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Milly and Kasey arrived at the club. Milly was unsure whether they should be theirs. They both knew that Ty would be there. He was there practically every night, he’d taught Kasey everything she knew, even that hadn’t made a blind bit of difference. They were still taking shreds out of her though she knew how to protect herself and fight back. Those people were just assholes in sheep’s clothing. Now she was doing something more productive for her best friend, Milly. She’d only gone there to give her moral support. She didn’t know anything about Aidrian or Orlando. Because of that fact, Milly seemed to have been taken back by his good looks and generosity. They walked into the training room. It was twice the size of their school gym. Looking around, they saw Orlando with a bunch of teenagers training them. Milly nudged her. She turned. He looked at her. Oh s**t. “Kacey.” He said before making his way over to her. “Ty.” “What the hell are you doing here?” “We’re here to meet someone.” “Who?” “Daniel, he invited us, well more mil than me.” “You don’t need to be here. I taught you everything you know.” “I know.” “Whose is this Daniel guy? And why have I never heard of him before?” “You probably have.” “Milly, Kacey. Glad you girls could make it.” Fuck s**t, we are in f*****g s**t now! Ty looked at Daniel. “Dan.” “Ty, I didn’t realise you were in tonight.” “I am.” “I’d like you to meet Kacey and Milly.” “I already know them.” ‘“Really.’ “Yeah really she’s my sister.’ He said, pointing to Kacey. ‘And she’s her best friend.” He said, pointing to Milly. Who swallowed. “Now I know where she picked up those moves. They impressed Orlando.” “I see.” “It’s nice to see you again. Maybe we can catch up sometime and go for a drink?” ‘Sure.’ “Come in girls, Orlando knows you’re coming. Later Ty.” ‘Yeah later.’ He gave a look at Kacey to tell her that they needed to talk. She nodded as they walked away. They followed Daniel to where Orlando was training. “Take five guys.” They all sighed and Orlando walked up to them. “I’m surprised you came. You don’t need to be trained.” "I came to give my friend moral support.” He nodded. “You can watch if you think it’s for you, then we can work something out.” She nodded. “I’ll be another hour, then you can tell me what you think.” “Okay.” He smiled, going back over to the group of teenagers to continue with their training. Milly watched amazed. She was getting self-defence lessons at school but this was something else. Even Kacey saw the sparkle in her eyes. The teenagers packed up at the end of training, going for a shower and changing before they were all picked up. Orlando walked over to them, looking at Milly. “So what do you think?” “That was a-may-zing.” “I’m glad you thought so.” He smirked. “So will you be joining us?” ‘I’d love to.’ He smiled. “We’ll have to get all of your measurements to get you kitted up and on a balanced diet. If you are prepared to do that, then we are all good.” “I am.” He smiled. ‘“Daniel will sort out a plan and we’ll be good to go.” “Thanks, thanks so much.” “You’re welcome flower.” He looked at Kacey. “I could teach you more than you already know.” ‘We’ll see.’ “Yes we will.” “We had best go.’’ “How did you get here?” “Walked.” “Unacceptable. Daniel, let them ride with you. I’ll be a while.” “Sure. Come on girls.” They smiled nervously, following Daniel home. Ty looked at them and directly at Kacey “I’ll see you at home.” She nodded. They all walked out of the club, getting into the limo. They dropped Kacey off first. “Night angel, we’ll see you after school tomorrow.” “Okay.” Kacey and Milly hugged. “Text when you get home.” “I will.” “Night Mil. Daniel.” “Night Kacey.” She smiled, waving, closing the door. The limo pulled away and she stepped into the house, closing the door. Daniel looked at Milly. “I’m glad you decided to train. It will do you the world of good.” “Me too.” “I’m glad I get to spend more time with you.” He smiled. She returned his smile. He placed his hand on her face, turning it to him. His eyes sparkled in hers. “I’ll help you every step of the way, if you promise to stick by it and do everything I say.” “I promise.” “I really like you, Mil.” “I like you to.” He smiled, moving forward, pressing his lips on hers, kissing her. Ty closed the door. Kacey jumped. "s**t Ty.” “How the hell do you know them?” “Who?” “The Green’s?” “Orlando pulled me into the car when the gunshots started outside the school after I had a run in with the slut.” “The Hemmings giving you a hard time again?” “What’s new Ty?” “I thought this would stop now. You can take care of yourself.” “Are you kidding? It just fuels them more. They’re worse with Milly than me. The head reckoned we could do with self-defence lessons.” “At a guess he hired the Green brothers?” “Yes.” Her phone pinged. She swiped it open. She smiled. “What is it?” “Milly, she’s just got home.” “What took her so long?” “At a guess they got talking. She feels safe with him.” “Do you know who these guys are, Kacey?” “What do you mean?” “They’re the Mafia, Kayse. They’re dangerous. If you cross them well, you’re f*****g dead.” “So, why did you agree to go for a drink with Daniel then?” I work for him, Kacey, both of them. The club is there where we have an understanding. Please keep safe.” “I will.”
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