Chapter 17

1047 Words
Bob If I had heard the announcement about the breach that meant everyone in the hospital had heard it, including Sue. This meant that she knew I was here to see her. I saw her eyes frantically dart in diverse directions probably in scout for me. I saw her shoulders slump when she could not spot me. I was well hidden behind a wall, watching as Jack interrogated her. A part of me wanted to run towards her but...that meant giving up my freedom. Yeah you did that when you walked into this goddamned hospital Bob! Darren was nowhere in sight but I was still cautious, he had always possessed the gift of stealth; he could sneak up on you unnoticed, always made me antsy. After having a heated debate in the elevator, we had concluded that me walking into a private wing which could contain doctors, nurses and even Darren was frankly a dumb idea. Jack had spent a better part of ten minutes mocking by choices and my ability to think. I would up throwing a punch but he swiftly ducked, wide eyed and frothing. Sure he had a point, heck his whole argument was solid but I could not just abandon Sue not now when she seemed so vulnerable. But what if it was a ruse? What if Jack had been right and this was a trap? I was not sure what was worse, going back to jail without fulfilling Jere's end of the bargain, losing my freedom entirely or being betrayed yet again by the woman I loved. So instead of running into her arms Ince the doors to the lift swung open, Jack decided that I was to lurk in the shadows as Jack inquired about Kim's condition. If he could somehow find out whether she was stable or not, it would determine my next move. The sign to show she was in critical shape was a full on break down from Sue when Jack asked her about Kim and if Kim was getting better, he would pat Sue on the back. When we had discretely exited the lift, I had immediately spotted her; slumped against the wall with tears rolling down her pale face. Out of instinct, I had jumped off the gurney and sauntered towards her. As I almost reached her vicinity, Jack yanked me back. My heart bled for her, she seemed so lost. That is when it had hit me, she was alone. That is why she had reached out, she needed me, she needed my comfort. Darren was nowhere to be seen, that fool had abandoned Sue when s**t hit the fan, yet he gave himself the authority to lay his filthy hands on her? I took in a deep breath to calm my nerves, I was getting too aggravated, not a good sign. Anger tended to blur my rationality. The pat on the back had confirmed that indeed, Kim was stable, she was going to be okay. I smiled recalling her adoration for cake and how feisty she had been when Darren refused to meet her demands. Knowing that she was okay draped me with warmth and this profound peace that I could not fathom. There is so much the world has to offer, so many things she had not seem or done yet. If only I was a free man. The first thing I would do was take her to the widely acclaimed Black Forest house and stuff her face with sugary goodness, we would both get lost in the numbing pleasure cake has to offer. I vowed to take her there some day. If I ever get to prove my innocence. The security breach announcement had put an abrupt halt to my fantasies and brought me back to my messed up reality; a wanted man in a private hospital full of guards with tasers or even guns. The fact that it was a private hospital meant that they could afford employing expertly trained guards from security companies, which meant men who knew how to fight. The bottom line was that Jack and I were screwed. Shit. "Where is he? I know he is here please...tell me where Bob is...I need to-" "I'm sorry miss Susan. If he shows himself to you he is in dire risk of getting captured by the authorities. Clearly the man loves you, otherwise we wouldn't be here. If you have the same feelings that he has for you then you know we need to be on our way. Keep in touch miss Susan." Temptation of sprinting towards her and embracing her swept over me. Her face fell when she heard Jack's words but a few seconds later she nodded and smiled through her tears. Typical Sue, strong as the Titanic, but even the greatest ship to ever cruise the waters met demise. I had to get my name cleared. I had to come back for Sue before Darren breaks her. "I understand. Tell him I love him too, always and forever." I watched as Sue crossed her heart and lifted her palm, it was one of our intimate "things".We would watch a film and pick up phrases from actors we loved. God how I missed those days. A tear threatened to escape from its b*****e, I wouldn't let it, not today. "Tell him Kim is okay... tell him not to go after Darren until he has cleared his name... tell him Darren will come after him in order to secure his position as CEO of Automobile Global. Darren would do anything to ensure he never loses his place as the head of the company." Jack gave Sue a curt nod before awkwardly parting her on the back. He then proceeded to scurry away from her, his eyes sweeping his vicinity. I watched Sue let out a heavy sigh before walking towards what I assumed was Kim's room. "We have to move, now!" Jack yanked me hard from my crouched position and steered me away from my temporary haven. As we were moving, I noticed that he had gotten rid of his disguise, smart. The real question was, how in the name were we going to get out of a hospital without our disguises and guards on our tail? Shit.
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