Chapter Twenty-Eight: Emperor of Hestrova Empire

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After Viviene disappeared on the branch of the big narra tree, Capt. Valkeire waited for her to appear again until sunset but she didn’t show up. He remembered what she said the first time they met. ‘I wont be here for a long time.’ Those words echoed inside his brain and he cant help but to feel guilty for what he did to her. ‘I don’t need your pity.’ He can still recall how firm she said those words. She’s both soft and strong, kind and rude at the same time. She’s hard to read with her deep eyes and alluring smile and a woman like her is very rare. She’s the complete opposite of what he heard from the information guild in that empire. “Stupid and an evil woman? Its hard to believe such unjust description of her after meeting her in person.” He mumbled. He stared at the red-orange sky and remember her hair color. A smile form in his lips as he recall their conversations. Her rude remarks were funny even her scared expressions towards him were adorable. Her answers were both simple and deep but its not boring. He was startled when he saw her sitting on the tree, looking down at her with her amber eyes full of confusion and curiosity while her hair was swaying with the wind. He thought he saw a nymph or an angel staring at him. His smile grow wider. “Pretty.” He burry in his mind the image of Viviene on the tree like an angel looking down at him then he promised that he’ll meet her again. He stood up and walk away from the tree meeting his aide and vice captain, Oliver France. Oliver seemed to notice Michael’s smile which gave him goosebumps. Usually, when Michael smiled at him, it gives him the very definition of a bad omen. “Is there something wrong captain?” he asked nervously. “Wrong? Rephrase your question, Oliver.” “Then, is something good happen?” “Yes. The only good thing that happened after we failed the last mission.” Oliver tried to comprehend him but failed however, the smiled remain on his lips which made it even weirder for Oliver. He asked to himself. ‘What’s that good thing?’ “Any news from the capital?” He asked to change the mood. “Yes. Apparently, the duke of Cruel should be the one guarding the northern territory however he’s still nowhere to be found. Our spies said that he left the border about one week ago.” “A week ago. So that’s why the defense mechanism of the border seems weak and easy to infiltrate. Boring.” “Boring!? A-Anyway, a messenger just arrived.” “And?” “The mother empress wants you to be back in three days for an urgent meeting.” “A meeting? How ridiculous. Cant there be someone who will attend the meeting for me?” He asked in irritation. “The mother empress also included these words;‘It would have been better if you hadn’t runaway from your wedding day and had your empress of your own then you wouldn’t have to deal such trifle matter like this, you piece of shit.’” Oliver stated with the most serious face. He kick his tongue and went inside his own tent. He took a sit on a chair next to a table. “Who would want to marry that woman who knows nothing but spend half of the imperial treasury? I rather be single than have a wife like her.” “Your Majesty!” “Don’t call me that when I’m here. Value your tongue, Oliver.” Oliver shut his mouth, scared of what Michael mentioned in front of him. “In fact, this mission is much more valuable than marrying that woman. My friend who’s captured by the crazy emperor of Valliaña dared to threaten and mock me. You know me well, Oliver. I don’t tolerate such thing under my watch.” “T-Then perhaps, choosing a rightful empress would be helpful, captain. An empress that meets your standards.” “Choosing an empress?” “Yes. There will be plenty of women in the empire who can meet your standards Your Majesty. Like Lady Whiterose, Lady Cloudelle, and Lady Scarlet who were from a well-known family.” He lean on his chair and touch his chin, thinking deeply. The image of a girl with a long, wavy ginger hair and a pair of amber eyes came to his mind. “No need to search for a possible empress. Actually, I had already one suitable lady to stand by my side.” “R-Really Captain? Who could this woman be? Shall I send a letter to the family, captain?” “No need.” “huh? But why?” “She’s a noble lady residing in the Valliaña Empire.” “What!?” Oliver’s face is distorted. A lady residing inside the enemies territory as the empress is not just ridiculous but entirely impossible. ‘The emperor is out of his mind!’ Oliver thought nervously for the future of the empire. “Well, for now lets go back to the Hestrova and deal with that s**t first.” “Y-Yes, Your Majesty.” Their conversation ended briefly however Captain Valkeire or Emperor Michael of Hestrova wasn’t thinking seriously about the affairs in his empire rather to the woman whom he’s interested with. The next day, Viviene kept on checking the greenhouse’s progress. She chose the flowers and plants that should be planted. She tried her best to live like there’s nothing wrong about her at all, she smiled at others brightly and sometimes frown at those people who were disappointing. Unwanted gifts from others stopped rushing to her and now she’s writing a letter to Timothy who’s worried for her health. She even included things about Merriam, her personal maid. “Merriam, please send this letter immediately.” “Yes, Milady.” “Thank you.” Merriam smiled at her and felt glad that somehow, Viviene seemed a little cheerful. Her face is still pale but at least she’s now smiling genuinely. Someone suddenly knock the door. “Come in.” The door opened and Arthur entered. Merriam bowed and went out from her room carrying the letter. “Hello, brother. Aren’t you busy today?” She asked politely while smiling at him. “Not at all. Are you busy?” “No, why?” “If you don’t mind, can we have tea later?” She stare at him for a while. She can still see the dark bags under his eyes but its not so dark now. “Of course. How about father?” She asked. “He still have some work to finish.” “I see.” She muttered with a little disappointment. Arthur stared at her. Her physical condition is still the same but the aura around her seems brighter and livelier. He’s quite relief because of that. “I’ll expect you to be there and don’t be late.” He said with a strict tone which made her laugh. “Really? Are you sure I’ll be late? Maybe its you who will be late.” She said as her eyebrow raise and her lips formed to a smirk. Arthur lips formed to a mocking grin as he watch her. “See you later.” “Goodbye, brother.” She smiled at him before closing the door. The moment he left, her smile immediately vanish. Tiredness ruled her body as she lay down on the bed. ‘I really need to meet Axxiale again but how?’ “How can I meet that spirit?” She mumble as she close her eyes and immediately fell asleep. Arthur who’s busy with some documents for a while glance at the clock on his desk. Its pass lunch time and Viviene promised him to have tea with him this afternoon. He stood up from his chair and grab his coat on the couch. “Finnian, organize the documents on the table.” He ordered. “Yes, Young Master. Have a good time with the Young Miss.” He didn’t answer and just went out from his office. He was approached by Merriam and told him that Viviene is already in the garden. ‘She’s too early.’ He thought. He only nodded and went ahead of Merriam. He arrive in the garden and saw her sitting in front of the table. He notice that she fell asleep while sitting on the chair. He glance at Sir Rowellius who also glance at him with worried eyes. He sighed and went to her side. He kneel with one knee and stare at her sleeping face for a while before calling her name. “Viviene, Viviene. Wake up.” She slowly open her eyes and saw Arthur’s face. Her eyes widen and she almost fall from her chair thanks to Arthur who held her arm tightly. “B-Brother! You’re here.” She smiled awkwardly. “If you’re tired, we can postpone our tea so that you can rest in your room.” “I’m not that tired. Come on, lets continue our tea.” “Viviene.” “Brother.” He shut his mouth as he heard her heavy tone while calling him. She smile at him showing that there’s no need for him to worry about her. “Please take a sit, brother.” She muttered gently and calmly. “…Alright.” Arthur took a sit facing her. “Brother, how are you?” She asked opening the conversation between them. “I’m alright. There’s a lot of work to be finished but I can manage.” “That’s good to hear then. But I can still see dark bags under your eyes. Are you having trouble sleeping lately?” He didn’t answer. That’s right. He’s having difficulty in sleeping these past few days due to the events that had happened around him. Her health, his role as a brother and as the heir of the dukedom, his affection to Eliza and their enemies outside the empire. Viviene took his silence as a yes to her question. “May I know what’s wrong, brother?” She asked as she put the teacup on the plate and stare at him. “… Its hard to breathe lately. Everything seems like crushing me down to the ground. I don’t know. I feel hopeless.” He answered with a sullen look. ‘Well, drama is really a part of life. For now, lets help this dude to fix himself.’ She thought. Ignoring table etiquette, she put her elbows on the table and place her chin on her palms while staring at him. “Brother, don’t pressure yourself too much. You’re not a God.” She muttered in with a smile. “You have your limitations because you’re a human too. Quit being so hard on yourself and take everything slowly.” She added. “Hah. You’re talking as if you don’t pressure yourself too. Aren’t you doing the same thing in front of me? Smiling like there’s no problem and doing things with your frail body?” He said heavily. “How can you act like that?” He asked while looking at her eyes thoroughly. “Well, perhaps I don’t have a choice.” She lean on the chair and drink her tea. “You don’t have a choice?” He asked because he didn’t understand what she mean. “My time is limited brother. I don’t have enough time to engage myself to dramas in life. I don’t want to feel regret over the things I haven’t done while I am here. So I am giving my best to feel happy and contented before I leave this world.” He felt even more suffocating and it hurts so much that she’s speaking those things calmly and lightly while still smiling. “You don’t have to push yourself too much brother. You, yourself is already enough. So I suggest that you should at least relax, have tea with me sometimes and forget your problems for a while. Get it?” She said and smile again. “And don’t ever think that this expression is an act. I don’t fake my smiles to someone who were part of my life.” She added. His eyes widen then it become gentle. He smiled at her and nodded. “Alright. I’ll make sure to have time for myself.” “Yes! That’s the spirit!” She chuckle as she drink the tea delighted by his response. “So how was the greenhouse’s progress?” “Doing good. You should look forward for the outcome of my first project brother.” “You seemed pretty confident? Alright. I’ll expect a lot.” “Of course! I wont let you and father down. Just wait and watch me carefully.” His smile grow wider after hearing her confident remark about the greenhouse. Their conversation went well until the time for tea ended shortly because of an unexpected letter. Finnian arrived with a letter from the imperial palace. “A letter for me?” Viviene asked the butler. “Yes, Young Lady.” She open the letter and read it silently. She can feel her blood flow backwards and her face even getting paler as she finish reading the letter. “What did it say?” Arthur asked confused of her reaction. “Well, the crown prince wants to have tea with me together with Eliza and His Majesty also wants to make me stay at His Majesty’s palace for three days and two nights.” “How brazen. The crown prince invited you to stay at His Majesty’s palace without thinking about the rumors that might come out after.” He muttered suppressing his anger. ‘I know right! How can he be this shameless!? What will happen to my already ruined reputation?’ She exclaimed nervously. “W-Well, I’ll attend the tea with them.” “Viviene.” “I know. I’m not going to stay in the palace.” She muttered immediately. “I’m coming with you.” “pardon?” “I’ll explain to the crown prince that you’re not going to stay in the palace.” He said with intense coldness in his tone. ‘Woah bro, relax. You’re making everything freeze!’ Viviene yelled inwardly looking at his darken expression nervously. “Relax brother, you don’t have to come with me.” “Why?” “Because you are not invited and I can deal with it myself.” He sighed and lean on the chair. “You’re getting ahead of yourself. Do you really think so? He is the crown prince and he’s known for being ruthless.” “I know all of that and I’ll be fine so don’t worry. I am strong.” She said encouraging him to let her leave and attend the tea party. “Trust me, brother.” She added. He take out a heavy breathe before nodding. “Alright.” “Yes! Thanks brother.” She muttered joyfully. “Please excuse me but I need to get ready for the tea party.” “Yes. Be careful and don’t strain yourself too much.” “Yes brother. You as well.” She stood up and walk away from the table with a faster pace. The time for the tea is almost near. Merriam followed her behind to help her change. She pick the wheat color button up long sleeve dress, a white stockings and a pair of black heels. Her hair was braided and tied with a white ribbon then put some red lipstick on her lips. She put some pearl accessories and her magical ruby ring incase if something awful happen. “I’m ready, lets go.” Merriam nodded and they went out from the mansion with Sir Rowellius and hurriedly went inside the carriage. “You’re so pretty Miss.” She glance at Merriam who’s smiling at her. “Thanks.” “I’m surprised that you chose a light-color dress, Milady. I thought you prefer the dark colored ones.” “So, what color do you think will suit me better?” “Every color suits you very well, Miss.” ‘What a flattery.’ She thought as she laugh at her compliment. Finally, they arrived at the imperial palace. She cant help but feel nervous as she step on the ground and stare at the grand castle in front of her. ‘I hope everything will be fine.’ She prayed and went inside the palace.
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