1386 Words

MARSHALL’S POV As I sat down with Lucas in a secluded corner of the chamber, I knew it was time to open up about the emotions that had consumed me. I took a deep breath and began to recount the events of the previous night, from encountering Freya at the restaurant to the unexpected call from Isidora. "Lucas," I started, my voice tinged with uncertainty, "last night was... intense. I saw Freya again, and I can't shake the way she makes me feel. But then, Isidora called, claiming she was in danger from a vampire hunter. I couldn't just ignore her plea for help, even though my heart is drawn to Freya." The torrential rain tapped incessantly against the windowpane, mirroring the storm of emotions swirling within my heart. I sat across from Lucas, my oldest and dearest friend, seeking solac

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