Chapter Forty: The Second Prince

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She blink and felt the weird mood around them. “Why did you stop staring at me? I like it though, it feels like your fantasizing about me.” He answered in a husky and teasing voice. “Excuse me? Did you drink your medicine? Because your delusions were worsening.” “You’re still so harsh to me. I wonder if you can still continue speaking like that if you know who I really am?” “Whoever you are, I am not interested.” He laughed at her. “Will you visit me some time? The task you gave me hasn’t been so good lately. The generals were looking at me with weird gazes as I fold paper strips while having a meeting.” He muttered. “Hey. Will you shut up? I am still an enemy.” She hissed. “Aren’t you afraid that I might tell this to my brother and father? Even the crown prince!” She added scolding him for being so careless. “I don’t want to be the cause of someone’s downfall!” He grin sheepishly. “Telling me to stop and warning me about your existence proved that you are a trustworthy person.” “Its not that I am not trustworthy, I just don’t want to interfere with the imperial affairs and get punish later for being with you.” “So why are you here with me then if you don’t want to be punished?” She don’t knowing what to answer him. Why would she do this when its clear that she doesn’t want chastisement. “I want to go back now.” She suddenly said. “Everyone’s looking for me.” She added. “Alright but still, you need to visit me.” He insisted. She roll her eyes. “Fine.” Both of them gently landed on the ground. “I’ll be going now. See you, angel.” He stated and cover his head with the hood of his cloak then disappeared. ‘Wait, but how am I suppose to find them!?’ She blurted. “Lady Cruel!” She turn around and saw Sir Valor catching his breath. He wipe the sweat that trickled down from his forehead and took a deep breath before walking towards her. “I’ll take you back.” He stated straight-face at her. She only nodded and they started to walk on the streets. She glance at him before deciding to talk. “I apologize for the commotion.” She said feeling bad for not finding them earlier. “No, its my fault, Milady.” Alexander insisted. She didn’t talk back at him and remain staring in front. “The floating of lanterns..” “Its alright. Its nice watching them in the sky.” She muttered with a smile. “You didn’t do the lantern thing?” She added. “No. We were looking for you and Lady Walmeir.” He answered. “What? What happened?” “Apparently, she is missing too.” “I see. You should have searched for her instead. I am fine on my own.” She stated stolidly. She doesn’t really care about it but she’s not that bad to not check her out since she invited her. ‘I still have a little portion of my heart for her anyway. She should be grateful.’ She muttered to herself. “Milady, don’t that. Both of you were important people.” He debated. She chuckled and looked at him in disbelief. “Really? I was just being pampered because I’m sick and dying. Compared to Lady Walmeir, I am a complete nothing.” She retorted in sneering way. “Milady.” “Yes, Sir?” She asked blankly. “I know that we’ve been bad to you before but please, give us a chance to prove ourselves.” He requested with utmost sincerity. She stared at her for a while before answering. “I don’t have a hold to any of you so you can do what you want to do, Sir. The moment I drowned pitifully in that lake I decided to live a life as quietly as possible. Chances were made for everyone, but forgiveness is something I am not aware if I have. You can have as many chances as you have so don’t request something that you obviously possessed as well.” She said to him without any emotions. Alexander shut his mouth and continue walking. No one dared to break the silence between them until they arrived at the place where Arthur and the rest were waiting. She can even see the dukedom knights talking with Sir Rowellius. Her eyes fell to Eliza who was gloomier than earlier. ‘What happened to her?’ She wondered. Arthur saw her and rush to her giving her a hug. The worriedness that keeps on digging inside his chest is now gone as he look at her in a well condition. “Where have you been!? We’ve been looking everywhere for you.” He muttered in both anger and nervousness. “I’m sorry for making you all worried. Are you alright, Lady Walmeir? Sir Valor told me you went missing as well.” She asked Eliza who’s quiet behind all of them. “Oh. I am alright, Lady Cruel.” She answered in a low tone. “I’m glad.” “Where did you find her?” The crown prince inquired to Alexander who’s staring at the two ladies quietly. “In front of the clock tower, Your Majesty.” He answered. “That far?” The crown prince asked in disbelief but Viviene did not payed attention. “Viviene, I’m glad you’re alright.” Timothy said in relief of seeing her well. “Yes. Thank you for your concern and I apologize if I made you all worried. This should be a fun event but it turned out awful.” She apologized. “Its not that awful.” Arthur suddenly stated that made her look at him. “Its been a long time that I went out to see the Lantern Festival. It was fun.” He added. “I agree.” The crown prince sided Arthur for the first time trying to cheer her up a little. She smiled at them. “Thank you.” She spoke to them. “I wont forget this.” She added. “Lets send off our lanterns. Viviene, this is what you want right?” Timothy chirped. “Of course.” “Milady, this is yours.” Merriam said as she handed a adorable lantern with different shades of colors. “Thank you, Merriam.” Both of them launch their own lanterns in the sky even if its late. Viviene stared at the lantern floating to the sky. ‘I wish, that the real Viviene is well wherever she is.’ Her solemn thought was interrupted when someone suddenly spoke behind them. “What have we got here.” All of them turned around and saw someone wearing a white cloak and with some imperial knights. The man boldly show his face. He had a blond hair and a pair of violet eyes like the crown prince, but compare to the him, the crown prince was more noble and fiercer features than him. Besides, she doesn’t like the smug in his face while looking so down to them. ‘Who the hell is this pompous jerk?’ “Greetings, second prince of the empire.” Arthur greeted with a cold tone. The rest also followed except the crown prince who was looking at him with his fierce eyes. ‘I smell brother complex.’ She concluded as she look at the two princes. All of a sudden, the second prince walk towards Viviene and kiss the back of her hand. She was startled of what he did as she stare at the second prince with wide eyes. “Its nice that I’ve seen the most beautiful woman in the empire.” “Oh, you flattered me Your Highness, second prince.” “Just call me Ian.” He demanded. Viviene felt her brother and three other man glaring at him. If looks can kill, the arrogant prince in front of him died a million times already. She calmly smile at him. “If that’s what the second prince want, then this humble one will call you Ian.” She answered. ‘He said I’m the most beautiful, it seems he didn’t see Lady Walmeir.’ She wondered. “You’re different from what the rumors said, Viviene. I thought you’re a choleric and cheeky. I guess I’m wrong.” Viviene chuckled and look at him with innocence. Well, not for too long. “I don’t know about that. I act according to how people treat me, Ian. Its obvious though.” She answered informally while looking straight in his violet eyes. ‘As expected, his eyes were no match for the crown prince.’ She concluded while comparing the crown prince and the second prince. “I see. How about coming to the imperial palace tomorrow? Lets have tea together.” He said full of confidence. “Thank you for the invitation, Ian but I have a lot of things to do.” She properly turned down his invitation. “Oh, how about scheduling it the other day. As you know, I’m a very important person in the empire. Surely you wont want to let me down, right?” ‘This bastard. He is so persistent! Can I strangle him just once?’ She weighed grimly in mind. “Second Prince, please don’t speak informally to my sister. I hope you are aware that you cross the line by calling her by her first name casually.” Arthur stated heavily to him. “What should I call her if not her name then?” He retorted with a cocky tone. “I am very amaze by Ian’s bravery.” Viviene taunted. “As expected from the second prince.” She added. Ian can sense her sarcasm very well and it made him offended a little. She’s just saying indirectly to him that he is stupid and lack of consideration of someone’s decision. “Brother, it seemed that your tongue was quite bold tonight. If you want someone to talk to you, I can spare my time.” The crown prince, Aleiandro said grimly and his eyes shining dreadfully. “No, thank you brother. I don’t need your precious time. You can keep it for yourself.” He talked back with annoyance and a little fear in his tone. “I guess I should be going now. Its nice that I saw you here, Viviene. Lets meet again.” He muttered in intense certitude. ‘I hope that will never happen.’ She prayed inside her mind with a feign smile on her face. After that they decided to go home since the mood was badly ruined. Viviene cant help but to feel disappointed about what happened. They arrived at the mansion safely and they were greeted by Finnian. “Welcome back Young Master and Milady.” “Its good to be back.” Viviene said in exhaustion. “I want to take a bath before going to bed.” “I will prepare it, Milady.” Merriam muttered. “Thank you, Merriam. I’ll be heading to my room now, brother. Goodnight.” She said looking at Arthur. “Viviene.” Arthur called. “Yes?” “… What do you think of the second crown prince?” He asked. Viviene thought for a while and answered wryly. “A pompous jerk.” “M-Milady!” Finnian called in disbelief of her rudeness towards a member of a royal family. Arthur cant help but to laugh shortly. “I see. Goodnight then.” Viviene smiled and turned her back from Arthur. She went upstairs and prepared herself to bed. She cant stop thinking of what happened in the capital. She danced with Ulysses, an enemy of the empire and met the second prince who was a complete jerk. “Half good and half bad.” She mumbled. “Miss?” Merriam asked. “Nothing. I’m just talking to myself so don’t mind me.” She excused. “Are you perhaps thinking of the second prince Ian Lancelot Valliaña?” She inquired. “He was a very good looking man like the crown prince but they possess different personalities.” Merriam added. “I agree. One was intimidating and the other was annoying.” She described. “Yes, Milady! I am very surprised that the second prince called you by your first name without asking your permission! He is so rude.” She blurted. It is true that the crown prince was a tyrant and intimidating sometimes, but she cant recall from the day she opened her eyes that she was disrespected by the future emperor of the empire. Unlike his younger brother whom she wants to slap the mouth so hard that he cant speak nonsense again. ‘Lets calm down a bit.’ She sighed. After Merriam brushed her hair she went to bed and Merriam blow the candles. Darkness consumed the whole room and she heard Merriam saying goodnight to her before leaving the room. She fell asleep immediately. She felt that all happened the whole day was very stressful. Or maybe not. Morning came, after breakfast and taking a short stroll in the greenhouse she decided to go back to her room and ordered Merriam that no one should enter unless its luncheon. She grab her cloak and the ring then went to the narra tree. She appeared in front of a familiar man who was holding a glass jar with paper stars. The jar was not even half-full yet. She look at Ulysses who was staring at her without a word. “Hey. I see that you’re having a hard time. How pathetic.” She insulted with a mocking smile. He returned it with a sly smile as well. “How can you be so harsh on your future husband?” She frowned and sit beside him. “I told you I wont marry you.” “You made your promise. How remarkable for a sly woman like you.” “Shut up, Ulysses. Just continue what you’re doing.” She demanded. “Hah. If you only knew.” “know what?” “Nothing.” “Weirdo.” She stared at the beautiful scenery ahead of her then to Ulysses who’s cursing while folding the paper. She laugh at how pathetic he was. “I’m surprise you did that task. I thought you’re going to cheat.” “I may cheat but I don’t want to disappoint my angel.” “Stop calling me ‘angel’ and I’m not yours.” She argued. “Not now, but soon.” He guaranteed. She rolled her eyes yet she felt no annoyance from it. Somehow, she became used to it. “Hah. Dream on, Ulysses. How’s your star going again?” She teased. “You really have the nerve to play and tease me huh? Anyway, I’ve been doing this s**t since yesterday and two hours today. How about give me a reward?” “Yeah? Alright.” She smiled. Ulysses smiled very brightly not until she handed him a candy. “What do you think of me? A ten-year-old child?” “Its good for lack of motivation and laziness.” “That’s a very useful information. Thank you.” He said in sarcasm. She chuckled and look at the gray skies. Then she felt something cold just drop from above. “Its raining! We should get back now.” She stood up and remove the dirt on her skirt when she felt someone held her hand. She look beside her and saw Ulysses already on his feet and hugging the glass jar with his free hand. “Why don’t you come with me in our hideout and go home after the rain?” He offered. She laugh at her like she heard an outstanding joke a minute ago. “You’re kidding right?” “Do I look like I’m joking right now?” He asked back at her. She blink several times before forcing her mind to get inside her skull. She felt it got escaped from her head for a minute. She cleared her throat and held his shoulders. “Don’t say nonsense. Aren’t you afraid that I might be a spy and cause a lot of damage at your side? Or maybe an assassin that can kill you? Surely you think of that right? If not then consider it!” He laughed at her retort of his offer. “Aren’t you being too good for an assassin and too bad to be a spy.” “What do you mean too bad?” She raised an eyebrow at him. “Anyway, I don’t want to be the reason of someone’s downfall. I have my own problems to worry others. We’re friends but I am a friend who will choose myself over others. In short, I’m a selfish b***h. Understand?” She explained. “Whatever.” He answered as he smiled brightly but Viviene can tell that he’s still dangerous. “Goodbye. I’ll visit again if I’m not busy.” She greeted and wave her hand. “See you again, Angel.” “Whatever. Bye.” She teleported back to her room. She remove her cloak and put it on the couch when someone knock the door and opened it without her permission. Its Merriam who was panting so hard and sweating so much. ‘She’s not the type who will barge in my room. I wonder what happened?’ She wondered. “Merriam? What’s wrong?” She asked. “Milady… the second prince is here. He is in the audience room with the Young Master.” She reported. “What!? And without prior notice!?” She exclaimed. “Miss, you need to go to the Audience Room.” She insisted. “Alright. Help me change my clothes quickly.” “Yes.” After a quick change, she immediately went to the audience room and saw Sir Rowellius and another knight she doesn’t know. The last thing she saw were the second prince and Arthur who were glaring at each other. She guessed something dangerous inside her head. “Greetings, second prince of the empire.” She greeted and that made the atmosphere heavier than before. ‘s**t. One minute late and this mansion will fall down literally.’ She pondered in her mind with a nervous smile on her face. “Viviene! You’re here.” The second prince beamed. “Lets all sit down and talk calmly and nicely. Please bring some tea and snacks.” She ordered to Merriam. “Yes.” Merriam obeyed. She went to Arthur and held his arm. Arthur look down to her and she smiled to calm him a little. It seems effective because she sits beside her while facing the second prince. “You’re still so heavenly without giving too much effort.” He admired as he look at Viviene. She felt goosebumps from his stare at her that she squeeze Arthur’s arm. “You flattered me so much, second prince.” “Second Prince? Call me by my name, Viviene.” He muttered that gave her an eerie feeling. ‘I don’t really like this guy.’ She realized as she recall all he did yesterday. “Second Prince, I don’t want to be rude but stop disrespecting my sister.” He said with a glowering tone.
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