Chapter Two - Hell is here

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“What is a kept woman? And what is the difference? I asked. Melissa give me a cold look and began "The girl whom you saw earlier literally belong everyone who pays cash. Anyone can do anything to her as long as they spill cash. Even if she is dead.... Melisa paused for a second and “No one will care. “ But you are kept woman and you specifically belong to one person. As long as he is not fed up with you, you are safe from other men." “So you say being raped by one man make me privileged" I asked sarcastically. “At least you are in better position than rest of us" Melissa shot back. " Can I ask you something" Melissa asked again. Seeing my silent node, she continued. “Usually girl s in your position I mean in a strange place full of violence and no chance to escape will flow the river s of tears. But you are calm and different and why is that. Are you not afraid?" How could answer this question. At last I said in an emotionless voice. " I had a past." I didn't want to elaborate it further because I am still not over it or ever be. "If you don't mind will you share" Mellissa asked again. " Then spill name of you know who I belong" " Sorry I can't “she replied apologetic tone. " Then my past is my business. It is not something I share with strangers." My voice was harsh. I felt little guilty. Talking rudely to only person whom I befriended is a bad thing... I got up as soon as I finished my breakfast and began to walk back don't know where. And I collided to wall. At least it seemed like a wall. " watch were you are walking" I yelled without looking. “I am watching and I love watch you whole babe" he said disgustingly closing distance between us. I was looking at the face of guy who is creepier than my last wannabe abuser Dane. He was muscular and had a ugly big scar on face which made him more fearful looking. The word cruelty is written on his face. I averted my eye s disgustingly to other side. "You can hate my face. You will hate me more when I will do all kind of funny thing with little body of yours" he said dangerously. I walked backward. Even Melissa ‘s face was sick with fear. Even though she wanted to say something but she stood like feared lamp. " Sylvester Don't touch her. She is bosses". Said another man who is not scary as him appeared from nowhere. That two sentences was enough for Sylvester to keep hands off me. But still he stood close to me like a belligerent child who refuses let his favorite toy go. " As for now you are his. But he will soon tire off you. After he fed up with I am the first one to claim you. Mark my words." “Sylvester leave " the other Man’s voice was strong like an alpha command. He walked away grabbing one of the young girls like a piece of cloth . And the girl followed him like an obedient servant to master. And the man who saved me turned at Melissa and said " Mel it your duty to keep her out of trouble. If boss knows about this mistake, then you are a gone woman. Even I can't save you from his wrath. “Davy she ran from her room and I found her near kitchen. We were about to leave then Sylvester……….” “Didn’t lock her door?” “Yes I did but…” Melissa Stammered. " it‘s my mistake " I said in middle. Then he turned towards me and said if something happens to you she will dead as she is your keeper till you are bosses kept woman. So obey Mel and stay in room. Next time I may not there to save you. Think about that”. He warned me and left. Melisa was shaken. Still she said “I will take you to your room. We walked in awkward silence. " Sylvester is an animal , devil incarnation. But Davy is angel compared to him. Please stay in the room and I will bring you food and install TV in your room. When we about to reach my room suddenly her phone rang. She took it in first ring as it is most important call Her face become unreadable and only word she said is "Yes sir". I looked the object like a hungry tiger. And she turned to me and said. “Don’t give me that look. it has only incoming so no insane ideas" And " Be ready one who must not name is coming"
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