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Marcus Hemmings  Tonight was the night we took the Green’s down for what they did almost four years ago.  How dare they interrupt what I was doing to that insolent naive guy from our business group; Ty Leigh, he had no clue I was just using him for his brains, idiota, he truly believed that we could be friends. What a fool, he was a geek there was no way someone as perfect as me would allow someone like him into my group, he had no clue who we were or who our rivals were. He was so f*****g naive, he didn’t even see it coming when I turned around and told him I was never his friend and I was using him to get good grades, fool he didn’t even try to protect him and fight back when we began to beat the shot out off him. Then Orlando, Daniel and their posey just had to show up and go in over protective mode, they were our biggest rivals. We were both English Mafia, we had many run ins in the past but this one was different they took out some of my bed men and for that I vowed I’d get revenge on them and tonight was that night I was planning on killing him out right for the loss of my brother and cousin and I’d make sure his brother was a target too. I looked at all my men. ‘You  all know why you are here?’ ‘Yes boss.’ ‘Tonight we are taking down the Green’s our biggest rivals they  have a shipment of drugs and firearms coming in we are heading down to the warehouse where the drop off will take place and make sure we get that shipment and take their men out. Are we clear?’ ‘Yes boss.’ ‘Good, Orlando and Daniel Green are mine, do you understand?’ ‘Yes boss.’ ‘Let’s go.’ They all nodded and followed me out of the den where all our meetings took place. We got into the off-roaders and headed to the warehouse on the west side on the d**k side where the shipment will take place.  Once we arrived about a half mile from the warehouse we got out of the cars and headed to it by foot. Orlando  I had a real bad feeling about tonight the shipment was due at any time by one of our well known suppliers who both dealt in air rifles and drugs so they’d be dropped off together. ‘Are you okay bro?’  Daniel asked, bringing me out of my thoughts. I looked at him. ‘Yeah I’m fine.’ ‘You don’t look like it.’ ‘I have a really bad feeling bro.’ ‘Me to.’ ‘Are our men stationed all over and ready if anything goes down?’ ‘They are.’ ‘Good.’ The boat pulled in and the ramps came down and the shipment was being unloaded as we heard gunshots. We were all alert as the shipment continued to be brought down to the dropping off bay. The gunshots continued as the last of it was placed down and the ramps were lifted and the boat pulled away. The shots came to a stop. We all looked at the four men who were coming towards us.  They had fire arms and walked like ten men f*****g great the Hemmings that’s all I need.  ‘Good evening Orlando I hope I didn’t ruin your party.’ ‘We’re not having a party.’ ‘You have enough drugs and arms for one.’ ‘Why are you even here Marcus?’ ‘Oh I’m here to take your shipment.’ ‘I don’t f*****g think so.’ ‘Oh I do and you won’t get a chance to retrieve it cause you’ll all be dead before you get a chance. Call it revenge for killing my brother and cousin three years ago.’ ‘You were beating up an innocent kid as I recall who had done nothing to you all he wanted was for you to like him and respect him, which you obviously didn’t.’ ‘I’m too good for people like him.’ ‘Too Gian typical Hemings always think they are better when they are the scum of the earth.’ ‘I’m going after him next and that little b***h of a sister. Maybe her friend too for cavorting with s**t like you.’ My blood was boiling. ‘Now it’s time to end this s**t show for good.’ ‘I couldn’t agree more.’ All of our guns aimed and the bullets flew out of them as the shots were fired. We roles and ducked out of the way shooting many lay dead in a pool of blood. ‘Finlay I get to kill the notorious Orlando Green.’ I heard as the gun was fired and the bullet went through me “shit.” I thought as I pulled the trigger before darkness hit me. Kacey I had a real bad feeling something was going down and something was going to go wrong. I know he left us with his men so we’d be safe, but would he? ‘Where  do you think they are going Kace?’ ‘The gym I guess for a business meeting.’ I lied knowing that was not the full truth. I knew what these guys were but Milly didn’t and I was scared she’d over react and have some kind of panic attack mod she got to know the truth. She was different from me. I wasn’t sure if she’d understand. I’m not even sure if I do. We’d been alone for almost three hours and we were both getting tired watching reruns. The door burst open and we looked up. Daniel looked shocked his face had tuned white I didn’t think he was expecting us to be up after midnight. Though it was quite natural for the both of us on a none school night. We would often do our homework together, have a sleepover tlsk, laugh and watch movies. I looked at Orlando who was slumped in Daniel’s arms and a guy’s I did not know. ‘Oh my god Orlando what the hell happened you're bleeding.’ ‘He’s fine Kasey, we'll patch him up and he’ll be fine.’  ‘Let me help.’ ‘No he’ll  be fine. I’ll just get him to the doctor. He'll be fine Kacey. I nodded knowing not to argue. I knew tonight was a bad idea. I had a really bad gut feeling about it and  I was right. He’d been shot had they been ambushed wherever they were going either on the way or once they were there. I suddenly felt sick knowing this was the life I had agreed to be in and it was unsettling. I looked at Milly and she looked confused wondering why they were both covered in blood. ‘Go to bed.’ he said, sternly not quite sure who he was throwing it at.  ‘I want to stay up to see how he is.’ ‘Not now Kacey let the doc do what he has to do, try and sleep I’ll let you know how he’s doing.’ I nodded. ‘Come on Milly, let's go to our rooms.’ ‘Bu.’ I piled her with me. They looked at each other and they both said they needed to talk. s**t this was going to be one hell of a ride, woudl sheneven stand by him once she knew?  I pulled her up the stairs as Daniel, Orlando and the other guy disappeared out of sight. I knew I wasn’t going to sleep until I knew he was okay, and Milly wouldn’t until she got the answers she needed. ‘What was all that about Kace? Why were they all bloody if they were just going to the gym for a meeting?’ ‘I’ll let you talk to Daniel oaky this isn’t my place to say.’ She nodded and sighed. I know it was frustrating her, but like I said it wasn’t my place.  I let go of her and hugged her. ‘It will all be okay.’ She hugged me back. ‘I hope so.’ ‘It will.’ We dropped our arms from around each other. ‘I’ll see you in the morning okay.’ ‘Okay.’ ‘Night Mil.’ ‘Night Kace.’ We went into our rooms. I closed the door and sighed as a tear fell off my face. I just hoped it wasn’t serious. I lay on the bed staring at the feeling unable to close my eyes unable to sleep knowing he’d been shot.
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