01 || Meeting Gino

937 Words
In all the years that I have been alive, I have always wondered why my existence is like this. Why have I been living my life for so long and yet I still feel like I haven't accomplished anything? I have been alone, and completely bothered by everything. Is old age catching up to me? Maybe it is old age. Can you blame me? I am almost 200 years old. You read that right, 200. Two f*****g hundred years old. Well almost. Technically, I am 198 but you get the point. How could I possibly be that old? Those are your thoughts right now. I can tell. How was I able to live for that long? Live is not the right term for it, I can't call this living. This is not living. This is merely existing, and co-existing with other creatures that walk the face of this planet. I am immortal. I am undead. I cannot be killed. That is who I am. That is how I was able to exist on this planet for so long. My skin is pale and ice cold, my eyes are red, my fangs slightly showing, and the sun burns me. You guessed it right, I am a vampire. Here, have a cookie. So yeah, there we go. That's what I am. A vampire. The name's Celine, as I have said I am a 198 year old vampire who lives in Manila, Philippines. A wrong place for a vampire to be in, I know. I have been to every country and I needed a new scenery. That's the thing about being a vampire. I have to keep moving places to take on a new persona, or else people would get suspicious of why I've been alive for far too long. If people do get suspicious, I would just have to kill them. I couldn't risk anybody finding out who and what I really am. Every damn time I move, it's a whole new personality. Whole new work, name, and everything in between. It is honestly tiring to be undead majority of the time. Don't you start making jokes about being dead inside, I've had enough of this joke! I swear if I hear another person make that damn joke again, I would suck all the blood out of their body until they turn into a soggy noodle. The type of noodle you'd leave at the bottom of the pan because it got too overcooked and now it's too soggy and gross to eat. Enough about noodles, today I was supposed to go explore, more like re-explore, to find a new place and a new job. Not that I need the job, but people would be too nosey asking how come I'm so rich and I don't even have a job. I really do not look forward to going out since the news had already said that it was going to be 39°C out today. I can handle the heat perfectly fine, I just can't handle the sun. That made it confusing to understand, I know. Deal with it. I grabbed my slightly oversized sun hat, just to make sure I wouldn't burn and sizzle in front of hundreds of people. We wouldn't want that kind of exposure now, would we? Aside from my sun hat, I was wearing my black long sleeve shirt, my black leggings, and my black high-cut shoes. Oh the irony, you must be thinking. I'm a vampire and I wear all black. Well, shut up. I like black. It took me an entire day to finally get myself a house, but still no job. I can't tell you how frustrating it is to look for a job even though I know I am filthy rich and I'd be fine even if I don't lift a finger for the years I would be spending here. Unless I make a grandiose purchase once again. I sighed to myself and immediately head to my room. I plopped on the bed and closed my eyes, appreciating the softness of this bed. I don't really sleep, eat, or get tired. Pros of being an immortal being I'm guessing. Despite existing as an immortal for 198 years, I never really made any important relationships anywhere. I didn't want to see them die or slip away from me. I know I'm immortal, and I know that I can turn those people immortal. That's not my choice to make. Besides, nobody really knows what I am. I can't just be like 'Hey, I'm a powerful immortal being and I possibly came here to suck your blood out.' In this day and age, nobody is going to believe me. Even if they did, people would drive me out thinking I was lying for clout. I didn't want to come to the point where I had to prove myself to these fools. I can't just expose my identity to them like that. Tonight, I don't really have anything to do. Since I don't have a job yet I will be spending the majority of my time at home. I headed on over to the bedroom and threw myself on the bed. I closed my eyes and felt sleep pulling me in. SIKE. VAMPIRES DON'T SLEEP! I wish I could. It would stop myself from overthinking anything and everything all at once. The cons of being immortal. I slowly opened my eyes when I sensed someone practically running towards my door. I took a deep breath and headed over to the door, and opened it before they could start ramming their fists on my door. Again, as a vampire I have an intense amount of speed and strength. When I opened the door, I practically froze from where I was standing. It was him. I have seen him from every time I start over in a new country. I thought it was a coincidence, but how could a series of coincidences line up so perfectly for 198 years. "Sorry nagulo kita, pero pwede ba kong pumasok? Hinahabol kasi ako…" he started saying. (Sorry for disturbing you, but can I come in? Somebody's chasing after me.) I just kept looking at him. "Ah sorry di yata nag-TaTagalog… um, is it alright if I come in? I'm being chased and your door was the nearest one." he hurriedly translated thinking I couldn't understand. (Ah sorry, I don't think you speak Tagalog…) I don't know what came over me but I moved and let him. I stared at this man standing in front of me. I can't f*****g believe that I just let him in. What came over me? Well, obviously he looked like that guy I keep seeing for 198 years. I'm like a lovesick puppy that hasn't gotten over their crush just yet. Can we just move on? Come on. It's been 198 years, can't I catch a break? Is that too much to ask for? Was this because of that one time I decided to steal a cookie from that one time 70 years ago? Am I being punished for that? Maybe I am. "Uh… I really am sorry to barge in on you like this." he started to say. I only replied with an acknowledging sound which I don't really know what it's called. I heard their footsteps and muttering from the other side of the door. They didn't seem like humans, I heard no heartbeat, no nothing. Just the erratic beating heart of this man standing next to me. "Come out, come out. We just want to play with you." a man says from the opposite side. "Stay here." I ordered. "What are you-?" he asks but I cut him off as I head outside and hold the door shut. "Gentlemen." I say as I look at the two figures standing under the dimly lit hallway. First of all, I can't believe what I'm getting myself into. This is clearly against my rules. Secondly, I am meddling in affairs I shouldn't really be putting my nose in. For what? For a guy? The overwhelming sense of need to protect this bastard. And third, I don't even f*****g know his name and he's inside my house. "Celine." one of them says. They slowly turned to look at me and revealed their faces to me. Ah. What did I seriously get myself into?
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