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Kacey Leigh The day at school was short. Milly had six new bruises and tried to fight back. She was learning but not quickly enough. I was happy to see Daniel had spent so much time with her, her confidence was slowly growing and she began to talk back instead of hiding behind me, which is a first. I’m so proud of my best friend. Daniel is wearing off on her. She runs with him every morning and eats healthier and training four nights a week. The weight is slowly coming off. I know she’s doing this for herself, but I also feel she’s doing it for him. She’s tried really hard in the past to lose weight but has failed so many times, but I see it in her eyes she really likes this guy and wants to impress him. I keep telling her she shouldn’t try and impress a guy she likes. If they like her, they shouldn’t want her to change. But she goes all defensive on me. I have to meet up with Orlando after to discuss the “contract”. I’m not even sure why he wants me there. I’m sixteen and nowhere near old enough to teach these kids, but he insists. I need to talk to him about Daniel. Anyway, Milly really likes him and I don’t want her to get too attached to end up with a broken heart. She has no idea what these guys are capable of. I do. They scare me one fail, one Miss judgment and you’re f*****g dead. I walked out of school, Orlando said he’d be waiting for me in the car. Daniel is with Milly as they have training tonight at the club. I’m glad she’s putting her all into this. Those bitches need to be taught a lesson. The black stretch limo is standing outside the school. The door opens and I slide in, closing it. The driver pulled away. “How was school angel?” “Same old, same old.” He nodded. “Are you okay angel?” “I guess.” He guides his soft hand down my face. I shiver. “No you’re not what’s on your mind?” “The contract, everything.” “We’ll discuss the contract once we get to the club. What else is worrying about that pretty little head of yours, angel?” “Milly.” “I see.” He breathed heavily. ‘What’s wrong with Milly, is my brother not taking care of her and doing everything to help her?’ “Yes.” “So what is the problem then? I don’t see one.” “She’s not like me, Orlando.” “I can see that, that’s why Daniel is helping her.” “What does he gain out of all this?” “What do you mean, angel?” “What does he gain by doing this for her?” “Nothing, she needs help and he’s willing to help her.” “Are you sure that is all it is?” “Yes angel. He has nothing to gain from this.” I slumped back. “What’s wrong Angel?” “I just don’t want my friend hurt, that’s all.” “And she won’t be.” “She really likes him, Orlando. I just don’t want her heart broken.” “And it won’t be. My brother likes her.” “So why is he getting her to do all of this if he likes her that much? If he liked her, he should accept who she is, not who she will become.” “And he does, angel. He really likes her, he doesn’t want her to change who she is. But she wants it, so he helps her out. If she didn’t really want this, he wouldn’t’ve offered. Trust me, my brother is not heartless. He was just doing her a favour, she was lacking self-esteem and she hated everything about who she was. He just wants to make her a better version of herself. You’d understand why he was doing this if you grew up with us.” I looked up at him. His eyes seemed sincere. “But that story is for another day.” “Okay.” He leaned forward. “She’ll be fine and if he hurts her I’ll give you permission to snap his neck, okay.” “Okay.” He smiled, pressing his lips on mine, kissing me passionately. “We’re here sir.” He pulled away from me, opening the door. We slipped out and he took my hand. We walked into the club, into his office. “Take a seat Kacey.” I sat on one of the large letter seats as he walked around his desk sitting on the other. “Shall we begin?” I nodded. He pulled out the folder. “Right let’s get down to business.” He opened the folder with two contracts in it.” He pulled out the first. “Right, this first contract goes over what is expected of you as a trainer. You will work three nights a week, gradually going up to five once you leave school. You are only able to train those of your age til you turn twenty-one and you will be able to join me with the younger trainers in the club. You are to partake in two fights per month, which I will help you train for, even though you will be in the ring with those you are training. Once you hit twenty-one you will be working here full time alongside me. Are we clear?” “Yes.” He pushed the contract over to me with a pen to sign. I picked it up by signing the contract. He held out his hand. “Welcome to your new job, Kacey Leigh.” I shook his hand. “Right to the last and most important contract.” I looked at him strangely, my eyebrows c****d. He opened the contract. “This contract bounds you legally to me. Once you turn eighteen, you will move into my home, not just as my lover but as my partner in my business. You are everything I’ve been looking for for a very long time. You have fantastic fighting skills. All we have to do is learn how to shoot. What happens in our business stays in our business. If anything leaks or we find a traitor in our mists, we will not ask questions. They will be shot dead, are we clear?” “Y.. y..yes” “Good. You will be working for me full time once you leave high school.” &I can’t.” “And why is that?” He asked angrily, glaring at me. “I’ve applied for college and I got in.” “I see.” He paused, thinking. “What will you be doing?” “Business management.” He nodded. “Fine you may go, but once your course comes to an end you work for me, are we clear?” “Yes.” I replied, not wanting to anger him anymore. “Excellent. Sign.” He said, pushing the contract towards me. I scribbled my signature unaware that I had signed my life away. “Congratulations angel, you’re now one of us.” He shuck my hand again, pulling me into him. “You best not go against me Kacey Leigh, or you will not like the outcome.” ‘I won’t. I promise.’ He smirked. Pressing his lips on my cheek, “Oh and from now in, don’t make any plans for the weekends, you’re to stay with me understand.” I nodded. “Words Kacey.” “Yes I understand.” “Good girl.” He placed his hand on my chin and lifted it. ‘I’ve never quite met a girl like you, angel. You’ll go far in this world and with me by your side, it won’t be too long. Everyone will fear you too." He moved forward. "We’re in this together angel. I want you to be part of my world. I’m never going to let you go, Angel, and that’s a promise." He said, pressing his lips on mine, kissing me passionately, slipping his tongue in kissing me hungrily. Shit, what have I got myself into?
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