Chapter Fifty: When The Light Disappears

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Its not bad for her to be engage to someone as handsome as the crown prince of Valliaña Empire. Without knowing his rotten attitude of course ladies would die to have him as a husband. Except for Viviene who was terminally ill due to an unknown sickness given to her by the god Axxiale. “Why do dramas always come towards me? Why am I so unlucky? Why!?” She exclaimed burying her face to the pillow. ‘I’ve dreamed of having a handsome boyfriend before but right now is an exception! I mean I do have a boyfriend but turns out he’s a cheating bastard. On top of that..’ “I don’t love him. How can I marry him?” She mumble in a crestfallen voice. “Milady, pardon me for saying this but, isn’t it great for you to be the crown prince’s fiancé? You’ve always wanted that before.” Merriam muttered in a confused tone but she can feel how happy Merriam is for her. ‘Its not a problem for the real Viviene but if I wont accept marriage in this foreign place! I still wanted my old life!’ She thought firmly. “Merriam, consider my deteriorating health. The fact that I am dying means that I wont last long as an empress.” “But the crown prince so as the duke and the young master are doing their best to find a cure for you, Milady. Please don’t say that you’re dying so easily.” Merriam groaned. Viviene sigh and face Merriam with a blank and cold expression. “Merriam, father and the rest will fail.” “Pardon, Milady? What do you mean?” “This illness isn’t just something to be cured with whatsoever in this world. You’ve seen that the healing magic the crown prince possessed failed to heal me completely and in this world, healing magic is the highest and most precious magic of all.” She explained to her. A mocking yet sad smile formed her lips. “How can they possibly think that this disease will be cured when I am not healed by the most powerful magic given by the gods?” She added. “Oh, lady. Please don’t lose hope. You will overcome this problem.” Merriam encouraged her but Viviene didn’t bite it. ‘I am not someone who’s easy to be fooled by comforting words. I know the truth more than anyone else.’ She firmly said to herself. “I will ask properly to father to cancel the engagement. There’s no way I’m marrying someone.” Someone suddenly knock the door. “Who is it?” “Its me.” Arthur answered. “Come in.” Arthur open the door and enter her room with a cold expression. “Merriam, get out.” His voice is bone-chilling that it made Viviene nervous all of a sudden. She tried to remember what she did that made her brother so upset. Merriam went out of her room leaving the two behind. ‘Should I start praying to the gods?’ She pondered nervously while looking at Arthur’s face. She force a smile on her lips. “What brings you here, brother? Did something happen?” “I heard everything.” Arthur suddenly mentioned. ‘Oh s**t. So this is why he’s so cold all of a sudden.’ She press her lips hard, refusing to speak to him while she stare at him with apathetically. “I’m telling you we will not fail. We are going to search for the cure even if it means we look every cranny of this world.” His blue eyes glowed dangerously while looking back at her calm amber irises. “Yeah right. Even if you do that I wont last long.” She replied rudely to him. ‘What an exaggerating jerk.’ “Viviene!” He roared calling her name. “Yes, brother?” She answered calmly. “You. Why are you being so hard on us?” Arthur asked. “Hard on you? Me? I didn’t ask you to search for the cure. You did all of this shits all by yourselves. And now I just learned that I was engaged to the crown prince without me knowing it!” Arthur’s mouth close tightly. She look at him and realized something due to his guilty expression. “You knew it. Am I right?” He didn’t answer her. She laughed at him briefly. “Seriously, I am really worthless here.” She mumbled under her breath but Arthur heard her loud and clear. “Viviene, its not like that.” “What can I expect? You always do this behind me anyway. You always think I’m still that stupid little girl everyone knows.” “No its not like that. You’re not stupid, alright. Its just that, father knew you have feelings for the crown prince and the crown prince seems to like you as well. He didn’t hesitate to accept the crown prince’s proposal.” He explained. ‘Hah. Should I thank him for doing me a favor?’ She muttered mocked at herself. “Ha. I’ll talk to father when he gets home. Don’t expect me to feel happy about this, brother. I may be smiling but I’m frowning deep within.” She sighed and answered with her usual smile. “You don’t like the crown prince anymore?” He asked directly to her. She glance at him seeing his uncomfortable expression. She sighed once again and walk towards him, held his arm and look at him with gentle and cold eyes. “Change is inevitable, brother.” She step back and watch him straight-face. “Please leave.” She added. Arthur’s face hardened and turn his back without saying a single word and leave her room with a gloomy aura. However, Viviene never comforted him. They need to change how they see Viviene as an incompetent and frail girl which she always hate. ‘These affections were made due to their guilt. None of it were genuine.’ She lay on the bed feeling mentally and physically drain. She close her eyes and an image of a crying girl appeared in her head. Unlike her strong personality, the girl that she met in her dream was a crybaby who cant even hate a single person who did bad things to her. She was kind but the world she lived in was unkind to her that made her suffocated yet somehow, she felt a little similarity to her. ‘..We were both lonely.’ The duke has finally arrived after luncheon like what Merriam said. She didn’t eat properly because she’s thinking too much about her situation. Merriam tried to convince her to eat well but unfortunately, she didn’t. “Merriam, fix my hair. I’ll meet father later.” “Yes, Milady.” Merriam decided to tie her hair into a ponytail using a black ribbon. Satisfied with her looks, she stood up from the chair and went out to meet the duke in his office. Merriam followed her behind. “Milady, pardon me for asking but are you still upset about your sudden engagement with the crown prince?” She asked worriedly. She didn’t answer her question. Merriam lowered her head and said again. “But isn’t it being the crown princess is a privilege? Perhaps you will be the next empress in this empire, Milady.” The excitement is evident in her voice and expression. Viviene stop walking and turn to face her. “Do you think that I am someone who just marry a man because of a high position? How can you think so low about me?” Her tone had a little bit misanthropic. Merriam flinch at her voice and bow down immediately to apologize. “I am sorry, Milady. I’ve crossed the line.” She stammered. Viviene glared at her before turning her back from Merriam and started walking. She arrive at the duke’s office. She dismissed Merriam and went inside. The duke raise his head from looking at the documents in his hand. “What is it that you want to talk, child?” The duke asked. “About me and the crown prince marriage proposal. Why did you accept it without me knowing about it?” She tried her best to calm down, looking at the duke with indifference. “I thought you like him? Isn’t it good to be engaged with the crown prince? The future emperor of this empire?” Viviene felt her blood pressure rising. Her hands tremble in anger so she grip her skirt to much that it become awfully crumpled. “I’m dying father. I don’t have time for marriage and for having another responsibility as a crown princess or an empress. Please, cancel the engagement.” “Child, you are not going to die. If that was what worrying you so much that you want to cancel the engagement then stop that, we are doing our best so that you can be cured.” The duke said firmly. ‘Seriously? He didn’t understand what I mean.’ She sighed in disappointment. “Father, I told you that I’m..” “Child, stop! Why do you always think that you are already hopeless!?” The duke massage his temple while Vivieve look at him apathetically. The duke knew about that but he refuse to accept and understand the whole idea. ‘Funny. Isn’t it what they want? For her to disappear?’ She wonder. “You’re asking me why, father? Because that’s what is already been. I’m always like this since then up until now.” She said coldly. “What? What do you mean?” “I am like standing on the edge of the cliff with nowhere to run. Everything is suffocating around me until now. But unlike before father, I am now falling from that cliff as hopeless as you think I am.” A chilling smile formed her lips. “But its alright, I understand. Everything is bound to fall anyway.” With that their conversation ended. Its hopeless to pursue the duke since his firm for her marriage to the crown prince. ‘Its pointless. They don’t understand her anyway so why am I giving so much effort over something so useless?’ She grimaced. ‘Right, lets focus on that silly coming-of-age ceremony and die peacefully afterwards.’ She added. The maids took care of her carefully like a porcelain doll. She was always bathe and essential oils were always applied to her skin. Not only, she’s tired of hearing empty compliments from the maids who assisted her in every baths. Tomorrow is her birthday and she will wake up as early as possible for the preparation of the celebration. She even heard that it will be held in the imperial palace’s ball room. She’s in her room while lettibg Merriam brush her hair. “Mrs. Chiffon will be here before luncheon to deliver your dress, Milady. Oh, and the gifts will be delivered in your room after luncheon.” She stated. “What will happen during the celebration?” She asked. “Well, you will be socializing to other people and you will be dancing with someone too.” “When will the party end?” “Well, it will end at exactly ten o’clock in the evening but if Milady is not feeling well before the party ended, the duke ordered that you can just leave and rest in your room.” Merriam explained. “I see. Good job Merriam.” “Thank you, Milady.” “Please leave and call me if Madame Chiffon will be here and as for the gifts, don’t put it in my room now for I don’t want someone to enter my room. Just put it to the other vacant room.” She ordered. “Understood, Miss. I shall now take my leave.” Merriam left went out from her room. She stood up and went to the window to look outside. She saw knights walking across the garden leisurely. ‘Good for them they have time to slack around while here I am. Feeling suffocated over something so troublesome like marriage.’ She envied them for having so much freedom while she, on the other hand, felt very pressured around her. ‘I always think to be the best, but still, its not good enough.’ “But I’m both happy and sad at the same time for this coming-of-age ceremony.” She mumble.She didn’t experience celebrating a debut party before but now she had the opportunity to experience it, however its not for her but for some stranger with a lot of dramas in life. ‘I hate dramas but I guess this party will be pay all the hassle I went through.’ She felt someone staring at her and saw Arthur looking at her direction. ‘What’s wrong with that dude over there?’ She wonder and stare back as well. ‘I’m good at staring anyway. Let’s see who’s going to win.’ Fortunately, Arthur averted his eyes and started to walk again. “Weirdo.” She roll her eyes and close the blinds. Darkness covered her whole room but she didn’t mind and went to her bed. Finally, the day has finally come! She had a bad mood of waking up at four in the morning and started to prepare for the party. ‘Let’s just endure it. I’m not going to last long in here anyway.’ After bathing, the servants massage her arms, hands and legs for a while before applying another essential oil on her skin. ‘I think its both lavender and roses combined.’ “This will make the Young Lady’s skin brighter and softer and it also gives a nice scent.” A maid said. After that she wore the dress she suggested personally. It’s a gold, sparkling sequin mermaid gown with detachable skirt. After she wore it the maids apply her make-up and her some accessories. She chose diamonds to match her outfit and decided to wore a diamond crown on her head. Her hair wasn’t tied but its perfectly elegant behind her. Of course she still wore her teleportation ring. “You look gorgeous Miss!” She look herself in the mirror and her eyes widen. ‘Viviene, you’re so beautiful!’ “Milady, you’re so beautiful.” Merriam complimented mesmerized by Viviene’s beauty. “Thank you and thank you as well for making me so pretty.” She said with a smile. "Dont mention it, Milady. Its our priority to make you the center of attention." Merriam answered. "How about father and brother?" "The duke and the young master is already at the imperial palace just like in the plan, Milady. You will leave the mansion at four o'clock in the afternoon. For now, just rest Milady." "Alright. Go find me a book to read, Merriam." "Yes, Milady." The servants left the room. Its already three o'clock in the afternoon. One more hour and she will leave the mansion. Honestly, she's nervous about the party. She's afraid she might make a mistake due to her anxious heart and chaotic mind. "No, I need to relax." She muttered and breathe deeply then exhaled. After an hour, she went downstairs with Merriam. Sir Rowellius is waiting downstairs and the moment he saw Viviene, his eyes widen and his mouth gaped. "Close your mouth, Sir." She laughed. "You're so beautiful, Milady." "Thank you. Lets go now but drive slow." She ordered. "Slow? But we might be late, Milady." Sir Rowellius said. "Dont worry, Sir. The best comes last." She smiled confidently. Everyone is waiting for the celebrant to come in the imperial palace. Eliza arrived in the palace looking splendid with her white ball gown. She's like the purest white lily in the crowd and everyone is charmed by her beauty. "Oh no. She might cover the celebrant." "She's so beautiful." Everyone's whispering, fearing that the celebrant might not be noticed due to Eliza's existence. Eliza hearing them smiled as if she heard a very pleasant music in her ears. She sips the champagne leisurely. "But where is the celebrant? I thought she will arrive at this hour?" One of them asked. Arthur became very nervous as well. 'What if she will not come? What if something happened to her?' He cant stop thinking negatively, not until the servant mentioned the name of the most awaited person. "Lady Viviene Allyssa Cruel has arrived!" The noise inside the hall stopped and all eyes went directly to the big door. Eliza cant help but to see the sad face of Viviene who will be disappointed after knowing that she stole the spotlight just by her presence. 'Its wrong for you to invite me here, Viviene.' She muttered confidently. The door opened and a woman stand tall facing the crowd. She started walking on the red carpet with a smile on her face. Everyone gasps and couldn't take their eyes away from Viviene. Eliza's smug face vanished like thin air. 'H-How can she be this beautiful?' The duke with the crown prince and Arthur's eyes widen as they look at the girl. Eliza might be a pretty fairy but right now she's cant be compared to Viviene's radiance. She's like the goddess of beauty amongst the humans. She went to the platform and face everyone with confidence. "I thank everyone for coming here in this humble celebration. May the goddess bless us with prosperity and longevity." Unfortunately, the lights went out that made everyone gasps in surprise. "What the!? What's the meaning of this!?" The duke roared in anger. "I think its not a problem anymore, duke." The crown prince said with a proud smile looking ahead of them. The duke looked in front, curious why the crown prince said those words. Viviene is glowing in front of them, like a moon in the night sky giving light to the dark world. Viviene did her best to not make everyone freak out so she went down from the platform and walk towards Arthur. "Brother, the lights should be repaired immediately." She whispered. "Right. I'll tell the servant." She smiled and went back to the platform. "Everyone, I apologize for this inconvenience. For now, lets be calm and enjoy the dark for a while." She stated to calm the crowd and sit on the throne looking at the pitch black. 'Well, I guess the light magic became useful.' She shrug and smiled.
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