Chapter Twenty: Dying!?

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She open her eyes with a heavy body and blank mind. She’s recall what happened before she passed out. ‘That’s right, I coughed blood.’ She sits on the bed while holding her head. She felt annoyed when Axxiele suddenly came inside her head. Until now she cant understand why she’s suffering like this yet still, she wants to go home and knowing that its impossible for now makes her even more irritated. She’s stood up and wrap a blanket around her shoulders. She went out from her room and walk in the hallway. She felt the gazes of the servants around her and confusion suddenly clouded her head yet she ignore it. She stopped in front of the duke’s office but before she could twist the door knob, she heard people talking inside. Because of curiosity, she stick her ear on the wooden surface lf the door and listen to them. “I’m still astonished of what happened. Arthur, is there anything that happened to her?” She heard her father, the duke, muttered with worry. Her forehead crease and her heart pound loudly. “There’s none father. She’s doing well before this whole thing happened.” “She coughed a lot of blood in front of me, that sight its, heartbreaking.” The tone of the duke is surprisingly sad. She’s even more baffled of what she heard. “Your Grace, Young Master, it seems that the Young Miss is still oblivious of her own situation. Should we tell her?” Finnian asked. “No. Lets keep that for now and search for a cure.” The duke answered. “But, her illness is unknown.” Arthur mentioned which made the ambiance gloomy. She open the door without knocking and everyone’s eyes fell to her. Surprisingly, Merriam and Sir Rowellius are here as well. They were astonished of her sudden presence in the room. “Child, its rude to not knock.” The duke muttered calmly. “I’m sorry father but I guess the topic is about me. I think I should join as well.” She muttered firmly while looking at them. “This is not the right time, Viviene” Arthur said seriously to her. “Why are you all so weird? You’re even like this yesterday.” She said with a tone of curiosity and a little irritation. “Miss, its not yesterday but two days ago.” Merriam answered sadly and nervously. “What? What do you mean two days? Its clear as the day that I passed out yesterday.” “Child, you’re unconscious for two straight days.” His words shut her mouth and slapped the back of her head realizing what he meant. ‘I’m unconscious for two days!? What the heck?’ She muttered in her head in disbelief. “..Ah. I must be stressed the last few days. Its not that grave.” She said trying to lift the atmosphere yet that even worsen the mood. She sighed and look at them gently. “Is there something I need to know?” Her tone is humorless as she look at them with solemn eyes. It’s the first time the Miss had that seriousness in her face. “Child..” “Father, I’m not a little girl anymore. I will try to understand what you will say to me.” The duke cant remain looking at her eyes and she can sense the doubt and hesitation in him behind his stoic mask. “Father, please trust me. Just this once.” She added, encouraging him to speak. Viviene staring at her father’s face makes her feel anxious. ‘Are we experiencing bankruptcy now? Oh my gosh. I swear I didn’t buy anything except the ring! Wait.. Perhaps it’s the ring?..’ She’s dying of nervousness inside. “… Child, you’re dying.” “How did you— wait, what?” She asked in confused. “Why didn’t you tell us your sick?” Arthur added the question. “Huh?” “M-Miss..” Merriam called who’s already crying. ‘Okay? What?’ She felt really, really stupid. Is Viviene’s body sick before she possessed it? She don’t know. “.. I’m dying?” She asked in disbelief. Merriam burst crying even more while Sir Rowellius’ face sullen. The duke and Arthur were looking at her with trembling eyes. ‘This doesn’t make sense. Where’s the camera? Maybe this is just a stupid prank!’ She thought. She close her eyes and took a deep breath to calm herself. She open her eyes once more. “… I see. Uhm, is that all?” “What!?” The duke exclaimed in disbelief. Even the other who’s listening to her indifferent attitude even had a shock expression. “Uh, its not a big deal?” “Viviene! What nonsense are spouting right now?” The duke asked trying to suppress his anger. “… Its just me who’s dying. You don’t have to take this seriously, father, brother.” “Viviene, what are you saying? We cant understand you.” Arthur asked and sigh. ‘Why are they acting like this? Why? Its me who cant understand them.’ She wondered as the light of her eyes vanished. “Why?” She asked them without a hint of emotion. “What?” Arthur asked. “Lets just, forget all of this. Pretend that there’s nothing like this.” “Ha. Get out. I want to talk to this child alone.” The three went out from the room and only the duke and Viviene remain. She can feel the heavy mood around them. “Father..” “Child, why do you want me to ignore all of this?” He asked in a gentle tone. He reach her hand and tried to comfort her. Viviene who’s neglected by the people she loved since childhood is putting their attention to her now. She felt strange but what if the real Viviene come back? Wouldn’t it be great for her to have a loving and caring family? That’s what she’s thinking. With a force smile, she open her mouth and speak. “I just, don’t want you to be worried, father. You had a lot of things to handle and adding my situation would be.. I don’t want to be a burden.” She muttered sincerely not for her but for the sake of the real owner of the body. She cant look at him in the eyes because she doesn’t to let him see how bad she felt for this sudden and weird affection in front of her. ‘I’m just a passerby and I cant be here, yet I cant ignore Viviene’s pitiful situation.’ She thought sadly. She felt his hands in her face as he make her look at him directly. She notice how gentle his blue eyes were despite his expressionless face. “You’re not a burden. You’re my child and you’re important to me.” He embrace her but she didn’t hug him back. She’s uncertain of what to do to the father who’s too late to notice his own daughter. ‘She’s nowhere to find. And I don’t know if she’ll come back. But maybe, someday.’ She thought hoping that her fickle idea will come true. “Father, can I rest now? I’m tired.” She muttered gently. He let her go and nodded. She smiled and walk towards the door but before she could get out, her father speak. “If you need something, just tell me.” She glance at him with a small smile and nodded before going out. She arrived at her room and she immediately lie down on the bed feeling exhausted despite sleeping for two days. She cant believe that Viviene has an illness. ‘But why didn’t I see it in her memories? Was it because she forgot it intentionally?’ She wondered. She sigh heavily and stared at the ceiling. “Ha.. Why am I so unfortunate?” She asked herself feeling bad. She immediately stood up and shook the bad idea. “No, I cant be so depressed. I need to go out.” She mumble. She took her ring and wear it around her finger. But before she sneak out, she requested to Merriam not to let anyone in. After that, she teleported to a familiar place, it’s the Enchanted Forest. She look around if the crown prince is around, fortunately, no one is there but her. “Great.” She muttered happily and sit under a tree facing the field of wild flowers and grass. She’s staring blankly ahead of her when someone suddenly speak beside him. “Ms. Cruel?” She raise her head and saw a messy chocolate brown hair and a pair of hazel eyes looking down at her with a shock expression. “Sir Valor?” “What are you doing here in the Prince’s territory? It will be bad if you’re here.” He said truthfully knowing the crown prince’s rough personality. She knew he’s thinking about the crown prince and she mostly knew that he’s not aware about their accidental meetings with the prince in the forest. ‘To leave the prince’s side alive is a great miracle!’ She nodded agreeing to her own idea. “Don’t worry, Sir Valor. I’ll leave as quiet as a rat later.” She muttered while smiling. He sighed and did not push her anymore. He sits beside her leaning on the chair. “How are you, Ms. Cruel?” “I’m fine thank you.” “That’s good to hear.” He can still clearly remember how the crown prince deal with the captors like a demon from hell. Thinking that makes him shiver suddenly. Silence took over them but that didn’t bother Viviene at all. She’s not in the mood to talk stuffs. “Are you still reading books about spirits?” He asked suddenly to eradicate the quietness between them. “Yes.” “And then?” “Well, its both interesting and a little bit unreal.” “That’s a weird concept, Ms. Cruel.” “Well, I cant argue with that. I really am the weird one.” She mumble out of the blue while in a daze to the view in front of her. “How can you say so?” He asked confused of her sudden words from her mouth. She look at him. “Well, its because I’m different.” She answered with a certain tone. “Are you always alone?" He suddenly muttered. She smiled coldly and she answered humbly. “Perhaps?” “Why?” He asked. She laughed at his question like it’s a joke. She look at him in disbelief and thought how he’s asking that kind of thing when the answer is so obvious. “Sir, why are you asking when the answer is already right in front of you?” “I’m not sure.” He answered briefly because he’s much more curious of what she’ll answer, trying to compare their own minds. She sighed and look away from him. “Its because no one likes my weirdness, Sir.” She answered. “Weirdness?” “People sometimes feared the weird things because they’re complicated.” Her words were deep. He did not expect that those words came from her mouth. “Well, that maybe true. Anyway, the day you were kidnapped Miss, how did you escaped and managed to go back home?” “I am indeed kidnapped but that doesn’t mean I’m weak enough to not protect myself.” She explained in front of him. “You aren’t?” Sir Valor asked wanting to deeply know her and her purpose of coming here. “Yes.” He lean on the tree trunk and look up at the blue sky. “I cant argue with that.” He muttered as if he believed it and raise his hands in a total defeat. She smiled and look back to the flowers she saw in front. As he look at her, a memory came. That memory was connected to the person beside him. Its an unpleasant memory burried deeply inside his head.. “Please.. Please save the Miss. She’s going to die there!” A maid said as she pleaded in front of him. He cant do anything due to an order from the crown prince. An order from His Royal Highness is absolute so he ignore the maid who’s crying so much , pleading to save the lady who’s drowning in the lake. “The Miss had already suffered a lot.” “Its her own fault she’s there because she’s a bad person.” He said heartlessly which made the maid even cry more. “I know that Sir. She’s a bad person.. But she’s also a pitiful person with a broken heart.” She answered him as her tears fall down continuously. Yet, despite all the sincere and heartbreaking words from the maid, he didn’t feel anything until the lady, Ms. Cruel, sunk deep in the lake. He’s back in reality again. Unconsciously, he opened his mouth to ask her. “Are you a bad person Miss?” “What?” “That’s what they always say to you. You’re a bad and scary person to be with.” She shut her mouth for a while before opening it again. “Sir Valor, all of us were both good and evil. We knew that well.” She answered. He remain silent then she added.. “Sometimes we need to be good and sometimes we need to be bad. There are situations were cruelty was the answer and kindness wasn’t, and sometimes, there are also situations wherein we need to be nice than being mean. Everything depends.” She muttered solemnly. ‘Everything depends..’ He repeated inwardly. He smiled and nodded like he understood what she meant. “Ms. Cruel, that’s a very interesting point of view.” He complimented. “Thanks.” “Actually, you can call me by my first name Miss.” He suggested. With a smile, she answered to the knight who's looking at her expecting she'll do what he wants her to do. “No.” “Pardon?” “I don’t want to call you by your first name as if we’re close. We’re still both strangers to each other, Sir.” She answered politely. He's disappointed by her rejection yet he hid it with his charming smile. “Oh. Then perhaps if we get closer then you can call me by my name someday.” “…Yes. If that day comes.” She answered with a tone of uncertainty yet she smiled brightly at him.
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