1884 Words
Warning! This chapter has forced s****l contact (not s*x). I do not condone this in any way. Read at your own risk you have been warned. Orlando The car pulled up outside the college. We waited inside for Kacey and Milly. We watched and waited as all the other college students left until there were none. Where the hell were they? We stormed into the college demanding to see the dean. We hadn’t missed him. We told him the situation and demanded the CCTV. He quickly agreed and he led us to the security office asking the officer on duty for the footage from the day. He handed it to him, then he gave it to us. I told him not to involve the police. We'll sort it. He nodded and we left, headed back to the car and went back to the house to watch the security footage. We called Ty on the way, letting him know what was happening. He was furious that the Dean had told him the college was safe from any threats and they had the best security. Best security my ass. I stormed into the house, Daniel following angrily behind. Ty looked flustered. “What the hell is going on, Orlando? They promised me Kayley and Milly would be safe there. They had the best security and they assured me no one would get in without clearance. So what the f**k happened?” “Their security wasn’t as good as they made it out to be. We have the security footage. We need to take a look at it to see who took them.” “Let’s do it then.” We headed to my office and we all sat down. I slid the flash drive into the computer and we watched the footage over and over again onto who ever took them did a good job. They made sure no one was around but the cameras had caught something, or someone we couldn’t decipher. “s**t. Goddamn it, you think with the tech we have now, the woodland will be top notch.” I agree. “I need to make a call to a good friend of mine. He's s**t hit at these kinds of things. He’ll find out exactly what is on the security footage and he’ll be able to tell us he is behind this.” “Cobra?” I nodded “Whose cobra?” “The best hacker I know. He’s s**t. We always use him.” Ty nodded. “Let’s do this.” “I’ll call him. He owes me one.” And that’s what I did. I called Cobra and told him the situation and he said he was happy to help. I sent him over the file and he said he’d decipher it in 24 - 48 hours. I just hope we have a lot of time to save them. Who ever had taken them it was to get to us or they thought they knew something. We needed to find them and get them out of there before it was too late. Jace I walked into the depth room where she was sleeping in the chair, uncomfortably I may add. How could he even sleep like that or sleep at all? I needed to wake her. She needed to eat and I needed to get answers, she also needed a shower. I sat on the chair like I had the previous day. I slapped her face a few times. “Wakey wakey angel, it’s a bright and beautiful day outside.” She stirred, coming around. “Good morning princess.” “I’m not a princess, I'm not five.” “No you’re not.” I looked at her. “Here, I brought you something to eat and drink before we start.” She looked at the porridge and the glass of juice I brought her. “It’s not poisoned. I don’t want to kill you Milly. I just want your help. Once you’ve eaten, we’ll begin again and I promise you can have a shower and get out of these dirty clothes, okay?” She nodded. “You have a voice Milly, please use it.” “Okay.” I smiled, passing her a spoonful at a time slowly as she ate in silence. Me and Valentino had met up after I had a very cold shower. We’d both shared our findings, which were the same. Neither of them were talking. They were hiding something about Dean and his whereabouts. I wanted answers and I was going to get them. If not today, I would keep pursuing and break every bone if I had to. She finished her porridge and I gave her her juice. “Do you need the bathroom?” “Yes. I pulled her up off the floor and pulled her to the bathroom opening. The door. “Don’t even think about escaping cause you won’t get out.” She nodded and entered the bathroom. I closed the door, waiting patiently until she finished. She opened the door, stepping out. I grabbed her wrist, pulling her with me to the chair, pushing her down onto the chair. I sat opposite her looking deep into her eyes. They were so clear she was good. “Right princess, we’ll begin where we left off yesterday and believe me, if I don’t like your answers I’ll do the same as yesterday, are we clear?” She nodedd. “Use your voice Milly, don’t test me!” “Yes I understand.” I asked her the same questions as yesterday. “Dean Miller. Where is he?" I shook my head, taking her hand in mine. “Such a shame we could’ve done this the easy way and yet you still tell lies. I bent her finger back, snapping it. She screamed and my d**k twitched. “I’m disappointed in you Milly. . So we’ll try again until you give me the right answer, okay?” She nodedd. I bent the next finger back, snapping it. She screamed. “Yes, I understand.” “Good girl, now here's Dean Miller?” "I don't know, I swear." I bent the next finger back, snapping it. She screamed. "The truth, Milly." I bent the next finger back, snapping it. She screamed "I already told you I don't know." "The truth, Milly, or I will continue till you have no fingers left to use." "I don't know, I swear." I snapped the next. She screamed louder. f**k my d**k, it was hard listening to her screams. f**k I had to concentrate and forget how much I wanted to f**k her so hard. "I don't believe you!" "I am telling you the truth. I swear I don't know where he is." I bent back her hand and she screamed a high pitched scream, tears in her eyes. I can see we’re going to go nowhere again today. So, as promised, I’m going to take you to the bathroom so you can have a shower.” “I can go myself, you’re not touching me.” “And how in the hell are you going to do that princess? You have two broken hands?” “I don’t know. I’ll just stand under the spray and let it wash away the dirt.” “Don’t be silly, princess. I’ll shower you. You need a proper wash. Just water won’t get the dirt and grime off you.” “We’ll see.” “Don’t test me, Milly, or I will punish you, are we understood?” She nodded. She was really testing my patience today. “Are we understood?” “Yes.” “Good girl. Come on.” I said, grabbing her wrist and pulling. Her with me. This s**t is going to be hard on my d**k. It was painfully hard and I needed to sort it out, but she needed a shower. I pulled her into the bathroom, put the shower on, making sure it was the right temperature to get hot before helping her out of her clothes and into the shower. She stepped over into the bath. f**k, I have to restrain myself from taking her right now. She had the perfect hourglass body with a decent set. I grabbed the shower gel, squeezing it onto the shower scrunchie, making sure it lathered up. I closed the lid and placed it back down and began to wash her. Time for some more interrogation. She stood shaking as I continued to wash her. “It’s okay princess, you’re safe. “I looked at her grinning “I know I promised I would leave our chat til tomorrow, but this is a perfect time to ask you again.”I know you know Dean Miller. So what I want to know is where he is?” “I told you I don’t know.” So we’re going to play that game, are we? I slid my finger inside her, she cringed. “I’ll ask you again. Where is Dean Miller?” “I don’t know.” I inserted the next, her face scrunched up. I knew she was holding something back, so I continued. “We know you were with him and his friends at the end of school party.” “No we weren’t.” I took my free hand and placed it around her breast, fondling it. God, it felt so good. I twisted the nub of her n****e as I slid the next finger inside of her, she screamed out. I twisted it and continued questioning her, hoping she’d fold and tell me what I wanted to know, “I know your lying princess, people saw you there with all of them at one time or another,” ‘I can’t remember we were drunk..” I inserted the fourth. “Continue.” “I don’t know what happened. I swear, we were drinking and smoking with his friends and we went over to the bonfire we were all of our faces. I don’t even remember who was there. I swear please stop.” “One last question.” I paused, slipping the last finger in. “Do you know what happened to Dean and his friends?” “No I don’t.” I pulled them out and pushed them back in. “Please stop. I swear I don’t know anything.” I scissored my fingers inside her, turning my hand into a fist by twisting it. She screamed out again. “You see, princess. I don’t believe you.” “I’m telling the truth. I swear.” She stood shaking. “Please get me out. I’m cold.” I pulled my hand out of her and she screamed. I looked at her. “This is far from over princess. I will get the truth out of you.” I helped her out of the shower by wrapping her in a towel, turning the shower off. “Come.” She stepped closer to me and dropped to the ground. Shit. I picked her up in my arms. I walked her out. I sat on the floor cradling her in my arms. My erection had long gone down. Fuck, I hadn’t meant to scare her that badly. She passed out.
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