Chapter Twenty-Five: Redeeming Guilt (Part Two)

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She left the room while wiping her blooded nose. She doesn’t want anyone to know her true condition, no, not yet. ‘There’s a lot to be settled.’ She thought thoroughly. But then, someone stopped and grab her hand. “Wait.” It’s the crown prince himself. She look at him with her dead eyes and small smile. She cant be rude to a royalty anyway so she need to at least look happy to see him. “I’ll heal you.” “Thank you, Your Majesty but there’s no need.” “No need?” She can sense how dangerous his laugh right now but she’s not in the mood to fake a good atmosphere because of her aching chest. “Are you looking down on me?” His eyes were glowing bright purple looking at her. ‘Uh-oh, I really triggered a s**t out of him.’ She swallowed her saliva before showing a nervous smile. “No. Of course not Your Majesty.” “Then why did you act like one?” “…. Did I?” “Don’t kid around, you naughty rabbit.” She averted her eyes from him which he notice. “Were you, hiding something?” He asked noticing her expression. She look at him with a puzzled look. “Your Majesty?” “Why are you averting your eyes?” She didn’t answer but a stupid expression was displayed in her face. ‘Why do I need to explain my actions to him?’ She wondered. “Your Majesty.” He look back and saw Eliza behind him. Viviene took this as a chance to get away from him. “Your Majesty, I’m going now. Please excuse me.” She turn her back from him when he started talking to her again. “No. I’ll heal you right now. Eliza, you may go without me.” He said to her. “Oh..” Eliza look down on the floor, unable to look at him and answer him. Viviene who notice her hesitation started to open her mouth. “Its alright Your Majesty, we can go back to the Audience Room.” She doesn’t want to be alone with the crown prince so its better for Eliza to be with them. They went back to the Audience Room and sit on the sofa. White light from the prince’s hand covered her whole body. Its warm and relaxing, its like soft clouds were hugging her. But there’s a question that keeps on playing her mind. ‘Why is he helping me?’ She glance at him with a puzzled look then a resolute expression came seconds after. ‘.. I know. He’s guilty too.’ That’s the answer her self give to her. The white light disappeared and she felt a little better now. “Are you alright now, Miss Cruel?” Eliza asked. “Yes. Thank you, Your Highness.” “I have something to ask you, privately.” Viviene looked at him with confused expression. She look at Eliza who’s sitting beside him and saw a slight shock expression. “Alright.” “T-Then I’ll be waiting in the carriage, Your Majesty.” “Yes.” Eliza stood up and went out from the room leaving them alone. Viviene stared at the prince. His serious expression give so much bad thoughts to her. ‘What does he want to talk about?’ She asked. “Are you scared of me?” She got more puzzled by his question and asked. “I’m sorry Your Majesty, I don’t understand what His Majesty mean?” She answered genuinely. “I am known to be a ruthless prince who knew nothing but to kill people, yet you talked to me like you didn’t know that obvious fact. The idea of killing you by my hands, doesn’t that occur to you?” She tried to read the prince’s feelings. She asked to herself why he’s asking her that kind of question. “This type of situation wherein a person like you is talking to a horrible beast like me, I did not expect this to happen. I thought that maybe you’re so brave to withstand a person like me or you’re just ignorant of fear?” He asked. His eyes were glowing mysteriously at her amber irises. Unexpectedly, she’s not showing emotions looking at him other than confusion. “Your Majesty, why are you asking me that kind of question?” She asked to him as she lean on the couch. “My answer is insignificant, even my own identity is unimportant in this society. Why do you want something so useless?” “You’re not useless, you’re rather complex to me.” He said truthfully as his eyes glow even more yet she remain confused. “Ever since that day you fell on that lake it feels like you changed a lot. I knew you as a stupid, immature and childish woman who knows nothing but to cause trouble to people around you, yet now, why did you change?” ‘That’s too much questions.’ She thought while still looking at him. ‘I guess I have to answer him to make his mind rest in peace.’ She added and sigh. “I am not brave rather I’m a coward person, Your Majesty.” “Coward? How come you’re a coward?” “Everyone has their own fears, Your Majesty. Even the bravest knight felt scared sometimes. That is something no one can take out from their chests.” She explained. “Why I changed? I don’t know. I just woke up like this. Its not something so great to talk to Your Highness. I rather not telling you the reason but, isn’t the idea of ‘nothing last forever’ acceptable?” She told to lessen his confusion. His glowing eyes slowly faded as he lean on the chair placed in front of her. He stared at her paled and smiling face. “.. I want to help you heal your illness. I’m already searching for a cure with the duke and the little duke. I’m so kind right? This type of personality doesn’t suit me much.” He joke grimly. “There are different kinds of kindness Your Majesty. Each imitates different and complicated colors. His Majesty don’t have to doubt whether you are kind or not, merciful or merciless, everyone can choose to be bad or good. We all have our own freewill.” His eyes trembled while staring at her. “Are you saying I’m kind?” “Isn’t it what Your Majesty doing right now? Thank you for your kindness, Your Majesty.” She said with a bright smile. “Your Majesty, can I ask a question?” She asked. “Go on.” The prince permitted. She smiled and straighten herself on the chair. “Why are you helping me when you tried to kill me?” His eyed widen caught by an unexpected question from her. “T-That’s..” “Are you feeling sorry of me who almost died but destined to die anyway or are you tortured by your guilt?” He cant answer because he doesn’t know what to answer. That’s a complicated puzzled he cant solve even with his great mind. His actions were indeed weird. He pushed and let her drown on that lake and then now, he is trying help her live. ‘What’s his point?’ She wonder. “I.. I..” He cant really provide a certain answer because he don’t understand his self why he’s doing this things. “Perhaps, I’m guilty?” He answered uncertain. Her smile widen while looking at him. Her eyes were shining like suns holding his violet irises. ‘Then, His Majesty is like brother and father whose only kind to me because they’re guilty and feeling sorry for me.’ Just like the usual, she smiled at the prince. “I see. Did I answer Your Majesty’s questions?” “..A little bit.” After the talk, the prince left and Viviene returned to her room quietly. She went to her bed and took a book when someone knock the door. ‘Cant anyone leave me alone just a minute!? Its so tiring!’ She exclaimed annoyed by the people around her. “Who is it?” “Its your brother.” She sighed heavily and permitted Arthur to enter. The door opened and Arthur went inside her room. “I heard the crown prince and Eliza visited you.” He opened-up. “Yes. Its very, surprising.” She muttered as she smiled awkwardly. “The prince promised that he’ll help with your treatment with His Majesty’s healing magic.” “Yes, he told me that.” “I also heard you didn’t took any jewelries from the jewelers father invited. Why’s that?” He asked as he sit on the chair beside her bed. “There’s nothing that piqued my interest but they’re all very lovely.” “…I see.” Silence covered them for a while before Arthur started to open his mouth. “Are you still mad at me?” He suddenly asked. “I know that you will be an adult soon but I want to at least give you a friend to talk with.” He added. Thankfully, she had a good hold of her sanity who almost fly away due to his words. ‘Well your suggestion is f*****g bad!’ She yelled angrily. She tried to calmed her mind and smiled as sweet as a sugar as possible. “I am very thankful of brother’s friend suggestion. Really.” She said in sarcasm. “Is that sarcasm?” “No. I’m really thankful, brother. Why don’t you befriend the crown prince too? He’s actually pretty friendly.” Arthur frowned at her suggestion. Its because he’s not in good terms with the prince. ‘Now you feel what I felt back then you i***t!’ “How did your conversation go?” “Fine.” He’s quiet again. Viviene watch him searching for a nice conversation for the both of them so she decided to give him a good exercise for his already stressed brain. “Brother, why are you suddenly like this?” “Pardon?” “You suddenly talked and spend time with me a lot, then you even pushed me to befriend Lady Walmeir. Why? Didn’t you hate me being with her and being with me?” She asked with a puzzled face. “Its not, like that.” “Then?” “I can sense that you’re slowly changing from being reckless. I just thought that Eliza will help you change yourself completely.” “Ha.” She laughed shortly at his reason. ‘Can I hit him just once?’ She thought grimly still smiling at him. “Brother, its not that I’m changing and Lady Walmeir’s existence wont help me at all. Its just your assumptions.” “Viviene” “Yes, brother? Did I say something wrong.” He sighed at her feign innocence. She just said indirectly that his suggestion is bad and Eliza is useless to her. “Why cant you just try it?” “Then why wont you try being friends with the prince?” “Viviene.” He called dreadfully. “Yes, brother?” She asked with the same tone as before and looking at him with the purest confused face she ever have in her whole damn life. “Are you still mad at me?” He asked again sensing her sarcasms. “Me? Of course not.” “I think you should rest.” He said and stood up from the chair. ‘Finally!’ She thought delighted of his exit but immediately fade when he stopped and turn to face her. “Y-Yes?” She asked awkwardly. “… Goodnight.” Then he resume walking towards the door and close it leaving her dumfounded. “… I think the sun will rise at the west tomorrow.” She mumble staring the door with astonishment. Morning came and thankfully, the sun did not rise at the west. Her coughing if blood continued and still, she kept it only to herself. While walking in the hallway, Merriam suddenly talked to her. “Milady, I just noticed that some of your handkerchiefs were missing.” “..Missing?” “Yes, Milady. I think six pieces were missing.” Viviene’s eyes slightly widen. ‘Merriam’s really good at her work. She even knew how many handkerchiefs I have!’ She thought nervously “I see.” “I already told the Young Master about this matter Mi—“ “What!?” Merriam startled at the sudden increase of her voice. “I-I reported it to the Young Master, Miss.” She sighed heavily. Knowing Arthur’s personality, he’ll definitely uncover the whole situation even if its just something so trifle. “Next time don’t tell something so simple to brother. He had a lot of things to handle already.” She muttered seriously. “Y-Yes Miss. I apologize.” “Alright.” They continued walking towards the dining hall to have breakfast. Before the door opened, Merriam speak again. “Miss, you loss weight a lot. I’m worried.” “Don’t worry, I’m alright.” She reassured her to lessen her worries. “Milady..” The door opened and she entered. She smiled at the duke and Arthur whose face were full of worries. ‘Did I lost so much weight?’ She thought nervously. “Good morning, father and brother.” She greeted and took a sit. “… Lets eat.” The duke said and they started eating. Viviene tasted the food and she still doesn’t taste anything. She doesn’t want to continue eating but the duke and Arthur were watching at her. “You didn’t like the jewelries? I heard that you didn’t buy anything.” The duke asked. “Nah. Their jewelries were great but I didn’t really like buying something.” She answered. “… I see. I invited a popular tailor. They sell pretty dresses here and outside the empire. She’ll be here after lunch.” “Father, actually, I just want to take a rest after lunch. May I not meet her?” Seeing her honest request, he didn’t hesitate to say yes. Plus, he can observe very clearly how she loss weight and her complexion paled. “I’ll call the doctor.” The duke muttered suddenly. “P-Pardon?” “You are so thin and pale. Seeing a physician is the best choice.” “But I’m alright, father.” “Viviene.” Arthur suddenly interrupted them. She glance at him. “Lying wont do you good. Cant you see yourself?” He added. She didn’t answer and remain looking at him. “The doctor will come later after breakfast.” The duke muttered. “The doctor cant do anything about my condition but alright.” She spoke with indifference and continued eating. “Viviene.” The duke called in a chilly voice. “Yes, father?” “We are trying our best to search for the cure. Don’t speak nonsense.” He seriously said to her. “I know, but I think it will only go to waste, don’t you think?” ‘Because I know I’m the root of this.’ She muttered inwardly. “Viviene.” Arthur speak again this time but Viviene continued talking. “I apologize but I’m not feeling well. Excuse me.” She stood up and went out from the dining hall, leaving the duke and Arthur behind. Merriam with a maid went to Viviene’s room to clean. She already asked permissiom to Viviene who’s taking a few days ago and she gave her permission to do so. While cleaning, she discovered a box under Viviene’s bed. Out of curiousity, she opened it and saw the missing handkerchiefs but she didn’t feel glad at all, instead she’s horrified. She didn’t waste time and went to see the Young Master. “Oh! Young Master!” She called him. Arthur glance at her who’s catching her breath due to running from the second floor to the ground floor. “What is it?” He asked. “I think, Young Master should see this.” “Lets go to the office.” They went immediately to the office and once they entered, Merriam gave the box to Arthur. With a puzzled expression he opened it, unlike his stoic expression, his eyes widen and trembled with the sight. All the six white handkerchiefs were now red due to blood. “Call the doctor right now.” “Y-Yes Young Master.” Merriam said. Arthur’s hands were trembling. He went out from his office and went to his father, the duke to show him the boxes and like Arthur’s reaction, the duke’s eyes and hands trembled. The duke massage his temple and lean on his chair. “So this is the reason why she said those words during breakfast.” The duke suddenly muttered. Arthur didn’t say anything. Someone suddenly opened the door without their permission, it was Finnian with a pale expression. “Duke, Young Master..” “What is it?” Arthur asked feeling nervous of his next words. “The young miss fainted with a lot of blood on her dress.” He said trying to catch his breath.
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