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FREYA'S POV It was finally morning after the long night, the night I had my first encounter with Marshall, the night he kissed me. I was relieved that I had made it through without succumbing to guilt. I couldn't help but despise myself for having such dreams about a vampire. But it was a new day, and I made a promise to myself to leave those thoughts of Marshall wrapped in the darkness of the night and move forward with a clear mind. As I stepped out of bed, I made my usual cup of coffee, hoping the routine would ground me and bring some semblance of normalcy. I decided to distract myself from Marshall's lingering presence by watching a movie. However, when the main characters in the film were about to share a passionate kiss, I quickly turned off the TV, unwilling to let my mind wander back to the memory of that forbidden kiss with Marshall. I needed to maintain focus on my mission and regain control over my thoughts. I proceeded to take a refreshing shower, allowing the water to wash away any lingering remnants of the night. The cascade of water served as a symbolic cleanse, helping me let go of the emotional entanglement that threatened to distract me. I dressed quickly and headed over to Debra's place. "Morning, Debra," I greeted her with a smile as she opened the door. "Good morning, Freya," Debra replied, returning the smile. "What brings you here so early?" "I'm going to the AVH headquarters," I explained. "I need to get started on our mission. I'd also like to have a training session with Frank." Debra nodded understandingly. "I'll be taking Amy to school first, but I'll join you there as soon as I can." "That sounds good," I said. "We'll regroup at the headquarters then." I stepped outside and got into my car, driving towards the AVH headquarters. As I drove, I could sense the obsession of Marshall's kiss gradually dissipating. The distance between us physically and mentally offered a sliver of relief. I focused on the road ahead, feeling the weight of determination settle within me. I refused to let my emotions cloud my judgment any longer. Reaching the AVH headquarters, I parked my car and entered the building. Inside, the familiar faces of my fellow vampire hunters greeted me with nods of acknowledgment. Their unwavering dedication and resolve served as a reminder of the importance of our cause. "Good morning, Freya," Frank, a seasoned vampire hunter, greeted me warmly. "Morning, Frank," I replied. "Any updates?" Frank nodded. "Actually, there is. I have some news for you." Curiosity piqued, I looked at him expectantly. "What is it?" "You're going to be officially given your father's badge today," Frank said with a proud smile. "You'll be made the head of AVH." My heart skipped a beat, a mix of pride and apprehension flooding through me. "Today?" Frank placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder. "Freya, your father believed in you. And so do we. Of what use is it to delay this moment any further?. You're more than capable of leading this organization." Deep down, guilt gnawed at me for the lingering thoughts of Marshall. I couldn't help but feel like I was dishonoring my father's memory by allowing the memory of that forbidden kiss to occupy my mind. Nevertheless, I forced a smile onto my face, determined to do justice to the faith placed in me. As Frank led me into the Hall, I was met with an unexpected sight. Up to a hundred other vampire hunters were seated, almost like an assembly, waiting for me. It felt like a ceremony, one I hadn't anticipated. I was humbled yet overwhelmed by the significance of the moment. Jonathan, a respected elder and mentor figure within the AVH, stepped forward, holding my father's badge—the symbol of authority and honor. He looked at me with unwavering respect in his eyes before placing the badge on the left side of my jacket. The weight of it pressed against my chest, a tangible reminder of the legacy I was now destined to carry. Unable to shake off the guilt that still plagued me, I mustered the strength to address the hunters gathered before me. "Thank you all for being here," I began, my voice wavering slightly. "I stand before you today as the newly appointed head of AVH. I am honored and humbled to take on this responsibility." The room filled with a hushed silence, and I continued, my words filled with conviction. "I know that my journey has been marred by doubts and uncertainties, but I promise you this—I will give my all to this cause. I will honor the legacy of my father and all those who came before us. Together, we will face the darkness that threatens our world." As I spoke, I couldn't help but feel like a hypocrite. How could I lead others when doubts and desires still waged war within me? Nevertheless, I pledged my allegiance and determination to the hunters before me, vowing to protect and serve with all my heart. Just as the ceremony began to settle into a solemn rhythm, the doors flung open, and Debra burst into the room. Tears streamed down her face, and she struggled to catch her breath. "Debra, what's wrong?" I rushed to her side, concern etched on my face. Gasping for air, Debra finally managed to speak. "A vampire nest... They attacked my car and took Amy, my daughter." Shock rippled through me, instantly replacing any lingering doubts with a surge of adrenaline. This was no longer just a mission to protect humanity—it had become personal. The safety of Debra's daughter was at stake, and I would not allow any harm to befall her. My gaze hardened as I turned to the hunters gathered around me. "We have a new mission," I declared firmly. "We must find the nest and rescue Amy. Failure is not an option." The hall buzzed with a sense of urgency as the hunters sprang into action, mobilizing resources and preparing for the imminent battle. In that moment, I knew that I had a duty to fulfill—not only as the head of AVH but also as a protector. I would face this challenge head-on, and no vampire, no matter how formidable, would stand in the way of saving Debra's daughter. As the weight of responsibility settled upon my shoulders once more, I pushed aside any lingering doubts and fears. This was a fresh start, a chance to prove my worth and dedication. The memory of Marshall's kiss no longer held power over me. It was time to embrace the path laid before me and rise to the challenges that awaited.
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