Chapter Thirty-Seven: Ulysses

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She cant take someone’s heart in this strange place because she will be gone soon. She took a black cloak and in a snap, she teleported on the branch of the same narra tree she once went. Its almost sunset and the red-orange sky was so breathtaking that she forgot the man under the tree who was already looking up at her. “I can see your underwear here, angel.” She look down and saw the man she was looking for. Her face is wry as she showed him the box. “Oh, its my heart. Do you like it?” “First, why would you give me your ‘heart’ mister?” She inquired. “Isn’t it obvious? I thought you are wise enough to know why. Its because I like you.” ‘Hah! Is he serious!?’ She blurted inside her as she let out a small laugh in disbelief. “Well, I don’t like you and will you please take your ‘heart’ back?” She said in a straight-face as she raise the black velvet box containing the blue heart-shaped diamond necklace. The man staring at her cant help but to smile at her words. She’s harsh but polite at the same time. ‘I wonder if she’s insulting me or pleading in front of me?’ He muttered insider his head finding the situation amusing. “You’re tongue is quite sharper than mine, Lady. You don’t like jewelries? Then how about a position higher than being a duke’s daughter?” He asked playfully. She raise an eyebrow as she displayed a pallid expression in her pretty face. “If you think that I’ll bite that kind of s**t then you’re wrong. Go find another girl who’s willing to take your heart and will take that position you’re talking about.” She sneered and drop the box but before it could touch the ground, it suddenly vanished. ‘What?’ She felt the wind beside her and the presence of someone sitting beside her. She glance at her side but seeing his face close to hers made her regret her action. She moved away from him feeling the cold trunk of the tree. A smirk formed his lips as he decrease the gap between them. “S-Stop it! What are you doing!?” She blurted as she push him. “I’m trying to be closed to you bur you keep on pushing me away. Am I not a handsome and great man that is suitable for you as a husband?” He asked puzzled by her actions. ‘Is he insane!? This bastard!’ She look at him and met his red irises like rubies. He is not joking when he said ‘handsome’ because he really is! His messy gray hair, his glittering red eyes and his red smirking lips gave him the impression of a perfect fictional character fit for a villain. ‘At least I encounter handsome men in this life.’ She muttered to herself but she immediately erase that idea. “Sir, are you perhaps insane?” She doesn’t care if she’s being rude to him but right now she felt so annoyed that she cant help but badmouthed him. “Oh, you have no idea.” He answered in a cheeky tone. She felt goosebumps as she saw his smirk widening. She thought he might be really crazy. “Look, this doesn’t make sense mister.” “Oh? What do you mean?” “How can you like me when we don’t even know each other!” “Actually, I know you.” “Hah! Oh yeah? Well I don’t know you! You are a complete stranger for me and I am a fifty percent stranger to you as well.” She explained in a mocking way. ‘Seriously, this man is mentally ill. I might gone crazy when I’m with him.’ “If that’s the case then we should start knowing each other.” “No thank you. Its better that we remain strangers.” “Hah!” He laughed shortly. “You’re a difficult person to difficult with.” He added. “Of course. That’s why you should stop messing around Mister.” He stare at the girl who was staring back to him as well. Those clueless amber eyes made him want to look at him for a long time. He’s interest towards her increase as he learned something from her. She’s very different to the women he usually encounter in his daily life. Usually, they were very eager to be with him on the bed and easily swayed by jewelries and money. They even want him for his position. ‘But this girl doesn’t know me. If she did, will she become like every women I encountered?’ He wonder. “Then, what should I do to get close to you?” She look at him with a puzzled look. His red eyes shine in an odd way but its not scary at all. She doesn’t even feel that that question was feign. ‘He is sincere.’ She muttered amused by his honesty. “You really mean it, Sir? But even though you mean your words, I still don’t want your heart.” She replied firmly. “I wont push myself to you anymore so I decided to take everything slowly and gently, even though its not like me to do that. I strongly believed that my effort of stopping myself to bind you with me should be payed accordingly. Don’t you think?” He asked in both mockery and danger. ‘Is he threatening me?’ “I am not threatening you.” “How do you know I’m thinking that way?” “Its obvious in your face, angel.” “Stop calling me that.” “Alright, Viviene.” ‘What the heck?’ She glared at him but that didn’t affect him even a single bit. She sighed as she realized that he doesn’t give up even if he was insulted and glared multiple times. “Don’t give your heart to someone you don’t really know mister, especially to the likes of me. You know very well that I am one of your enemies and in a snap I can bring harm to you know my status. Do you still want to be close to me even if you’ll burn?” She asked to confirm and to warn him as well. Her chosen words made him smile. Both threat and concern were mixed in her words and that made him want to be with her.. “Alright.” “Since you know my name, I think I should know yours as well.” “My pleasure. My name is Captain Michael Ulysses Valkeire. You can call me anything you want.” He muttered. “What do people always call you?” “Well, people call me captain, my mother call me by my first name but mostly, they call me..” He paused for a while. Viviene notice and glance at him. “Its okay, everyone has a secret to keep.” “That’s a relief.” He muttered. “Ulysses.” His eyes widen as she heard her call his second name. Second names were blessed in Hestrova Empire. It was a name given by the heavens which everyone cherishes, but not him. Rather than a blessed name, its rather a curse for him. It has two meanings. Ulysses means ‘above or exalted’ which was known by everyone. And the other is ‘the one who is hated or wrathful’. Only his mother, the empress, and his dead father know the other meaning. He knows it too as well so he forbid everyone to call him that. He doesn’t want to be reminded of what he became. So the name ‘Ulysses’ was forbidden and forgotten in his empire by his command. Surprisingly, he doesn’t feel irritated and angry at her thoughtless action. It made him astonished knowing that someone can make that name a little less like curse. A mischievous grin appeared on his face as he look at her calm face. She’s still waiting for his a confirmation about how she will call him but seeing his grin, perhaps he doesn’t hate it? “I don’t like being called by my second name but I guess you are an exception. Why don’t you try wearing that necklace?” Before she can refuse, the necklace was already around her slender neck. ‘What the!?’ She tried to remove the necklace but she cant. She was about to scold him when he stopped it by speaking suddenly at her. “It’s a forced request though, what do you want in return? I can give you anything you want. Just name it.” “I don’t want anything..” His face frowned and his red eyes glowed. “Then?” He asked. “I valued effort over material things. So, how about you make lucky stars origamis?” “Lucky star origamis?” “Yes. You have to fill a glass jar to gain a single wish.” The man beside him laughed in an insulting way. She glared at him so he stop and wipe a tear in his eye. “A single wish? I can use magic, Viviene. One snap and it will surely happen, just say it.” “I told you I don’t need anything. And in the process, you shouldn’t use magic or else the wish will be ineffective.” She explained. “You just to cut a paper into strips and fold it.” She added. “That would be easy. May I ask another question?” “Yes.” “What is your wish?” He asked while looking deeply at her. She stare at him with a confused look. “Its not my wish that the lucky stars you will make will be granted but yours.” “My wish? What will a person like me, who can wield magic, wish for?” He asked more confused than her. She thought deeply before answering. “… Something that you can only hope for. A wish that a magic cant grant.” Ulysses eyes tremble slightly. She is neither selfish or selfless, whatever she is, he cant explain it by words. She’s not a close book but she’s unreadable. A smile form her lips but her eyes were surprisingly lifeless. “Aren’t I great in words, Ulysses?” She inquired. “Perhaps, Viviene.” Both of them were having a cringe feeling as they heard their names coming out from each others mouth. “I’ll be leaving now. Good luck on your lucky stars.” “Are you going to come back?” He asked with a bit hopeful in his tone. “What will you do if I don’t come back?” “Then, I’ll go personally in your room and show you the jar filled of useless stars made of paper.” “Hah! Useless? Aren’t you being too harsh on your first task? How about this necklace? Can I take it off already? Its heavy.” She complained. “No. Wear it until I fill the jar. Is it too difficult?” “..No. Fine, I’ll wear it. For now. But its too heavy.” She complain again. He chuckled and snap his finger then the necklace around her neck decreased in size. She look at it still amazed that magic really exist in this world. ‘I cant get use to this.’ She thought. “Thank you and goodbye.” She felt the wind surrounding her and in an instant she’s back in her room. She yook a sit in front of her dressing table and watch the necklace around her neck. “Not bad.” She mumble. She just cant believe that she had a long conversation to that man. ‘Ulysses.’ She called in her mind. It had a nice feeling in her tongue. She doesn’t regret calling him by his second name since the people around him seems familiar with his title, his first and last name, unlike his second name. ‘I’ll be the only one who will call him that.’ She lay on her bed light-headed. “No matter what I think about it, I cant determine exactly what he likes about me? He even said that Lady Walmeir is prettier than me. What a weird man.” She mumble. After dinner, Viviene went to her room. She’s sitting in front of her dressing table again while Merriam brushed her hair. “Milady, I just notice that you are wearing that necklace from dinner until now. Its from your mysterious suitor isn’t it?” She inquire while brushing her hair gently. “Yeah. Was it bad?” “Oh no, Milady. The necklace suits you pretty well.” She guarantee as she glance at her in the mirror. “I see. The color is a contradiction between my hair and eye colors but its not so bad.” “Yes, Milady. Though it is different a little, it is still pretty on you.” She praised. Viviene did not mutter a single word and remain staring at her reflection. “By the way, Milady. Soon, it will be the Lantern Festival. What would you do during the festival?” She added. “Festival?” “Yes. It is said that the lanterns were prayers and it said that your wish will come true.” She explained cheerfully. “Really?” “Yes! How about you Miss? What is your wish?” She asked.. ‘I, I don’t know. When will the festival,” She muttered. “Its next week Miss.” She shut her mouth for a while before speaking. “Alright. Thank you Merriam.” Merriam smiled at her. She had ample time to invite others to go with her in the festival. ‘I think it would be nice.’ She mumble with a smile.
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