Chapter Forty-Six: Unwanted Visitors

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Viviene’s coming-of-age ceremony is around the corner but she’s not even busy at all because most of the work were made by the butler and maids. While she’s in the studies, reading a book, the butler went in and interrupt her reading. “Milady, a gift has arrived with a letter.” “A gift?” The butler put the box on the table and Viviene opened it. Different types of expensive teas in a glass bottle were in the box. She read the letter attached from the box. ‘Dear Angel, I miss you. When will you see me? -M.U.V.’ “Its from your secret suitor, Milady.” Finnian muttered. “Would it be better to marry him?” She mumbled not hearing Finnian at all. “Pardon? Milady?” Finnian asked. “Nothing. Please put it away now. I’ll use it during tea time.” “Yes.” “Is the preparation of my coming-of-age ceremony alright?” “Yes, Milady. The preparation for your coming-of-age ceremony is going smoothly under the guidance of the duke and young master. Rest assured that the ceremony will be the best.” The butler muttered with a guarantee smile displayed on his face. She admits that she’s a little surprise that Arthur and her father are managing her birthday. Hearing the butler’s words of encouragement made her felt sad all of a sudden. She felt unfair because it should be the real Viviene who must experience her own coming-of-age ceremony and not a stranger like her. ‘Birthdays especially debuts were celebrated once. I feel bad for Viviene but I cant cancel the ceremony after knowing that the duke and Arthur were doing their best for it. It made me even feel worse than before.’ She mumbled inwardly. Finnian notice her uncomfortable expression. “Milady, is something wrong?” Finnian asked her with a worry expression. “None at all. Anyway, please leave me. I’m going to read.” “Yes.” Finnian left the room yet she cant focus reading her book. She sighed and look at the view outside the window. The sky is gray, indicating that it will rain soon again. Her eyes showed wave of indifferent emotion. She hates rain. Because rain brought unwanted feelings and memories inside her head. Not Viviene’s memories, but her real memories though. ‘Its cold..’ She hug herself making herself warm like the old days. Someone suddenly called her so she turn her head with her eyes slightly surprised. “Milady, Sir Valor is here.” Merriam said with her head lowered. She stood up with a smile on her face. “I see.” ‘It must be the cake!’ “Merriam, please get the tea that arrived earlier and serve it to us.” “Yes, Milady.” She walk ahead while Merriam followed her. Merriam stared at her back, press her lips then start a conversation with her. “Milady, may I ask a question?” “What is it?” She can hear Merriam took a deep breath before answering. “Do you, like Sir Valor?” She stop walking and turn to face her with an absurd expression. “What?” “I-I’m sorry if I cross the line, Milady.” She muttered immediately. She observe her flushed red face and nervous expression. She blink and ask in disbelief. “Merriam, do you like Sir Valor?” Merriam’s face became even redder than before. She covered her gaping mouth with her hand and blink several times. ‘Oh boy, I smell heartache.’ “S-Since when? When did you start liking him?” She asked further. “Um, I think when the crown prince started inviting you to the imperial palace. B-But if the lady is having feelings with him t-then I-I’ll stop this instance.” She spoke in an anxious manner. “Silly girl, I don’t have feelings for Sir Valor… but someone’s heart might break knowing this.” She whispered the latter and continue walking. ‘My ship is in danger.. But as Timothy’s godmother fairy I should help him right?’ She arrived at the audience room while Merriam made their tea downstairs. “Good day, Milady.” “Good day to you too, Sir.” Both of them took a sit. Viviene stared at him. Brown hair and hazel eyes, he is a man with charms like her brother and the crown prince. Worthy enough to every women’s dream husband, a partner in life. ‘Come to think of it, there’s another one in the woods doing lucky stars as well.’ She thought recalling Ulysses. “Is there something in my face, Milady? You’re staring at me for a long time.” Alexander muttered as his lips curved into a shy smile. She touch her chin and boldly said to him. “Its because your handsome, Sir.” His eyes widen at her brazen words. “Milady? Me? Handsome?” “Why are you shock, Sir? Are you not aware of that?” She laughed. Alexander chuckled while answering her. “No. Its just that, I’m shock at your straightforwardness, Milady.” “Why? No one told it straight to your face, Sir?” He shake his head. “No one but you, Milady.” He answered truthfully. Alexander William was indeed a man with exceptional beauty but his eyes and background are enough for everyone to know that he is as dangerous as the crown prince himself. He is a beast in a battlefield, bathe with the blood of his enemies that everyone titled him ‘The Blood Beast’. “I should be given a reward then.” She joked. Merriam entered the room and saw them talking with each other happily. She grip tightly the tray she’s holding and placed it on the table in front of them. With her face facing down with contempt she never felt towards Viviene before. “Lets taste this cake then. What do you think?” “Of course, Milady. You should eat it to atone my mistake the last time I came here.” “Your forgiven.” “Thank you, Milady, I hope your feeling well today.” “Of course! I cant commit the same mistake twice. Anyway, would you like to see the greenhouse?” She asked as she sips her tea. “May I? I heard you personally manage the restoration of the greenhouse yourself, Milady.” “Yes.” She affirmed. “Milady is truly surprisingly great. I knew the greenhouse would be as pretty as you are, Young Miss.” He complimented. “Enough with the compliments, Sir. You haven’t seen it yet.” “Yes. I’ll judge it after I see it myself like what you’re trying to point, Milady.” Viviene smiled at him and drink her tea as well. She was pleasured by the tea’s taste. Truly worthy of keeping. ‘I should thank Ulysses for sending me this. I wonder what will I bring as a thank you gift?’ She wonder. After having tea with Alexander, the two went to the greenhouse. Like the duke and Arthur’s expression, Alexander cant help but be amazed at the beauty inside. Its like he entered a painting made by a very skillful artist! ‘But this feeling, my fatigue just disappeared the moment I entered here.’ “You must be wondering about the atmosphere here, Sir. Please follow me if you wish to satisfy your curiosity.” She stated in a playful tone. Alexander followed her silently and his eyes widen seeing the tree planted in the center of the greenhouse. “Its.. the moonlight tree.” He heard about it and that its very difficult to obtain such tree. There’s only one person he knew who had this type of plant. It’s the emperor of the Dahlia Empire. “Its hard to have this tree but all the hardships were worth it. Seeing my work makes me feel satisfied and complete.” She beamed looking at the tree. “… I am very amazed. Milady sure has surprising sides that never failed to amuse everyone.” He complimented again. “Everyone can be surprising, Sir.” “I agree. Bit I really admit it, Milady. You are indeed an amazing person.” He insisted. ‘A great person is too much, but oh well. I’ll let it pass.’ She shrug. The two of then continue talking when Merriam entered the greenhouse and immediately bowed at them. “What is it Merriam?” Viviene asked. “The crown prince and Lady Walmeir..” “Good day, Lady Cruel.” The crown prince greeted behind Merriam. Beside him is Eliza who’s staring at her indifferently. “Greetings for the future sun of the empire. Your Highness, I didn’t grant permission first.” She muttered calmly. “Are you nagging right now?” The crown prince asked. “I dare not, Your Highness. What brings you here?” She completely ignore Eliza beside him. Eliza’s lips press tightly and then open. “Good day, Lady Cruel.” Eliza greeted late. Eliza eyes fell to her uncomfortable expression. “Good day to you as well, Lady Walmeir.” She greeted back with more indifference than her expression towards her. Alexander watch them as the tension grew bigger. The crown prince who was unaware of what happened between them cant help but to gulp his own saliva. “With all due respect Lady Cruel, is this the treatment you give to your guests?” “No, but I gave something to someone I think they deserve. Why are you here? Have you forgotten what brother Arthur told you?” She asked biliously. Sensing the tension, the crown prince interrupted them. “Lady Cruel, I brought her here with me.” The crown prince said in a cold tone. “I see. What brings you here, Your Majesty?” She inquired again. “I heard you fell ill these past few days. How are you?” “Thank you for the concern, Your Majesty. I am fine now.” Aleiandro examine Viviene in front of him. She became thinner and paler than before. Her vibrant ginger hair wasn’t tied behind her and her white dress didn’t help her image at all. ‘She looked like she’ll disappear any minute.’ “Would you like some refreshment, Your Majesty?” “Yes. But I’m more interested to the tree you have.” The crown prince said as he stare at the tree behind Viviene. “The moonlight tree.” He mumbled. “Would you like some branch, Your Highness?” She asked. “You can plant its branch in your garden.” She added. “I can see that you are humorous, Milady. You cant plant a branch from the moonlight tree unless you have its seeds. But the seeds were only obtain in the royal family of Dahlia Empire.” He look at Viviene. “How did you get such precious tree, Milady?” “Well, it was auctioned. I asked the butler to have it no matter what.” She answered truthfully. “You must really like your father and brother to be proud of you. The duke came to the imperial palace some other time and told me that you changed a lot. He is proud of you, Lady.” The crown prince said with a small smile on its face. Viviene’s eyes sparkled and dilate then it went gentle. A smile form her lips as she face the crown prince. “You think so?” She inquired. “Of course, isn’t it, Alexander?” The crown prince face Alexander beside him. “Yes. The greenhouse is very beautiful, Milady.” He agreed. She smiled at them and felt her confidence boost from bottom to top. Well, not until Eliza open her mouth. “Indeed, its like I’m inside a painting. But why is that a single color is missing?” She asked as she roam her eyes around the greenhouse. ‘What does she want opening a topic like this?’ She asked inwardly and raise and eyebrow at her direction. ‘Lets hear it.’ She added. “No matter where I look, there’s not a single red that can be seen inside and outside the greenhouse. Too bad, red really suits you, Lady Cruel.” She muttered in a crestfallen tone yet Viviene knew its feign. Alexander and Aleiandro including Merriam who’s quiet behind them all roam their eyes as well and confirmed that Eliza is speaking the truth. ‘She’s good at ruining the mood.’ She roll her eyes secretly but remained silent. Fortunately or unfortunately, the door of the greenhouse opened. The knights of the dukedom and imperial knights enter with a familiar figure in the center. The dukedom knights were trying to stop the man but they were fought back by the imperial knights. “Hello, brother and hello Lady Cruel. Its nice to see you once again.” The second prince with an audacious grin on his face said. ‘Another unwanted guest!? What on earth is happening?’ Sir Rowellius who was with the dukedom knights spoke in a heavy manner. “Your Highness second prince, you cant just take away the lady of House Cruel without jurisdictional process.” “Shut up knight. I did not order you to open your mouth and nag me.” Viviene heard his rudeness to her knight and interfere. “Your Highness, second prince Ian Lancelot Valliaña, what is the meaning of this?” She asked coldly towards him. A servant step forward and read the scroll which was the imperial order from the emperor in front of her. “Lady Viviene Allyssa Cruel will be arrested for insulting an imperial family. Upon order from His Majesty, the emperor. Any actions that will hinder the arrest will be considered as treason from the Empire.” ‘What? What? WHAT!? Arrest!? What did I do!?’ She blurted with disbelief as the imperial knights started walking towards her. The crown prince Aleiandro, Alexander and Sir Rowellius block their way. “Touch her and I’ll chop you to pieces.” The crown prince threatened the imperial knights making them stop in fear of losing their arms or worst their lives. ‘Dear goddess! What’s happening? Can I just faint?’ She muttered in tiredness as she look at the commotion in front of her. “What’s this? Are you all deaf? And what is the meaning of this brother? Are you going to disobey the emperor’s imperial order?” He asked mockingly. The crown prince glared at him as his powerful manna surrounded him. ‘Oh boy, this isn’t good.’ She thought nervously. ‘Heavens! Please help me seize this problem!’ She prayed desperately.
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