Restless (10)

2304 Words

But even if he’d heard Arden say that out loud, Kade would still have been far from relieved. “What I’m trying to say is,” he went on more soberly, “nothing else could come about if a person has no strong desire. You want to help your siblings—of course you do—but as long as they don’t feel a deep need to change anything in their lives, what can you really do on your own? That desire, that resolution, that has to come from them or it means nothing.” Kade paused to make sure he could say the rest properly. “So maybe… instead of alienating them by appearing like you’re only bad-mouthing their mother, you can take her out of the equation and just appeal directly to their emotions. Are there things they want to do or have but can’t talk about? “…If you can identify those and then fan the

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