know?" I asked my gaze trained on the couples dancing a few paces away.   "Because I never told him," He replied simply.   "You said you told everyone," I let a hint of accusatory tone slide into my voice.   "Now that everybody knows you are pregnant, I guess we will have to make some babies then, “He said instead. I stiffened at his words. Make some babies? That would mean I’d have to let him have s*x with me and that was the last thing I wanted. Heck, just the thought of it was enough to scare me out of my mind.   "I’m just joking but in case they start asking questions, we’ll just tell them it was a false alarm," He clarified, a small smirk set on his lips.   "Well, you are such a bad joker," I mumbled looking away.   "Nicole may I have this dance? If you don't mind brother," Reed was smirking mischievously.   "Of course not...Just take care," It sounded like a warning.   He glared at Reed once before walking off. Reed placed his palm on my lower back almost where Dominic's hand had been earlier, the only difference being Reed's touch felt different...more lively. I hissed a bit as more tingles rippled through me as we began moving rhythmically to the sound of the music. Being with Reed felt more comfortable and way more enticing. Was it so bad to wish I could stay like this forever?   He twirled me away from him then jerked me towards his rock hard chest, his face merely inches away from mine. I couldn't breath as our gazes locked. I felt the tips of his fingers trailing my exposed lower back as I bit back a moan.   His lips dipped down to whisper into ears.   "You look so f*****g exotic when you blush," He breathed lowly.   I don't know why for a moment I had thought- cross that, hoped he was going to kiss me. What would kissing Reed be like? f**k! Why would I even think of Reed like that? If Dominic found out any of that, he’d probably crucify me before the whole of the USA.   "Dance is over. My wife and I ...have plans," there was an edge in Dominic's voice that made me gulp.   I strayed from Reed's comfortable arms, my body already missing the warmth of his touch. I needed to stop that but deep down I knew with Reed I felt…safe but with Dominic, I was constantly on edge.   "Thanks for the wonderful dance Reed," I smiled slightly.   "Always a pleasure Nicole," He grinned, a certain captivating glint in his eyes.   Dominic excused us from his family ball and a few minutes later we were speeding to his mansion. All the time during the ride he didn't say a word to me and honestly I was glad.   "Tomorrow is your first day of work. Seven o'clock sharp," He ordered as we entered our bedroom. I should have included not sharing a bedroom in the terms. Dammit!   "So listen, I don't have anything to-" He cut me off rather rudely.   "In the closet," What the hell was up with him suddenly anyway?   I nodded at his turned back before walking off to the closet. So he was going to let me sleep in one of his shirts again? How the-   "What the," the sentence died in my lips at the sight.   The closet had been filled up with some of my old exquisite clothes with more than I could count new ones. Besides them, were brand new sleeping gowns and they were all so...sexy? They seemed to shout ‘f**k me’ in bold letters. What the crap?   I turned to sashay back into the bedroom when I came face to face with him and he had no shirt on. Not his tasty toned abs again.  Sure he was a cold hearted billionaire but that toned body had to win the sexiest body I’d ever laid my eyes on. He looked better than those hot heroes I described in my novels.   "Um...Where are my nightdresses?" He spared me one look before picking up a black short and walking out. So much for asking.   I brushed my teeth and against my instincts I wore a lacy see through mid-thigh sleeping dress. This was not really my day and I felt bothered by own outfit. How the hell was I supposed to sleep beside him like this? His gaze fell upon me and for a fraction of a second I thought I saw lust dominate his eyes but he looked away. I kept my back on him and was glad when I finally slipped into slumber.   The following morning when I got ready for work, Dominic was sitting at the table talking to the maid. A smile was planted on his face and I couldn't stop myself from admiring it from where I stood at the bottom of the stairs.   "She is beautiful. I have not seen anyone with breathtaking looks like Nicole. She has got think sweet vibe revolving around her but it was her natural elegance that attracted me to her in the first place, “he muttered unaware of my presence.   "So what’s for breakfast?" I interrupted as they looked at me.   The elderly maid smiled at me as I took my seat at the dining table. I risked a glance at Dominic. His smile was gone and in its place a blank expression.   "How do you like your coffee Mrs. Valiente?" She asked my focus flitting back to her.   "Black with just a pint of milk and two spoons of sugar. And please call me Nicole," It felt really embarrassing to hear a lady who was twice my age refer to me with such a title.   "Okay," She walked away.
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