533 Words

MARSHALL’S POV Sitting alone in the solitude of my chamber, I could feel the weight of despair settling over me like a suffocating shroud. The knowledge that Freya had deliberately moved away, out of my reach, tore at my heart. It was a painful realization, and I couldn't help but question my own worthiness. Why couldn't I win her heart? What had I done wrong? Lost in the depths of my melancholy, I heard a knock on my chamber door. Reluctantly, I opened it to find Lucas. His eyes held concern as he looked upon my despondent state, and he implored me to share my burdens with him. "Mars, I've noticed your troubled demeanor. What weighs heavily on your mind?" Lucas asked, his voice filled with genuine concern. I forced a weary smile and replied, "Oh, Lucas, it's just the fang. The ancient

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