Chapter Thirty-Four: A Dangerous Suitor

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Viviene arrived safely at her room while holding her chest. She just heard some valuable information from the empire’s enemy. “Were they starting a war because there’s a lady whom their emperor really wanted but he couldn't get her? Who could that lady be?” She thought deeply then she snap her fingers when she already got the idea she's looking for. “Could it be Lady Walmeir? She’s the prettiest and the, well the kindest? She’s every men’s dream girl! Its not surprising that a very valuable man has an eye on her.” She mumble. She remove the cloak and fold it neatly. She put it to her secret room including the ring she wore then went to the couch to take a sit. Someone suddenly knock the door. “Come in.” The door opened and Arthur immediately went to her without even closing the door. “What’s the matter brother? Is there something you need from me?” She asked with pure confusion. “Eliza, no, Lady Walmier, i-is she always like that to you when I’m not around?” ‘So this is the issue? And they really thought she’s the kindest of all?’ She lean on the couch and smiled at him. “Please take a sit brother. Would you like some refreshment? You even forgot to close the door.” She muttered in disappointment. “Just answer me right now, Viviene. Is Lady Walmeir always bully you without my knowledge?” “Calm down will you? Why do you think of that right now? It’s a simple argue between teenage girls.” “The servant told me that the first one who said rude things was Lady Walmeir. How can you took the blame so easily? Is that how you were educated by the best teachers in the empire? How can you be so martyr?” “And how can you all be so blind?” She blurted in annoyance at his remark. The man press his mouth tightly while Viviene laugh bitterly at his face. ‘This is why I don’t want to meet the three idiots because I’m sure I’ll have unnecessary dramas in life.’ She roll her eyes and cross her arms on her chest. “How dare you question my own knowledge? And you said they’re the best teachers? How can you say that when all they did is inflict pain at me and making me stupid!? You really have the balls to talk to me like that? Huh? Big brother?” Its clear in her face the anger and hatred she had for him. He cant find the right words to say. Those stares were making him go insane! “Then why did you give me a gift? Why are you so polite and caring at me? Why are you acting good when you hate me?” He asked as his eyes showed pain. “Because I respected you, brother. You want me to be friends with someone I hate and I did. How about you? Did you respect me as your younger sister? If you did, then why? Why didn’t I receive any apology from the days I went through hell?” “You don’t have to accept it if you don’t want to..” “And then what? Be criticized and judged again? You know, I’m so sick of all these dramas. Will you quit bringing shits to me? No not just you but all of you! For f**k sake I’m dying!” She demanded as she glare at him. She sighed and took a deep breath. “However, even if all of you apologize, no one can help me now. Don’t you think so?” His eyes trembled as he saw a sad smile at her usually proud face. “I..” “You don’t have to be too guilty over anything about me. I’ll be leaving soon, so, don’t be too harsh on yourself okay? I’m not blaming anyone at my fate. No one is to blame.” Her eyes widen when he hugged her tightly. She can feel his body trembled as he hug her tighter. “I’m sorry, for being a useless brother to you. If only I can take away that illness to you. Please, don’t say that you are really going to die… it hurts.” He muttered as his voice cracked. She felt sorry for him so she patted his back gently and whispered in his ear. “The truth really hurts, big brother. Please accept it already.” She push him away gently and smiled at him. She stared at his trembling blue eyes. Her eyes widen when pure water fell from his eyes like rain. ‘He is… crying’ She remained staring at his face, not even wiping away the tears he shed. She doesn’t have the right to do that. Because she is just a passerby and anytime she’ll leave this world behind. “Don’t cry brother. I cant wipe your tears away now.” He moved away and wipe his own tears with his hand. She smiled but she suddenly felt severe pain in her chest causing her to cough blood in front of him. “V-Viviene! Call a doctor!” Arthur yelled to the servant as he caught Viviene from falling. Her vision is starting to get blurry and her ears kept on ringing. The last thing she saw is Arthur’s face filled with horror before darkness devour her. She slowly open her eyes, at first her vision is blurry so she need to close it for a while then open it again. She felt her head and body heavy instead of feeling refresh after a long slumber. She glance at her side when someone move beside her. “M-Miss, you’re awake! Doctor! Young Master! The young lady is awake!” Merriam shouted as she went out from the room. Minutes after, the doctor and Arthur came inside. “Viviene” Arthur called with a very worried expression. The doctor immediately check her condition. While everyone is busy worrying for Viviene, someone appeared in her room, it’s the crown prince Aleiandro. Seeing them all gathered in her bed, he walk fast towards them to check her. “What happened?” Everyone glance at him with wide eyes. Without everyone’s response he pointed a finger to Viviene who was looking at him with her eyes wide open. Light covered her body then immediately disappeared. He frowned at what he found out about her condition the moment the light vanish. “Why are you all here? Am I really dying?” She joke while laughing. “Viviene! That’s not a good joke!” Arthur scolded her. She roll her eyes but her mocking smile remain. “Young Lady, its better that you take a rest for now. I will give you stronger medicine for you to take.” The doctor said. “Yes. I think I really need that.” Viviene nodded at the doctor’s advice. After that, they left the room and she ate her breakfast. She glance at Merriam and notice her somber face. “Merriam.” She called her. Her faithful maid glance at her with swollen eyes, perhaps due to crying so much. ‘I made her sad again. What should I do to my one-and-only maid?’ She wondered. “Would you like to have a vacation for a while?” She offered her. Merriam’s eyes slightly widen but it her expression immediately change. “I am alright, Milady.” She answered gently. “You should take it. You’ve been working a lot lately and the circumstances inside the mansion are very frustrating.” “Milady.” “I’m afraid you might not find a suitable husband if I always keep you here in my room. It will be too sad right?” “M-Marriage!? Oh no, Young Lady. I never thought of marriage until now.” Viviene frown hearing her words. How can she let that happen when she knew that a man is waiting for her heart to open? “Well, I do understand you but, when love comes before you, you have to face it okay?” “..Alright.” ‘I felt like an expert love guru’ She thought proudly at herself. Someone knock the door. “Come in.” The door opened and Finnian enter the room. He’s with a servant carrying two big rectangular boxes. One is red and the other is purple. ‘What are those?’ “Milady, these gifts are for you. Here’s a card from the sender.” Finnian said as he hand the card to her. Viviene opened it and her expression become tense as she read the letter. The letter goes as this: ‘To: The angel of autumn From: The Man Under The Narra Tree’ “Perhaps he is a very sensible man to you, Young Lady.” Finnian beamed looking at her. “C-Can you open the boxes?” She requested which Finnian did. The boxes are full of high quality roses and lavenders. Once opened, the room immediately filled with its scent. “I felt like I’m in a valley of roses and lavender.” Merriam complimented. “Who could this man be?” She added glancing at Viviene with her teasing eyes. ‘There’s only one man under that narra tree! Its that Captain jerk!’ She fumed as she recall how he beat her mercilessly. She felt like burning his gifts to ashes but.. ‘I bet he payed too much for these flowers?’ “He wouldn’t know..’ She whispered. “Merriam, burn this letter.” She demanded. “M-Miss?” Merriam took it with wide eyes. “Burn it?” She asked again. She smiled at her then nod before laying back to her bed. “The scent of roses and lavender, are nice.” She mumble before she fall asleep. The next day, gifts arrive again and same as the day after. All of them were roses and lavenders, because they were too many in her room and the scents were too strong, she burn all of them with intense irritation. “I think I developed an allergy. Merriam, change my soap. Something not related to lavenders and roses!” She dictated. “Yes Miss! But what shall I choose Miss?” She asked. “Scent like apple.” “Yes Miss.” “What happened?” She glance at the door and saw Arthur looking at her with bewildered expression. His face is too different from what she knew for a long time. ‘Isn’t he a person with no expression at all?’ She wonder. “My nose and head hurt after sniffing too much scent of roses and lavenders.” She answered. “I see. So, who’s the man?” He inquired with an unreadable expression. ‘And he is back to normal.’ She thought while looking at him. “I don’t know. He never told his real name.” She replied casually. “I see. I will investigate this matter immediately.” She sneer at his words. It would be futile since that man isn’t as simple as what he think he is. ‘He is that bastard who kidnapped me. The captain of the empire’s enemy.’ She thought in disgust and hate. “No need, brother. I know you already have so much things to do. Just leave this matter to me.” She stated calmly. Arthur stared at her for a while before sighing. “Alright. But let me know if anything becomes too difficult.” “Of course” She muttered cheerfully. After that, the room is quiet again. While reading a book on her bed someone knock in her door again. She rolled her eyes as she close the book. ‘My room became so noisy after I woke up. How annoying.’ She said inwardly. “Come in.” The butler entered the room and bowed slightly before speaking to her in a polite manner. “Milady, you have visitors. They are in the audience room.” “Visitors? Who are they?” “The Marchioness McGregor and her son Sir Timothy McGregor.” She stood up from her bed and grab the coat. She went out from her room without a word and headed to the audience room. While walking in the hallway, the butler cant help but to ask a few questions to her. “Are you alright now Miss? Are you tired? If so, I can tell the Marchioness to go home.” “No. I’m alright. It would be too uncomfortable for them and what will they say to the duchy’s hospitality?” She retorted. “That’s..” “There’s no turning back now.” She stop in front of the door and took a deep breath before the servant open the door. She smiled at the visitors who were staring at her the moment she step inside. Tea sets were already on the table including pastries and desserts. “Good day, Marchioness and Sir Timothy.” She greeted as she took a sit on the couch. She pour tea to their cups then lean on the couch. “How have you been, Lady Cruel?” The marchioness ask. “I am alright, Ma’am. Thank you for your concern, I appreciate it.” “I’m glad. The moment I heard about your condition, I was really worried.” “Heard?” She asked. ‘I thought my illness is a secret?’ She wondered. “Yes. Rumors about your condition spread all over the capital.” She explained. “I see.” She secretly frown as she heard what the marchioness said. She doesn’t want anyone to know her conditions, especially public. It will really be troublesome. “Not also that, Milady.” Timothy started talking to her. “There’s also a rumor that you have a suitor. They said that, that man is a prince of a country.” She wanted to laugh at the ridiculous rumor circulating the capital. ‘A prince!? More on like a bastard for me.’ She thought as she force herself to smile. “I see. That’s a very funny rumor about me.” “But it can be true.” Timothy suddenly muttered with a smile. Viviene glance at them as she asked. “with your beauty its possible.” Viviene nervously laugh as she sips her tea. ‘We have a long way to go.’ She whispered to herself. Fortunately, her meeting with the Marchioness and Timothy went well. She is walking back to her room when the butler approach her. “Milady, did it went well?” He asked. “Yeah.” “Milady, a letter has arrived for you.” The man muttered as he handed the letter. She took it and went immediately back to her room. She open the letter and read it. The letter goes as this: ‘Dear My Angel Of Autumn, How have you been? I miss you so much. Its been days since your last visit in our promised place. I miss your amber eyes that looked like little suns and your ginger hair that reminds me of the most beautiful sunset in my home. How was the gifts I sent you? I know that you kept it inside your room for I cast a tracking spell in it. But why is it gone now? Did someone took it from you? I am still waiting here under the narra tree. I hope that you showed in front of me or else, I’ll come in your place personally. P.s. What do you think of me as your husband? Because I like to make you as my wife. -M.U.V.’ She crumpled the letter and throw it at the corner of her room. “Crazy! Go marry yourself you bastard!” She blurted out of frustration and irritation. She drop herself on the bed and stare at ceiling. ‘Dear Lord, how can this thing happened to me?’ She wondered. “Why do I have a very dangerous suitor?” She questioned as she roll over on the bed and groan in irritation and fear for her peaceful life.
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