Chapter 4

603 Words
Bob "It has been approximately 8 hours since the escape of the life sentenced convict, Robert Obare. The man is termed to be dangerous and whoever sees him should report to the authorities immediately. Up to now, the police are still not sure how he escaped from Nakuru prisons where he was detained after his conviction. It is suspected that the man had both inside and outside aid, for this is the first successful escape ever to be orchestrated in the said prison. The convict was scheduled to be transfered to Shimo la Tewa in Mombasa where he was to serve the rest of his time or better put, life. This is Anne Wanja reporting live from Nakuru prisons." I had dialed down my movements to null upon capturing waves of sound from a television within the small bakery. Someone had tuned up the volume capturing attention of people who were near that location. I withdrew my arm and pocketed it while pretending to listen keenly to the news like most of the people around me. Any movement that would have proven queer to others would render me caught, something I couldn't risk, especially now. I looked over at Sue whose fear stricken face had turned sulky as she moved slowly towards the bakery. I don't know if I imagined it or wished it but I had seen it and I had regained hope; a tear had escaped her large almond eyes as her body tensed with emotion. I still had an impact on her. I watched her face as the reporter said the word 'life', she instantly hardened as if the word itself was torturous. Once during the relaying of the 12 o'clock news, Darren had tried to shove her towards the car but Sue had stood rooted to the ground. It was proof enough, I had a reason to fight, fight for the clearance of my name, fight for my freedom, fight for my life. I was more determined than that Luhya guy from Western holding on to an air borne helicopter. "Mummy who is that?" The little girl inquired quizzically probably having seen my photo on the television, from where they were standing, they could see it clearly. Sue snapped out of her trance and averted all her attention to the little angel. But before she could give a coherent answer, Darren crouched in front of the little girl. "Kimberly, that is a bad man, he is a killer." I am not sure how a kid's brain functions or even if the education system nowadays taught children the meaning of certain words but this was a new era, children were being pounded with knowledge; the kid had understood fully the meaning of the word 'killer'. I watched her chestnut eyes widen in shock as her tiny palm moved quickly to cover her open mouth. Even though she didn't know at the time, she had crushed my being. I could feel the wheels turning in my head as I grinded my teeth. The word 'killer' swam around in my brain. That was how she would know me from now on. She would see me on the television and immediately remember what her 'daddy' told her. To my own daughter, my name was already splashed with blood. Would she be able to see past those words? Even if I did prove my innocence... Somebody bumped hard into me from my side causing my cap to topple over. I quickly rushed to pick it but I knew it was a tad too late when I heard a sharp gasp coming fromm Sue's direction.
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