Chapter Eight: Never The Same

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Everything is magnificent. A large and grand chandelier is hanging above while the servants were carrying trays with beverages across the room. People are in their best suits and dresses while talking at each other yet she knew that their real attention is in them. “Little Duke of Cruel and Lady Viviene! I’m glad you came.” A man greeted cheerfully. Viviene glance at him and their eyes meet. She flinch as she notice his brown eyes examining her thoroughly. She felt nervous but all she can do is smile fearing that she’ll ruin the ambiance between him and her brother. “Marquis McGregor, its nice to meet you.” Arthur said yet his face remain stoic. The Marquis only smiled at his greetings before looking at Viviene beside him. “Its nice to see you, Marquis McGregor.” She greeted as well and bow gracefully. Her tone is a bit shy however, her eyes were filled with certitude. Viviene observe him with sharp eyes and in her perception, he is a man who values his pride like other nobles does. He is a man with great achievements and is conceited of a lot of things, but, deep in his eyes, she can clearly saw the envy burning down deep within. Those blazing feeling was headed, perhaps, towards her brother or maybe her own father, Duke Cruel. “I am pleased to meet such a beautiful young lady as well, Lady Viviene.” He muttered with a wide smile which she returned of her own as well. “Enjoy yourself. I hope the foods and drinks are to your liking. Anyway, lets talk for a while Little Duke. There’s a lot of things we need to discuss about.” “Oh. Yes, Marquis.” Viviene hinted that her presence is no longer needed so she excuse herself from them and walk towards the seat not far away from her. She secretly look at her foot and saw that it turned bluer and more swollen than before. ‘I’m afraid two weeks is not enough to heal this.’ She thought and covered it again with the dress. She glance at the people in the hall and felt outcast. Viviene is a troublemaker and the hatred woman in the society so of course no one will like her presence here. ‘This is uncomfortable and boring. I expected this to be fun but it turns out its not.’ She felt disappointed as she lean on the chair. Her eyes went to the food on the table. She smiled widely as her eyes twinkle with happiness. ‘But of course, anything can be fun with food!’ She stood up and went to the table to get some delicious desserts and pastries. After getting the food she like, she went back to her seat and notice an average looking man with brown hair and brown eyes. His wearing a black suit and a cravat on his neck. She notice his uncomfortable expression as he look at the people inside the room. Out of curiosity, she suddenly speak beside him. “Hello.” The man look at her with a surprise expression. She smiled at him and wave her hand. “L-Lady Viviene, hi.” He stuttered as he try to relax himself. Viviene can sense his hostility towards her but she ignore it and remain smiling. “You seemed not feeling well, Sir. Are you alright?” She asked politely. The man remained looking at the people in the center and answered. “Yes, I'm alright. Just a little uncomfortable.” “Perhaps you’re not into social gatherings?” “Y-yes.” She notice the symbol in his cloth. It’s the insignia of the McGregor Family. Viviene’s eyes widen in shock as she realized that he’s the son of the Marquis. ‘Am I lucky or I am really lucky?’ Her lips formed a smile as she took a bite of the chocolate cake she took from the table. “Anyway, congratulations on graduating with flying colors. I heard the academy has high standards for its students. It must be hard.” She muttered as she recall what Merriam said about the Galliantor Academy. The man look at him with his surprise look again. “You knew?” Viviene’s forehead crease, puzzled of his question. The man heed her expression as he smiled awkwardly. “Pardon my words, you’re the only person who’s aware of my hardships while studying in that institution.” His tone is low and sad so she felt bad for him. “Sir, you shouldn’t be sitting here and watch people took your special day. You should be happy!” She encouraged and widen her smile. The man smiled at her cheerfulness. “You’re right, Lady Viviene. The rumors didn’t give you justice at all. Y-you’re a nice person.” He complimented which made Viviene chuckle. “Hm, maybe? You may think of me as a nice lady if you want to.” “But you really are.” The man insisted. She gave him a shrug and continue eating the desserts she took. The man notice how delighted she is while eating. With a smile, he spoke again. “You seemed to like eating sweets.” “Everyone does.” She answered avoiding to tell anything about her fancy. The man notice her not giving the exact answers he want to know. He felt his curiosity growing inside of him and so, he come up with an idea. “If you don’t mind, may I dance with you later?” Viviene glance at him and smiled sweetly. “No thank you.” The man looked disappointed but Viviene remain smiling. She cant do reckless thing with her bluish foot and she cant tell this to the man in front of him to avoid unwanted attention. He was about to talk back when the speaker announce a familiar name. “Lady Eliza Gwenneth Walmeir have arrived!” A girl with blonde curly hair entered the hall with a radiating aura. Her blue gown suits her charming face and her eyes were like emerald stones that can make every men breathless. Men were enchanted with her beauty while every ladies envied her except Viviene who’s looking at her differently. ‘A death flag! Must avoid her.’ She thought alarmed at her presence. The man beside her is clearly bewitched the moment she entered the room. ‘Oh. This is my chance to flee.’ She stood up and silently walk away from the man. The man snapped and glance beside him seeing no one but the empty chair. He tried to search for her but failed mesirably. Viviene went to the terrace and avoided the people to keep away troubles. Her face distorted by the pain slowly emerging in her foot. “I should apply another medicine, but, how the heck would I apply it when I dont have it?" She muttered in disappointment and recall that its in Rowellius’ hand. She sigh and decided to go back to the carriage where Rowellius is guarding. As she walk back inside, she saw a familiar face not far away from the entrance of the terrace. Its Eliza who was bullied by two other ladies. “You think you’re better than us because of your pretty face? Think again you wench!” “What can we expect from a woman with too much attention from men? Your status is not even to be proud of.” “Please stop saying mean words. Its not my fault to be treated this way.” Eliza defended herself from them. Anyway, its not her business so she walk pass through them without even glancing at their direction however, she stopped in her track when she heard one of the girls mentioned her name. “You’re the same with Lady Viviene who’s evil, selfish and lived with the men’s affection! You two are bitches.” She sigh and went back to confront them. The girls’ faces turned paled as white as snow and trembled as they saw her existence. She smiled brightly at them yet her eyes say the opposite. “Really? That’s a nice description of me Lady Bark. I want to hear a lot, can you tell me more?” Her eyes burning like fire pits of hell as the two ladies were busy trying to search their missing tongue. Lady Bark is a daughter of a count. Her family is not well-known in business and in politics yet she acted as if she’s higher than Eliza and Viviene who’s clearly more influential than her. “Those words were contradictions of what I know to myself. I’m surprise you're more aware than me.” The two girls were speechless due to nervousness. Of course, a demon is speaking right in front of them so who would dare? “Cat got your tongues ladies?” She muttered in impatience for their words. “B-but its the truth. You’re a crazy b***h who does nothing but flirt with men and wreck things." Lady Bark answered without thinking. “I see. Of course I cant deny that." The lady smiled triumphantly as if she won the argument. Not until she heard Viviene speak again. "Since you mentioned a lot about myself I should give you an information about yourself too. Isnt it fair?” She muttered as she remain smiling in front of them. Her face darken and her eyes glowing with fury. “The two of you are nothing but hopeless and desperate girls who envied me. Since I’m a crazy b***h like what you’ve said, lets act like one and bald you right here and now..” Before Viviene could reach their hairs the two desperately run away in fear of being bald in a second. She sighed and look at the escapees’ images disappearing in the crowd. “Thank you Lady Viviene.” She turn around and saw Eliza’s smiling face. ‘Death flag!’ She thought and walk pass through her when she suddenly grip her wrist. She look at her in surprise. “W-Wait! Please, I want to thank you..” “No need. I didn’t do that for you anyway.” “But still—” “You’re annoying. Let go of me.” Her voice is threatening so she released her right away. She walk towards the door and left the noisy hall. The cold wind blow gently to her sending shivers to her spine. She brace herself to lessen the cold she’s experiencing as she walk towards the carriage but she felt someone is following her so she glance behind and saw Eliza with a sad face. ‘W-What is she doing here?’ “Why are you following me?” She asked. “Lady Viviene, I know we’re not in good terms but I-I want to be friends with you.” She muttered to her. Viviene finds her request a complete lunacy. Befriending a crazy person like her is as equal as embarrassing yourself in front of the emperor himself. She raised an eyebrow as she continue staring at her. “Why?” She uttered in pure curiosity. Eliza was astounded by her sudden question yet she still answered it without thinking too much. “B-Because we’re both the same. Being hated by what we are and what we have. I-I think we can be good friends Lady Viviene.” She truthfully said. For her, she is the best person to be with due to her influence. She is the Fairy Goddess of the social circle and building relationship with other people is easy for her. Its an advantage for Viviene who's trying to fix her ruin reputation. Her eyes widen as she saw her darken face. The feelings displayed in her face were the complete opposite she’s expecting. She thought Viviene will accept her with open arms but it’s the opposite. She was greeted by anger and bitterness. Viviene’s lips lift to a smirk. “Me and you? How come? That’s a bluff.” She flinch at how burning her words are. “There’s not a single thing of me whose the same to you and so as yours to me, Lady Eliza. So quit thinking like that because you’re only fooling yourself. You and me are never the same and I don’t like to be friends with you.” Those vehement words felt like she’s being thrown in the fires of hell. So hot and frightful that she cant help but stare at her eyes with a scared expression. Most of all, she’s disappointed which made her tears fell from her pretty green eyes. Viviene seeing her crying face maked her feel odd. ‘Why is she crying!? I should be the one crying here! My foot is aching as hell!’ She thought furiously. “What happened?” A familiar voice spoke behind Eliza. Both of them glance at Arthur who arrived in a wrong time. He looked at Eliza’s crying face and glare at Viviene with fierce eyes. Viviene felt that there’s a big misunderstanding between them. “What did you just do?” He asked in a bone-chilling tone. She felt like she’ll freeze any moment because of his cold treatment. “We’re just talking.” She answered calmly. “I see. You’re being harsh again.” Her mouth hanged open as she tried to analyze her brother’s biased words. ‘Great. Now I’m the bad guy here.’ She thought in a disappointing manner. “Cant you see that Lady Eliza is trying to be nice to you? You’re such a close-minded person without a heart.” His words brought stings in her chest but she remain calm. She cant let those words hurt her even more yet she cant help but felt melancholic of his words. He’s being unfair towards her. He didn’t even ask for the situation first before rebuking her. She smiled bitterly at them before she speak in a dejecting tone. “Go on, you are free to think of what I am and criticize me as much as you like. I don’t care, however, I am not blind to not see Lady Eliza’s amiability. I’m not stupid big brother.” Arthur cant find an exact answer for her words. He remained staring at her with his cold eyes. “If you’re done chastising me then I’ll take my leave.” She turn around and walk immediately while ignoring Arthur who’s calling her name. ‘Go to hell you jerk.’ She thought maliciously. Because she cant support her weight well due to her aching foot, she fell to the hard pavement and felt more pain. She hissed as she tried to get up but she cant. ‘Ugh! Why am I so unlucky?’ She thought desperately as she struggle to get up. Her eyes widen due to the unexpected tears coming out from her eyes. She doesn’t know of its because of what happened or is it because of her aching foot but all in all, her whole being is hurting. ‘I cant go back to the carriage being like this neither being here on the ground like an idiot.' She look at her ring and whispered. “Please take me far away from this place, where no one can see me.” The same light surrounds her and lift her from the ground. She close her eyes and when she opened them agaib, she’s in a different place. Unfortunately, she fell on a puddle which made her cursed greatly. “Great. I hate everything and everyone!” She crawled towards a tree not far from the puddle and force herself to sit on the root. She wipe her muddy face with her handkerchief. She felt so sticky but she cant return to the carriage or she’ll definitely burst in anger due to Arthur’s face. “That jerk, he easily took Eliza’s side without asking what really happened. Tsk. What a bias bastard.” She mumble in anger. The surroundings were covered with tall trees yet its not that scary. Its more on like she’s in a magical forest with fireflies flying freely in the air, wild flowers grew beautifully around her and next to the puddle where she fell is a river. The sound of the water makes her head cool a bit. “Ha. Why am I suffering these shits? I hate you! You motherfucker!” She screamed from her heart. After doing that she felt relieved when suddenly, she felt someone beside her. She raise her head and saw a man with a messy blonde hair and breathtaking violet eyes. They lock their eyes at each other, waiting for their responses. ‘Who the hell is this guy?’ Viviene questioned to herself hoping that she’ll come up with an answer. Fortunately, a memory came flashing inside her head. Her mouth hang wide open as she stare at the man with wide eyes. ‘Holy crap! Please let this be a dream! Let this be an illusion that the Crown Prince is in front of me!!’ She prayed desperately as her face paled due to nervousness. However, she cant fool herself with that silly concept. She's not imagining things. The scary tyrant prince of the empire is staring at her with his cold, murderous eyes.
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