Chapter Fifteen: Tension

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Silence covered them as they stare at each other. Viviene is nervous if she offended the crown prince. She’s thinking if answering directly at the prince wasn’t a wise choice thus, acting cute in front of him while doubting is the right one. The latter idea came from her impression towards Eliza. She’s starting to pray in her mind when the Crown Prince laugh loudly at her face. She was startled at his sudden response. Did she make a joke unconsciously? Yet its surprising that the prince can laugh like this in front of her. “You’re really something, Lady Cruel.” She’s interpreting his words again in a negative way however she smiled at him. “Of course Your Majesty, I am one of a kind.” “Really? How can you be so sure about it?” She laugh at him and answered confidently. “Because I am me, Your Majesty. No one can be another me.” Her words marked a smile in his lips. He’s admiring her confidence when he heard Sir Valor’s voice. “Your Majesty!” He called. He glance at his direction then back to where Viviene was, unfortunately she’s not there anymore. His face frown and darkened as the aura around him become deadly. Sir Valor arrived beside him and sense the frightful air around. “Your Majesty, is something wrong?” “How dare that little rabbit escape?” The prince suddenly mumbled while gritting his teeth. “Little rabbit?” The prince glared at him so he shut his mouth. The prince stood up and walk away from the spot while Sir Valor looked at him puzzled at his weird behavior. He became curious of that little rabbit the prince mentioned earlier. Viviene was frightened by the sudden presence of a man in the forest so she immediately teleported without saying goodbye to the prince beside her. She arrived at the garden of her home and look around if someone saw her. Gladly, no one notice, she turn her back and started to walk away when she met Sir Rowellius. ‘Why now? I didn’t wish to meet someone at this moment.’ She thought disappointed of the wrong timing. However, she notice the gloomy air around him and since she’s born curious, she asked him. “Good day Sir Rowellius. You seemed not in the mood today?” “Good day to you too, Milady..” He didn’t answer the question, instead, he lowered his gaze not wanting to meet her eyes. She already understood the situation, his problem is her. She smiled gently and asked again. “Did I make you upset, Sir?” He immediately raise his head and answered. “N-No! Of course not, Milady. Its just..” “Just?” “I’m upset at myself.” Earlius Rowellius is a big man with a scary face and being upset doesn’t suit him at all. She cant leave someone as big as Sir Rowellius behind while struggling at himself. “May I ask why you’re upset at yourself?” She asked politely, avoiding to hurt his feelings even more. Sir Rowellius looked at her and open up his feelings. “I was thinking if the Miss doesn’t want me to become her knight due to my scary appearance.” She tried to process his words inside her head. She realized that he’s talking about what happened yesterday. Thinking that made her guilt increase. She really needs to clear the misunderstanding between them. She fake a cough as she explained. “Sir don’t think like that. I am very glad that you’re my knight. Its just, I got carried away by my feelings and forgot to inform you beforehand. I’m sorry.” “M-Miss..” “You don’t have to feel discourage of your appearance nor be upset of yourself. You are a great person and being with you by my side is something I am not ashamed of.” She spoke those words with enough encouragement and confidence as she smiled brightly in front of him. It moved his heart and touch his soul. He never expect that the crazy lady of the Cruel household can bring him this kind of strength and courage in his heart. He kneel in front of her which made her shocked. “S-Sir!” She called. “Milady, I’ll serve you until I breathe my last breath. I will be your sword and your shield for as long as I live.” He said those words solemnly. She can feel that its not right to ruined the mood so she joined the flow of this fantastic event that happened to her for the first time. She showed him the brightest and sweetest smile she can give to a person and answered his oath. “I, Viviene Allyssa Cruel, whole heartedly accept you, Sir Earlius Rowellius, as my faithful and loyal knight, for as long as I live. May the goddess heard these words and blessed us with undying love and light.” The sun seems brighter at that moment. It got brighter because of Viviene’s smile at Sir Rowellius whom he acknowledge as the first person who complimented him for being great. ‘I sounded so cheezy. Its so, cringe..’ She thought. She ordered Sir Rowellius to stand up. After that, she went to her room to rest for a bit. Morning came fast and she immediately woke up before Merriam enter the room. She stood up from bed and stretch her arms and legs a little when someone lightly knock the door and open it, its Merriam. Merriam was surprise seeing Viviene already awake. “Good morning Miss. You’re early today.” She greeted. “Yes. I have to check the greenhouse after breakfast and give further instructions to the gardeners.” Merriam smiled at how determined she is. Its unusual for her to see Viviene this hard-working. “I’m sure the greenhouse will be a masterpiece, Milady. Seeing you this work up makes me feel excited.” She glance at Merriam who’s smiling at her brightly, she smiled back at her and touch her shoulders. “Yes, I promise I’ll make it the grandest in this empire. Thank you for believing in me, Merriam.” She muttered cheerfully. Merriam was moved by her words and nodded to agree to her idea. “Yes Miss, I’ll expect it.” “I should take a bath now to start my work early.” “Yes, Miss.” She took a bath and wear a blue, knee-length dress and white stockings with black shoes. Her hair was braided by Merriam and after fixing herself, she went downstairs and met Arthur in the dining hall. “Good morning, brother.” She greeted. “Morning. Take a sit.” She took a sit and notice Arthur’s bright face. She paused from eating and asked him. “Did something good happen? The air around you is very bright.” “Really? I guess I cant hide it. I’m going to the capital right now.” ‘Is there something good at the capital?’ She thought. She tried analyzing his mood and came to an obvious conclusion. ‘Silly me, how did I even forget the sole reason of making Arthur this happy?’ She added and sigh. “You’re going with Lady Walmeir right?” Arthur pause for a while then continue eating. Her guess is right base on his actions. She shut her mouth and continue eating. She’s not interested of their date, not even a little bit. “You’re not going to ask me why?” She raise her head and showed a puzzled look. She’s dumbfounded by his question and she can feel her brain flying away from her head. “Huh?” “You’re not going to ask me why I am going with Lady Walmeir?” ‘Is he stupid?’ She asked herself not getting his point at all. Why would she asked something like that!? “Why should I?” Arthur blinked and stare at her in disbelief. Before, when she heard him being with Eliza she would asked a lot of questions to him and forbidding him to be with her desperately. Old habits don’t die easily so he thought she would do the same thing to him. “You’re not interested?” He asked again. ‘Ha! What’s he pointing out? Does he want me to ask a lot of questions and beg not to go with her? Fat chance bro.’ She thought as she frown at him. She lean on the chair, annoyed at his question. “Brother, that’s not going to happen. I changed, and asking questions like that is not good.” She answered. “Oh.. Alright.” She sighed as they resume eating. After breakfast, Arthur left the mansion. He’s going to fetch Eliza at their home and seeing her makes him feel delighted. He’s mood wasn’t ruined because of Viviene not questioning him about being with Eliza. Strangely, that didn’t happen before but he didn’t dislike her change of behavior. He arrived at the Walmeir Mansion on time and went out from the carriage. Baron Walmeir greeted him happily and offered a cup of tea. Having a guest with a higher status is a privilege for him. He’s even willing to let him marry his own daughter for more power. Men are indeed greedy. That’s what his mind told him as he saw the Baron’s greedy eyes. “Thank you for waiting, Sir Cruel.” Eliza went down from the stairs wearing a sky-blue colored dress and a white hat on her head. Her image is enchanting, like a nymph in a field of flowers. He smiled at her and answered. “Its alright.” He offered his hand to her and she gladly took it. They left the mansion together and went to the capital. All people with eyes saw them together and started gossiping. Some says they had intimate relationship with each other and that Eliza’s not really in love with the crown prince, others say that she’s just toying both of the to gain popularity and influence. She heard them, but she ignored it. Its normal for her to hear those kinds of things due to her appearance and popularity to men. ‘They’re just jealous.’ That’s what she’s always thinking. “Did Lady Cruel let you go easily?” She suddenly asked as they walk in the street. “Surprisingly, yes.” “That’s new.” “Even I was astonished by her change. She even said that she’s not interested.” “Really?” She did not expect that from Viviene. Its still luminous to her how she almost killed her due to extreme jealousy. Her sudden change was astonishing and exaggerating. Its like the pig just grew up a pair of wings and flew to the sky. “Is she alright?” Arthur glance at her. Eliza is a kind-hearted woman and asking if her enemy is alright is just an ordinary task for her. He smiled and nodded at her question. “Lets buy some flowers.” “Of course.” As they walk in the streets of the capital, they stopped at a flower shop where the sellers welcomed them warmly. The scents of flowers mix the air making them feel relax and happy. The door of the shop opened and the bell attached to it rang. “Its nice to see you, Sir Cruel.” Arthur’s eyes went cold as he heard a familiar voice. A pair of violet eyes even colder than his held his blue irises. “Your Majesty” “Drop the formalities, I am here in disguise. It would be unpleasant to let the public know that a devil like me is walking in their streets.” The aura around them went cold and heavy. Everyone can feel it except Eliza who’s walking gracefully towards Arthur with the roses and tulips she bought. With a smile, she talk to Arthur, oblivious of her surroundings. “Lets go, Sir Cruel.” “Greetings, Lady Walmeir.” His chilly voice was recognized immediately by Eliza. She turned around and saw the crown prince dangerously smiling at her. “Your Majes—” “Drop the formalities, Lady. I’m in disguise today.” Eliza examined him and notice his commoner clothes and a cloak. His with Sir Valor who’s wearing the same outfit as the crown prince. “Oh, I’m sorry Your— Sir.” She apologized immediately. “This is a wonderful coincidence don’t you think? How about we talked at a coffee shop near here?” She blurted. “But..” “Yes? Sir Cruel?” She asked with her innocent expression. “No, nothing at all.” “That would be great, Lady Walmeir.” The prince said while glaring at Arthur. “Then, lets go.” They went out from the shop. Only Eliza has bright face while the men behind her were having deadly expressions and would kill each other anytime. Eliza’s innocence can be equaled as ignorance. She shared her time with the crown prince when she promised to Arthur that she would spend the day with him alone. ‘Perhaps she forgot.’ Arthur thought with a hint of disappointment. Sir Valor who’s behind the crown prince and Arthur can sense their killing intent at each other. He glance at Eliza who’s ahead of them and sigh. He fancied Eliza because of her kindness but sometimes, she does everything without thinking. Eliza turned to face them and asked with complete innocence. “Are you alright?” He sighed and pitied Arthur who clearly doesn’t want the prince to accompany them and to the crown prince’s nerves. They stopped walking in the middle of the street when someone bump his back. He turned around and gfsaw a small lady with a height ended to his chest. Her ginger hair is familiar and when she raise her head to meet his eyes surprise cover her face. The knight beside her glared at Sir Valor. “Lady—” “Sh! Don’t speak!” She hushed and immediately turn her back to walk away when Arthur called her. “Viviene..” She thought she heard the voice of a demon from hell. She flinch as she feel a bone-chilling air behind her. ‘Oh Lord! Save my soul!’ She prayed desperately. “Good day Young Master.” Sir Rowellius greeted as he bow down. “And.. to you too Lady Walmeir and the Crown Pr—” “I’m in disguise.” The Crown Prince immediately muttered. “… and to you Sir.” Sir Rowellius said, finishing his words. Viviene face Arthur nervously while Arthur glared at her. “Wait, if my safety is the issue I already brought Sir Rowellius with me.” She immediately muttered and point her knight. Sir Rowellius bow down his head to Arthur who glanced at his direction. She glance at the people behind Arthur and saw the prince in disguise. She bow down her head and greet him. “Good day Sirs and to you Lady Eliza.” The crown prince smiled at her greeting and understanding of the situation. She glance at Arthur who’s face is gloomy. She raise an eyebrow of his sudden low-spirited mood which was very different earlier before he left the mansion. Anyway, its none of her business. “I’ll be going now. It seems that you’re busy with your friends brother. Later.” “Wait.” She stopped and face him. “Are you going home now?” She almost blush at his puppy-like face. Its not right for her to interfere with their grand reunion but seeing his face, makes her want to stay. “Yes. I’m going to check the greenhouse.” “Stay. We’ll go home together.” “Pardon?” He didn’t give her a chance to ask and just grab her. She look at him gaping her mouth. What’s happening right now is beyond her expectations. She glance at Eliza who’s talking with the crown prince then realization hit her. ‘Is he feeling lonely?’ She thought and stare at Arthur. She felt bad for Arthur who’s disappointed at Eliza. She knew he cant tell him what he really feel but jut staying silent behind them. She made her decision, she’s going to make Eliza pay a little prize for pushing her brother out from the circle of socialization. “Brother, don’t worry. I’ll cure your hurt feelings.” Arthur look at him muddleheaded but she just smiled at him and think of a good conversation with Arthur. Something exciting and fun topics that can make Arthur forget his disappointment towards Eliza.
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