Chapter 25

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Bob Flashback “Mother?” Teresa Obare stood at the entrance of the foyer with a playful smile tugging on her lips. I quickly noticed that the smile did not reach her eyes. I ran my eyes up and down her puny frame. Chic clothes, heavy makeup, expensive jewelry…She looked fine, better than fine. So, what was she doing here? Had father summoned her for the ceremony? I bit back a laugh at the thought. "Aren't you going to embrace your mother, Robert?" I felt a light shove on my side. I glanced over at Sue , who was urging me to step in front of my mother and greet her properly. I did not move, I could not move. Where the hell had she been? The last time I saw her was at the breakfast table with Sue and me. We were laughing at childhood memories, my mother applying hyperbole in her stories for the purpose of entertaining Sue and, well, pissing me off. After a morning of snorted laughter from Sue and deathly glares from me, my mother had stood up, adjusted her jewelry, and bid us goodbye. That had been a year ago. “You could have called…” “Robert I-" “Or emailed…” “Please let me explain-" “You do know how to text, right, mother?” “Are you now insulting my intelligence?” “Oh so now sending messages requires intelligence?” “Don’t you talk to your mother like that! I raised-" “Where have you been? Do you know how worried I have been about you? I hired a freaking PI, and even he could not locate you! The only reason I did not involve the police is because this is not your first rodeo…” “That is a low blow Robert.” “No, it is simply the truth.” Poignant silence draped our surroundings. I felt Sue attempt to unclench my fist, I let her and allowed our hands to intertwine. I closed my eyes and took in a deep breath. As I exhaled, I heard footsteps approaching me. When I opened my eyes, my mother was standing in front of me. She lifted her gaze, and I met it. Her eyes were glassy with unshed tears. I sighed when she blinked, and a lone tear escaped its b*****e. “I have missed you, mother.” Without warning, Teresa Obare flung her arms around me and pulled me into a strong, warm embrace. Once the shock wore off, I matched her fierce hug. We only separated when I felt Sue trying to separate our hands. I pictured her awkwardly standing there as my mother, and I hugged each other. I bit back a laugh. “You have no idea how lovely it is to see you two again…Susan, you grow more beautiful with each passing day.” I angled my head towards Sue. Her cheeks were a bright crimson. She hung her head, her eyes trained on the floor. I shifted my weight to face her and gingerly lifted her head. When our eyes met, her face broke into the brightest of smiles. Yes, I was the luckiest man on earth. My train of thought was interrupted by the sound of someone’s throat clearing.   “We should go somewhere and talk, Robert.” “I would love that. How about this evening? After the ceremony?” Hesitation etched Teresa’s face. Surely she could spare a few hours of her day to spend time with her son. I watched as my mother darted her eyes around the room, avoiding my gaze. I felt my heart sink; she was going to leave again. I heard a door swing open. "Son, do I have to drag myself here to-" My father froze in his tracks, his eyes transfixed on my mother. I noticed how quickly her body language had changed. Seconds ago, she had been hunched over, her hands clasped together, her eyes warm and pleading. All that was gone now. Teresa placed her left hand on her waist, raised her chin, and placed a pseudo smile on her lips. What the f**k was going on? "What is going on? Where have you been Tessa?" “Well, hello to you too.” “You vanished! Made Bob here go into a frenzy! You couldn’t call? What mother would do such a vile thing?” My mother did not flinch at my father’s not-so-subtle way of calling her a bad mother. Instead of responding to his words, she averted her attention to me. "I am sorry , son , but I am afraid this time I am leaving for good." My stomach churned. I let go of Sue’s hand. "Why? What is going on mother?"  “I could not leave without seeing you take over the company. Maybe now everything will change.” “That is not an answer mother-" “Power, money, and fame are not everything, Robert. There will come a time where peace is all that you crave for, and you will do anything to get it.” My confusion heightened at her latter statement. “Are you resorting to parables now, mother? Why can’t you just tell me what is going on?” She raised her arm and placed her hand on my shoulder. I briefly angled my head to stare at the hand then I shifted my eyes to her. Aggravated, I peeled her hand from my shoulder and took a step back. She moved towards Sue. "And to you my dear. He loves you, a mother can always tell. I hope you love him too, don't keep secrets from him, it will tear you apart. You'll make a good wife and mother" A scoff escaped my father's mouth as my mother let go of Sue , who appeared to be utterly dumbfounded and, well, sad.  My mother proceeded to make her way to my father. When she reached his vicinity, she halted and began fiddling with my father’s tie. My father’s face twisted in disgust, but she did not push her away. "You should have given the company to Darren… my Robert does not deserve this kind of life. I do hope you get what is coming for you, both of you." I furrowed my eyebrows at these words. They had been laced with so much bitterness, so much hate that for a moment, I barely recognized the woman who had given me life.  She turned to face me from her position, blew me a kiss, and made her way towards the exit. As the door closed softly behind her, I knew in my heart that this was the last time I would see ever see Teresa.
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