Chapter 27 - Just Friends

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Chapter 27 - Just Friends Dameon POV - Present time - She's hurt again. Why am I always unable to protect her? f**k me! All I want to do is lock her up in my room to keep her safe. I want her to just lay on my bed so I can tend to her injuries. I want to comfort her, and lay beside her so I can embrace her and make her feel safe. And we will... I shake my head. What the hell, I just promised her not two days ago that I’ll be back to being old dependable, "best friend Dameon". Yes, friends. I take a deep breath and let out a long sigh as I rub the back of my neck. I realize now how hard this is going to be. The whole friends thing is going to be really hard. I grab a pack of Cheetos, popcorn, and shovel ice into a bucket with cold beers. I could already hear Justin murdering a Beatles song as I walk back into the living room. Justin thought it would be a good idea to cheer up Lexie with a little “friends hang-out,” with some karaoke. He's probably sincere, and it is working—Lexie was on the sofa, a giggling little ball holding her belly from laughing at Justin; but I can't help but think that she's already told him that I just put myself in the "friend zone"—and all this was a ploy so that he could see me make a fool of myself around her. All for their amusement. Fuck my life, when did my Beta suddenly turn on me? I laid the assortment of snacks and cold beer on the table, and glanced towards Lexie who was wiping away tears as she tries so hard to stifle her laughter at Justin’s off-pitch version of “Here Comes the Sun” by the Beatles. Her happiness was infectious. I'm suddenly giggling with her without even knowing why—not that Justin's all out off-key singing was reason enough. "She needs this, Alpha." Justin had said. And he was right. I guess I always end up listening to him because he always is. When Lexie was still knocked out from anesthesia after she needed some surgery from the wound she got, she wouldn’t stop trembling and shaking. It was as if her nightmares had manifested and were physically shaking her. The doctors couldn’t explain it either. She was supposed to be out cold, with maybe the occasional rapid eye movement, but it seemed like her body was fighting an invisible enemy. One that was out of my reach to protect her from. I hated this part because I knew that Xavier understood this part of her more than me. When she needed somebody the most it was he that was there for her... I shook my head. No. No thoughts about Xavier, about the past. No! Only this moment matters, and it is now my responsibility to see to Lexie's happiness. I hope that maybe if I give her enough happy memories she will have enough to move on from all her trauma, her past. So tonight if I needed to be a freakin' saint of a friend. I feel my cheeks flush upon seeing Lexie for the first time in a loose crop top shirt—with no undergarment. Back when she was still in recovery I wanted to hug the doctor when she ordered Lexie that she couldn’t wear her heavy sweaters and hoodies or a bra because her stitches needed to breathe. God bless Justin for forgetting to launder all her hospital gowns. The crop top shirt she's wearing is a loaner from one of the younger girls in the pack, and boy does Lexie fill it up more than she ever did. My god this will be hell! Lexie was howling in laughter as Justin started to murder another song. He suddenly stopped singing when Lexie's delighted grin turned into a wince. “S-st..op, o-ouch.” she managed to say between gasps. I quickly went beside her, “What's wrong, Lexie?” She waved her hand to motion it was nothing, although her other hand was clearly cradling her stitches. "I think maybe that's enough singing for tonight," I eye Justin. He raised his hands in surrender. "Ok, ok. Look, I can't help it if my singing is to die for." I rolled my eyes at him. “What’s next on tonight’s agenda?” I asked. “Movie!” Justin winked as he used the remote to change the karaoke to the media player and started to play a movie. The title of the movie flashes. I burst out laughing. “Underworld, seriously?” “Well it’s this, or Twilight.” Justin retorts. “Hey, don’t shoot the messenger. It was her idea,” he pointed accusingly at Lexie. Lexie looked daggers at him, and mouthed, "Traitor." As the movie rolled I found myself sitting closer and closer to Lexie. She eventually leaned on me, and pulled up a blanket to cover herself. I allow her smell to consume me. I love her this close. I could get used to this. No, Dameon! You promised her, "friends," remember? I found my arms around Lexie’s waist and my hand resting on her belly. But as she slowly relaxed, she sank in her seat, and my hand higher up on her belly. I was screaming in my head for my hand to stop. But it had its own thoughts. I felt Lexie’s breathing hike as my thumb brushed back and forth on the lower curve of her breast. I was just supposed to tease her a little, but it turned backfiring on me as I found myself burning for her. Why the hell was Justin still here? How can I kick him out? What the f**k happened to friend zone? With my other hand I brushed her hair away from her face and around her neck, pushing it to one side. I leaned on her shoulder to speak, but found myself just breathing against her skin. I was no longer focused on the movie. And judging from Lexie’s breathing, neither was she. I doubt anything happing onscreen was even registering to her as she closed her eyes and leaned further into my chest. Justin yelled something at the television which caused Lexie to jump on her feet. She faked a yawn. ”S-sl..eepy...” she waved at Justin and dragged her feet out of the room. We both stared as the door closed behind her. I shrugged and started to clear the table. “So how’s the friends thing coming along?” Justin asked with a smirk. He finally stood up and started gathering the empty beer bottles in one arm. “f*****g hell,” I admitted. “I could see that.” He eyed me as he grabbed the tray of leftover snacks from me with his free hand. “What do you mean?” I grab his arm before he can leave the room. He pauses and looks at me with pity. “You both could never be just 'best friends' again.” He sets down the all the stuff he's carrying back on the table. “You both are on the brink of falling madly for each other and still you deny your true feelings.” I brush my hair off my forehead and collapse back into the couch. “But a friend is exactly what she needs right now.” Justin wags a finger at my face. “No. What she needs is someone who is honest. She needs you to be honest with what you feel for her. No more beating around the bush. No more hiding behind Lola." He arches his eyebrow at me disapprovingly as he said that, “Stop it with the jealousy about her past with your other best friend; stop it with being too overly concerned with the baggage that she carries. She knows all of that already without you having to remind her. What you two need to focus on is what you feel for each other. And she is still too broken right now to do that for the both of you. So you need to pick it up. You know what I'm saying?" “Who the f**k died and made you so wise?” I smirked incredulously at Justin. “I’ve always been wise. You made me Beta, remember? Unless of course you came to that decision just because of my pretty face—I'd totally understand.” he laughs as he throws the sofa bolster at me. “Now go get us the Luna we deserve, my Alpha.” Justin sweeps up the bottles under an arm again, stacks the last snack bowl on the tray, picks it up with his other hand, exits the room and disappears into the kitchen. I stand up quickly with purpose. As I switch off everything before leaving the room my mind was racing, what if I tell her what I feel and it only pushes Lexie away? What is she thinking about after I just told her I would go back to just being her best friend? What will she think when I tell her now that I didn't mean to say that? Maybe I need to apologize? Before I reach the second floor landing I see Lexie standing in front of her bedroom door. As I crest the last step I catch her eyeing me up and down, her gaze drinking me in. In that instant all my worries melted away. f**k friendship. Blood surges through my veins, and my eyes struggle to take all of her in. I walk towards her deliberately and pull her towards me in a hungry embrace. I could feel her entire body erupting from head to toe from the heat radiating off her. “D-Dameon...” she whispered, her voice shaking. All the planning of the right words to say and all I can say back is, “Screw friendship.” I growl before I slam my mouth against hers in a rough, desperate kiss. I was hungry for her. I sucked her lips, and licked them, and angle my head so our lips would lock and I could taste more of her. She wrapped her arms around my neck, interlocking her fingers and tugging me closer to her little body. I needed to be even closer. This was not enough. Every kiss became more intense. I gripped her shirt with my hand and tugged at it to pull her closer, exposing her skin. My hand met her hot skin and I did the unthinkable. I lifted Lexie and kicked the door to her room open. I grabbed her ass, and she wraps her legs around my waist. I carried her to her bed. I kneeled on the bed and slowly lowered her down. I briefly pull away, and in one motion, grabbed the hem of her t-shirt collar behind her neck and pulled it off over her head. Lexie took a deep breath as I kiss her neck, then the valley between her breasts. I started to unbutton her pants, and she arches her back to lift her hips off the bed a few inches to make it easier for me to pull it all off. I pause and take in my handiwork. She was the most beautiful sight, almost naked on the bed. Her cheeks were flushed, her lips swollen, and her eyes were filled with lust. “Are you sure?” I searched her eyes. Her eyes started to well up, tears threatening to spill. “I-I'm s-sorry,” she whispers. I lower myself and lay beside her. Catching her breath she turns to face me. “I-I d-don’t m-mean to... l-lead y-you... I d-do... w-want y-you...” she blushes as she tries to look away. I cup her cheek and make her face me. “I meant what I said. I will wait until you're ready.” I wipe away a tear with my thumb. She leans her head so that our foreheads touch. “I have an idea.” I smile at her. “Why don’t we just sleep together like old times? You know, actually sleep?” I wink at her. She smiles back and nods her head. She stands up and goes to the bathroom. I could hear her shower. I stood up and went to my own room to quickly wash up and change. And boy did I need that cold shower. When I went back to her room she was in bed wearing the cutest oversized pajamas. Despite being oversized I could still make out her curves as the velveteen silk molded her body. What the f**k am I getting myself into? I rub the back of my neck and two words keep repeating in my head: Blue and balls. “Scoot.” I pull the comforter over me as I jump on the bed beside her. She laughs as she tugs back at the comforter. I place my hands on her waist and pull her closer. “I know I said we will just sleep together, but since I am no longer the boy I once was when we last did this...” I kissed her forehead. Her breath hitched and her cheeks flushed. Her eyes went wide waiting for me to finish what I was saying. “...I get to snuggle with you as much as I want.” I finished. She giggled as she nestled her head on my chest. She closed her eyes and her face had the most peaceful expression I've ever seen on her. Before long her breathing slowed down and she dozed off to sleep. My own sleep was so light. I wake up every now and then, aching from dreams where tonight went the other way. In the end it was just a struggle to stay awake, because this close to her, my dreams betray me. God, this was going to be a very long night.
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